
My Arcane System

Thomas struggles to enter the prestige academy of the capital. Against all luck, he is somehow bestowed a second chance and passes his entry. Later Thomas finds himself doomed to repeat certain events to prevent their certain outcomes. In hope to change the future, he takes advantage of his wits and smarts to overcome any unseen obstacles tossed his way.

SkyrecLeftya · Fantasy
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38 Chs


Thomas and Corbin found Alex back at the dormitory, laid back in his bed with a sour look on his face.

"I take it your end did not go well?" Corbin carefully treaded.

The instance Corbin said something, Alex jumpkicked himself up and approached the two of them.

"Corbin! Tommy! Glad you guys made it back! Aw man! My day really sucked! But let's not talk about that, man I am starving!" Alex grinned.

It was clear Alex would do his usual thing. Work around the subject and then complain all about it later towards the evening. Corbin and Thomas played along, since both knew Alex had it harder than they did with them being separated.

Thomas cooked them dinner and informed Alex about their party instead. Alex appeared a tad surprise at the event of things.

"So… not only do you have Ashley joining you, but Emily as well? Man I am jealous! Ashley is the exact opposite of Olivia!" Alex complained outright.

"Right?" Corbin smirked to try and rub it in his face some more.

The conversation went on for a while and then finally Alex came around to complain about his party. It was a disaster, Cassie had to calm everyone down. Olivia and Simon were not pleased with having Alex and vice versa. No one understood why the higher ups forced them together.

"Do you think the hierarchy or some other movement set it in motion behind the scenes?" Thomas suggested.

"Yeah most likely… and I have to suffer for it!" Alex agreed immediately.

They talked about the topic some more, but came to two separate conclusions. That either Olivia and Simon were feigning ignorance and the hierarchy did set it up, or perhaps there was a third party involved after all. Afterwards they called it a night and went to bed.

Tuesday and Wednesday were days spent practicing more with the parties. Cassie emphasized the importance of them being prepared to head out at any moment's notice.

Thomas also spent a significant amount of time within the alchemy room.

"I cannot account for any vials possible for Emily… but for the others I can use some accelerants for Earth, Ice and Water, then maybe combine a few…" Thomas prepared a wide range of different ones.

The Arcane System guided him for the different set vials and Thomas studied the alchemy book in his own free time. While preparing the vials, Thomas was reminded how no one had mentioned Emily was a half-elf yet.

"Did they drop the matter?" Thomas checked the final vial before putting it into a smaller pouch by his belt.

He managed to find a pouch that could carry up to thirty vials in the market the other day and decided to purchase it. The academy awarded Thomas and his friends a hefty amount after the incident with Peter to keep it quiet.

"Alright, time to head back for afternoon class and then some more party practice later," Thomas exited the alchemy room and turned off the lights.

Back at class people were waiting for Cassie to arrive. Dennis took this opportunity to walk up to Ashley and strike a conversation.

"Yo Ash, I heard you grouped up with Emily! I hate to break it to you, but she is a dirty half-elf!" Dennis laughed and turned Emily's way with a smirk on his face.

"It is probably best for you to break it off with her and find a new fifth!" Another guy next to Dennis suggested.

Ashley remained quiet and Olivia sat down next to her after overhearing the conversation upon entering the classroom.

"Why? I like Emily, she is cute," Ashley innocently smiled.

"But you heard them, she is a half-elf, Ashley!" Olivia joined in to try and convince her otherwise.

Ashley now turned to face Olivia.

"I think she is cute and a big help to our party. Do you mind staying out of this?" Ashley kept her smile and a chilled aura slowly filled the classroom.

Alex laughed in the back at the end of things.

"Leave it to Ashley!" Alex clapped his desk, laughing uncontrollably while bending forward in tears.

"Yeah, cannot believe they are cousins!" Corbin laughed.

Thomas who was sipping on a drink spurted out his drink, "Cousins?!"

Corbin turned around.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you," Corbin grinned.

It made now more sense, both Ashley and Olivia shared the casual smile with the distant and cold touch underneath it all. Thomas failed to understand one thing. The hierarchy gave Alex crap for being friends with him and Corbin, but Ashley received a free pass?

The only reasonable explanation he could come up with was that Ashley was related to Olivia and that everyone actually liked her compared to Alex and dared not upset her.

Shortly after Ashley stood up for Emily, Cassie finally entered the classroom and told everyone to sit down.

"Reconsider Ash… I am telling you! She will be nothing but trouble!" Dennis warned her as he took his seat.

A stern cold look from Ashley instantly silenced him and Thomas could feel the chill reaching all the way to the back of the classroom.

"Ah poor Dennis… now he has upset Ashley… man he is not going to have a fun time approaching her in the future!" Alex laughed.

"Yeah, consider it lucky that she seems to be on our side for now. You do not want that look to be on you!" Corbin stated.

Thomas nodded. He actually liked Ashley, she was always warm and casual to him and their party. Her friendliness made him forget that she was of upper status during their practices.

"Okay listen up everyone, there has been an emergency and though you guys might not be prepared, all of you will need to head out with your parties starting immediately," Cassie announced.

People whispered in the classroom and there was slight worry.

"More information will be written now on the board, take note which area you should travel and oversee. Do not worry, these are low level spawned rift portals and all of you should be able to deal with them if you come across one," Cassie began drawing on the whiteboard the vital information.

"Remember to be careful once inside of the rift-portals and close them on time," Cassie warned them a final time as people stood up and gathered within their parties.

Alex bid them farewell and good luck. Meanwhile Thomas gulped and everyone in his party stared at him.

"Let's head out, shall we?" Thomas laughed nervously.

It was the first time he would go demon hunting if they came across a rift portal. Thomas only thought at this time was hoping to not come across one, since unknown danger and territory lurked inside them.

Been super tired lately, moving along the plot for the next arc. The idea here is for the main character to encounter a new scenario and dangers ahead.

SkyrecLeftyacreators' thoughts