
My Alpha Girlfriend (Omegaverse)

Long ago, there existed two genders.. male and female but the differences between outward appearances soon began to decline and humans began to be categorized in three main classifications; Alpha, beta and omega. The alphas being at the top have the highest standing in society and the omegas stand at the lowest. The omegas experience cyclic heats which have long been discriminated against until suppressants came into existence. However, the discrimination still isn't completely nonexistent. Alphas are still preferred over betas and omegas based on their dominant pheromones. Omegas are still looked down upon being the minority class. The fact that omegas experience a cyclic heat which may result in tragic events and violation of the omega is still blamed upon the omega. Especially because omegas have a higher rate of pregnancy despite being man or a woman, they are often maltreated. However sometimes omegas are treated as a special class as well, especially since they are capable of forming a very unique bond of pheromones with an alpha. Such pairs are known as fated pairs. An alpha that has formed a bond with an omega often tends to be possessive and caring towards that omega. This bond is formed with a bite at the nape of the omega's neck. This is also the reason some omegas wear chokers to prevent forming an unwanted bond. Moreover the bite also allows the omega to suppress their heat. In such a world of the upper class alphas, the common class beta and the lower class omega; both men and women are capable of being pregnant...

Yue080 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
110 Chs

Episode 40

((The following chapter contains adult content, proceed at your own risk))

"Coffee?" Aoi extended her hand and as Akio took it, she settled down next to him on the edge of the beach "Have you cooled down Akio san?"

Akio didn't respond, he opened the can and took a sip, using it to warm his hands.

"If you stay here, you might catch a cold" She tried to talk to him nonetheless, she chased him all the way here, there was no way she'd give up on making him talk, more than anything, she understood his heart enough to tell that leaving him alone now wasn't the best option.

Akio simply stared at the clashing waves, the weather wasn't any good either, a storm was pretty much brewing in plain sight.

"When I was little..there was a person I absolutely loved" She started on her own, Akio did get pretty attentive but didn't show much response "Elegant, well mannered, beautiful..that person was perfect in every matter...except that I could only watch him from corner because he belonged to someone else"

 Akio seemed disinterested, there was no need to hear a story he had heard twice, besides that had nothing to do with all of this.

"That person met the cruelest fate...that day when he died, he told me to get out of his sight" She smiled " 'All alphas are monsters', he said, that was the reason, I ran away that day giving him the chance to do what he had been waiting for..but it's just an excuse, I ran away because he was right...I did love him and cared for him but I was an alpha too, I saw him with the same eyes that other alphas did, that's what I hated the most, I am no different than those monsters" She tied her arms around her legs and rested her chin on her knees "You're not wrong in wanting to protect Natsuro kun, Akio san is a good father..."

"All alphas are not monsters" Akio responded finally "not everyone" his eyes turned gentle.

"Yeah but when you say that, you mean Kei, not me" She could tell atleast from the face he made "You used to be more stiff and straight faced but right now I can see all sorts of emotions on your face, he did that to you right?" She faced him "I'm the same, Natsuro has given my dead face and heart alot of emotions too...I feel like I've gotten so talkative too..." She sighed.

"You don't understand" Akio clenched his fists in the sand

"Why don't you try to make me understand Akio san"  She responded.

Akio became silent again but his lips trembled as if he really wanted to say something, he took a deep breath

"You might be thinking you're in love and are ready to fight the world but you don't understand...you're not thinking where you and Natsuro stand in this world, you're not thinking how others around you will react to it, you're not thinking about the future..." Akio tried to word it out but the tension in his mind couldn't equate the words he blurted

"Akio san" Aoi interrupted "Before coming to meet Natsuro kun, I met up with a really amazing woman, Rena san, she's a good lawyer and good person, but most of all...." She smiled a little "She's Kei chan's mother" She said and Akio's eyes widened a bit "Her flight landed in the morning and she's already ready to turn the world upside down"

"What do you mean?"Akio asked really attentive now.

"What I mean is I told her everything" Aoi replied.

"What is she gonna do?" Akio gulped down hard.

"She's preparing to take everything to the court, we're taking down both Kirihara and Himari family" Aoi said without even flinching.

"Your own family too?!" Akio asked

"We're barely family for show, more then their daughter, I was the heir to the Himari family and their wealth" Aoi sounded spiteful "I want the adults to atone for their crimes, even if they are my parents..besides, alphas have had their way long enough, I'm sure this case would set an example, we'll see a change soon enough..if no one wants to take the first step, I will..." she said with an unwavering confidence

"You're taking this on a public stage aren't you?" Akio asked "Do you understand what you're doing is dangerous?"

"Even if I die in the process, I'd have no regrets, If i don't do this I wouldn't be able to face Kei chan in life and Haru chan in afterlife....it's all for Natsuro kun, Haru san, Kei chan, mari chan, Yuki chan...and.." Aoi reached her hand grabbing Akio's hand "And for you Akio san"

Akio seemed surprised "You've gone crazy...this fight is a never ending street.."

"Akio san..before the biological evolution, they said women didn't have equal rights in the past, I don't if it's true or not because that was way in the past but right now men and women are equal in every way possible...i'm sure it happened because someone thought one day that this is not okay and took the first step to show the world what they think and eventually those who shared the thought began to break out of their shells..."

"It doesn't have to be you, you're right that someone must have thought this is wrong and took the first step..but it doesn't have to be you, there's too much risk!" Akio seemed genuinely concerned.

"It has to be me!" Aoi replied sternly "I'm very selfish Akio san, I'd regret if I weren't the one to take the first step, even if it's a step in small city of a small country in the huge world...if it makes a difference....I can forgive myself..."

