
My All-Creation System

You never expect to be the one thrown into the craziness that you see in the stories. At least, that is, until it happens to you. - Vance This is a story about a "normal" guy thrown into another world with an extraordinary power. The power of All Creation. Watch as he uses his power to become extraordinarily powerful, and play around in the multiverse. Follow Vance, and company's, journey through other worlds as he gradually becomes the most powerful being in existence

Xtremejetpack · Fantasy
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137 Chs

Subjugation Quest

Upon reaching the quest board, Vance and the girls looked for what they would do for their next quest. Hope and Jess hoped to be able to rank up soon so they could help Vance out more. The group looked at all of the available quests and discussed.

"I think this time a subjugation quest would be fun." Said Vance who wanted to test out his new skill.

"I support Master's choice." Said Celine.

"Mr. Vance you just want to try out your new skill right?" Said Alice.

"Hehe. Maybe."

"Me and Jess are trained to use the sword and bow, so we can participate in combat at range or up close." Said the energetic Hope.

"Hope is right. Dad didn't want either of us to not know how to fight. He thought it would be useful. Seems like he was right." Said Jess.

"I mean true. Who would've thought the twin princesses would become adventurers."

"Well we only did it for our boyfriend, so basically it's your fault Sir Vance." Said Hope as she snuggled closer to Vance.

"She... Is right you know. We did do it for you Vance." Jess said as she blushed and did the same as Hope.

"I know I know. I'm glad to have you two with me. But can we just focus on picking a quest for now. I really wanna test out my new combat skills. I think it'll be really cool to make my own combat techniques and fighting styles. And since I can have literally any weapon, I'll be proficient with just about everything." Said Vance who had seemingly become very excited.

"Mr. Vance calm down. We need to focus on picking a quest, remember?"

"Ah. Yeah. Right... Well then, I think we should take on a subjugation quest. Hmm. It looks like there is a bandit subjugation quest. Well I think that the final choice should really go to Hope and Jess since it's their first quest. There are other options after all."

"Well to be honest I kinda want to see how we measure up to humans when fighting. Plus there's not really any real danger since even if we get in trouble, Sir Vance will save us. I mean you wouldn't let anyone lay their hands on your women, would you?" Said Hope teasingly.

"You aren't really wrong. I don't like the idea of other guys getting to touch all over you girls. Well, ignoring that for now, what are you girls going to pick?"

"I agree with my sister. I too want to test my combat skills against human opponents. So I think the bandit subjugation will be perfect for us. It will also let you try and test some fighting styles Vance."

"If you girls agree with it then I guess that's the quest we're going to take."

Saying this Vance grabbed the poster with the information and brought it to the counter for Sarah to confirm.