
My Apex System

In a world were powerful Noble families with the power harness and control a mysterious energy known as Keon. They are able to perform unnatural feats and exhibit control over the masses. Edward, a young teenager who is granted a system after the demise of this mother, is thrusted into a chain of events that might very well determine the fate of the kingdom or the whole world. With the help of this mysterious system, how will he grow to become the strongest and stand on the apex of this world? ___________ Disclaimer: The 'Earth' in this novel is not the same Earth we live on, so do not use common sense for the novel. The world in this book is pure fantasy after all. NOTE: The cover is not mine, credits to the owner.

D_Strike · Fantasy
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7 Chs


A nightmare...This was the only word that could describe what was transpiring. Burning houses and people, slaughtered women and children, people fighting and screaming for their lives. The town wasn't being assaulted by beast, but by men in dull brown leather armor.

As he gazed at the ongoing massacre, anger was the only thing filled Edward as bad memories surged through his mind. While Edward was distracted, a man snuck up from behind as he slashed down diagonally with his short sword, sensing the incoming danger, Edward dodged the sword, moving to the side. Turning around, he kicked the man in the stomach,or he tried. His leg was caught midair and was thrown to the ground.


Edward felt the sharp pain run through him radiating from this back. The man had a huge grin on his face as the held the sword and stared at the boy screaming in pain on the ground, "Die boy" He slashed down again.


Edward threw sand into the man's eyes momentarily blinding him, capitalizing on the opportunity, he kicked him in the leg making him stumble and fall.

Taking up the sword, Edward held it to the man's throat and slit it, all while staring into his eyes with a dark sinister look "I won't make the same mistake again", he muttered with a hoarse voice. The fighting was still ongoing, Edward couldn't afford to ask the man any questions or he might be endangered.

Stashing the sword in his belt, he ran back to the forest, "What's happening, why are they screaming", Emily asked looking at the smoke coming from the town.

"Listen Emily, the town is being attacked, you know that cave by the creek, I want you to hide there".

she nodded "But what about you".

"I'm going to check on mom, I'll be back soon, alright". He put on a brave face trying to ignore the pain causing him. Edward handed over the sword he got from the man to Emily.


Deep in the woods, in front of a cozy looking house, a man could be seen holding a woman by her throat in the air "Tell me the location, Emma, you're wasting my time", he asked in a calm voice, as he squeezed her throat.

"I'll never tell you, you bastard", she replied in a hoarse voice as she spat on his face.


He wiped the saliva off his face before he put his mask back on. He gazed at the middle-aged woman with blood oozing from her nose and mouth. The ground had cracks due to the impact of the woman's weight.

She could feel her ribs crack as she struggled to get up, but before she could, she feels the heel of the man's foot press her head to the ground.


As Edward approached the house, he sees could his mother being stomped on by a man in a dark mask, shrouded in pitch black armor with dual swords attached to this back.

"Mom!", He screamed, as he quickened his pace. Running as fast as he could though the forest.

"No! Ed run away, he's too dangerous!", Emma shouted in a grief voice.

There was no need for her to say it, he could somehow sense it. Even from a distance, Edward could sense the massive oppressive killing intent that dominated the area. He felt like he was being chocked with each step he took getting closer to them, but that wouldn't stop him.

Jumping in the air, he came crushing down with his forearm on the man. But before it could connect, an invisible force hit him,pushed him back so far, he smashed onto a nearby tree. Pain coursed through him as his ribs broke and blood slurped from his mouth.

Ignoring his existence, the man took a dagger and held it to Emma's throat, " I know this is feudal, you were always the stubborn type Emma, but this is your last chance, where's the fragment?, "

"You can kill me, but just let them go", she pleaded.

'I knew this was pointless 'He thought as he sliced through her neck, severing her head from her body with the blood gushing on to his armor and mask. Even with all the blood, the masked man remained unfazed clearly used to it. As he picked up the severed head, he cast his gaze on the young teenager squirming on the ground, who had yet to realize that he had just lost his mother.

Going over to him, he raised him with his short silver hair, showing the decapitated head of the mother. At that moment a lot of emotions run through Edward, from shock to fear and finally...rage, pure unbridled rage.

"Remember this moment boy, remember your helplessness, remember your mother's disfigured face." The man spoke slowly in a deep voice.

"Remember that she died with pain and miserable, tell me, are you angry?", The man asked in an amused tone, practically shoving the decapitated head in Edward's face.

The insufferable pressure around him was no longer there, but Edward felt fear, it was the most fearful he had ever been, but he was also furious, he could feel his blood boiling and his heart racing.

Even after losing so much blood, he was still conscious enough to hear every word of the man.

Witnessing the furious gaze, the young teenager was giving him, he chuckled lightly in amusement.

"Good, if you want revenge, hold on to that feeling, the feeling of rage and weakness, and get stronger. Become stronger than anyone" he said, turning to leave with the severed head.

"I'll kill you; I swear I'll kill you" Edward muttered as his consciousness began to fade.

"I look forward to it, Edward", The man whispered before disappearing.

[Host has been found]

[System integration beginning...]

[System integration complete]

A set of messages, these were the last things Edward saw before he lost consciousness.

Hello, hi. Yeah, shameless author here. I just wanted everyone who is reading my book to know that I appreciate them, and I'll work hard to make the book great.

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