"What about Natsu?" Akio asked

"I want Natsuro kun to be next to me but that's asking too much..he's my partner and lover, I can't put him in danger, my life resides in him, that's why I'd like to request Akio san to stand by my side and protect the source of my life.." Aoi said

"That's my son you're talking about" Akio said with a twitching brow.

"Forgive me, of course you'd protect him, but I want you by my side too, I want Akio san to accept me" Aoi stood up and bowed down "please!"

"Do I even have a choice here, my son practically told me that it doesn't matter if I approve this or not and you said that yourself too..can I even object? Besides, you've already marked him..I don't have a say" Akio sighed.

"I apologize, I got emotional and stepped out of my bounds there, I shouldn't have said that.!" Aoi kept bowing.

"Stop that, raise you're head, I overreacted too.." Akio looked around, it would be a weird sight if someone was watching a young girl bowing like that infront of an older man so he had to stop her.

"Akio san, I formally ask you to let me date your son! and if possible! take me as your daughter in law in future! I promise to be a faithful lover! I promise to put Natsuro kun as my priority in life! and walk side by side to him through thick and thin! build a present and future together!" Aoi went full commando mode, loudly and robotically declaring everything, freaking Akio out a little.

"Alright alright! Please keep it down!" Akio tried to calm her down but ended up smiling himself after a long while, he was thinking on what Aoi had said, it was crazy and dangerous but it made him think of her in a new light..he just had to trust Natsuro and his instincts on this one....

Omegas were rare compared to Alphas and betas but fated pairs were even rarer, he had not known one himself but if Natsuro did, all he could do was support and trust him through this.


"How dare you come in here b*tch!!" The loud mouthed woman laced with heavy makeup slapped Yuki " My Mari wouldn't be in this state if you hadn't betrayed her you treacherous, ungrateful omega shit!"

"Ma'am, calm down! this is a psychiatric ward, you can't do this!" A nurse tried to stop Mrs Kirihara but she wouldn't budge and kept cursing at Yuki.

Yuki didn't respond, she took the cursing and beating.

"Miss you can't go in there either, we locked the patient because she's unstable and may harm you if you go in" The nurse then turned to Yuki but while she was controlling Mrs Kirihara, Yuki swapped the keys from her and walked away.

It wasn't until late at night that Yuki crept into the ward, walked to Mari's room and unlocked it coming in.

Mari was sitting on the bed facing the high barred window in the wall, watching the moon. Her stomach and arm was bandaged, there were a few bad aids on her face too and one of her eye lid was swollen as if it was punched really hard.

Yuki closed the door behind her and came inside sitting on the ground in Mari's feet, looking up at her with her red swollen eyes from crying too much. Yuki had gotten alot thinner and paler.

Mari placed her hand on the other woman's cheek, Yuki took Mari's hand and kissed it over and over while her eyes teared up again. Mari pulled her face up and licked up the tears from her cheek. Neither had anything to say, their eyes and bodies spoke for themselves.

Mari locked lips with Yuki, swirling her hot tongue with Yuki's, Yuki moved up and sat on Mari's lap tying legs around her waist. Mari kissed the other's neck up till her ears while fondling her chest through the clothing. She eventually took off Yuki's shirt and brassiere, kissing her naked upper body until Yuki's pheromones began to release and caused Mari's alpha anatomy to unfold. The sound of hot breaths and muffled voices echoed the room. Mari laid Yuki back on the bed, she could finally see her face under the barred moonlight in that dark room. Mari's face was still in the dark, she even slipped further away down on Yuki's body and stripped her lower half, kissing her thighs and flapped her tongue at the other woman's privates causing Yuki to tremble and arch her back in arousal. Without even realizing Yuki locked her legs around Mari's neck as if begging for her hot tongue down there desperately but Mari was impatient, she choose to give her fingers instead. Yuki's eyes widened by the sudden insertion and she held back her mouth with both hands whilst twisting and turning because of Mari's movements. Mari took off her lower clothing from under the hospital robe and laid on Yuki's back when she had turned over. She positioned herself and tried to kiss at the back of Yuki's neck but the collar hindered her.

"Why are you wearing that?" Mari said with a dry voice.

Yuki reached her arms and removed it, the nape of her neck already had a quite an old claim mark

"There's no point in wearing that, you already have my mark" Mari said pushing up with a sudden force that almost made Yuki try to wriggle away with teary wide eyes "It's hard to move, relax yourself" Mari whispered.

"We haven't done..in a while.. besides..you told me to wear that..you didn't want to see it, have you forgotten?" Yuki said with a cracking voice while Mari bit at her nape again, over the old mark again and licked up the blood putting turning Yuki over and grabbed her by the jaw.

"Then you do it" Mari said and pulled Yuki up while laying back herself, she completely ignored what the other had asked.

Yuki was surprised being suddenly pulled up like that but when it came to it, she sat up and positioned Mari's member to her entrance, slowly letting her body lower down on it. Eventually Yuki began to straddle up and down upon the other. Mari reached her hands to the other's nubs, pinching and twisting them while she bounced.

"Why now...when you kept distance from me for so long..why now...?" Yuki panted while whispering "Why do we do it now..?"

"It's the last time..." Mari whispered with a faint smile and empty eyes.

Yuki stopped moving "What do you mean last time?" Yuki asked but Mari sat up and kissed Yuki instead, stopping her from asking any more questions and slid fingers down Yuki's spine, entering her fingers to the other entrance as well, pleasuring Yuki from both front and and back making her go crazy with climaxes one after another

'...Haru chan...'

'....I've made you wait long enough....'