
My Angelic System

Humanity was living peacefully on Earth for millions and millions of years until the day unknown monsters from beyond space invaded them. When humans were about to disappear, some people with abilities came out to the light and shared their knowledge and powers with the world, and together, they managed to push back the invaders during a terrible war that had lasted for years. This war had created many orphans, and among them, Kye had lost everything, even his parents. And the only thing he received from their death was a pale-looking necklace. However, once the necklace finally activated, a system was given to him, and his life changed completely. The system gave him quests to do, and Kye complied. He was getting stronger every time he achieved them, until the day it gave him a weird quest. [You have one day to kill the one who had sinned. If you do not kill, you will die.] ___ The first 20 chap or so looks kinda like MVS, so if you can't stand that, I advise you to don't even begin to read. But if you still want to see how it will change, then you are welcome to read MAS. I'll be glad to have you among my readers ^^. ___ Here's the discord of MAS if you want to join ^^: https://discord.gg/jGRE9ugeyD

Karme · Fantasy
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175 Chs


The days passed by, and Kye continued his journey with the Phoenix, whose name was Rae. Together, they navigated the uncharted territories of Nebula, facing various challenges along the way. It became evident to Kye that Rae was not only a formidable warrior but also a wise and knowledgeable guide.

Well, maybe it was because it was her home, but still, it was amazing.

As they approached the sanctuary of the Phoenixes, hidden amidst Nebula's breathtaking natural wonders, Kye couldn't help but reflect on the incredible journey they had undertaken. He had never expected to come in just a few days. It would have surely taken him weeks, if not months if he were to be alone. And now he had just a day of traveling before finally meeting Ras, or at least soon enough.