
My Alienic Life In Omniverse(MHA[My Hero Academia] /Omniverse)

A Random dude gets reincarnated in My Hero Academia. As he catches the interest of a certain ROB. Will his life be the same old quiet life or will it be filled with action. What changes will his presence in this world, bring about. It's a multiverse story, with first or main world as mha. Further world's will be selected based on reader's vote. Mc will have gacha option, where he can draw forms or transformations from other fictional verse. There is no limit to whom he can pull, from jerry to TOAA or Scarlett King or Hajun. It can be anyone. Mc is overly overpowered and I have tried to balance the story a bit. At the start his aliens are nerfed a bit but by the start of canon, his transformations are as strong as original or even stronger in some cases. Though some people will be angry about that nerfing of his aliens but i haven't nerfed them like I said earlier, I have just shown him to be powerless against ROB and nothing more. Well many people did consider it as nerfing so I had to mention it. [Omniverse] Start World - My Hero Academia 1st World - Haven't decided, waiting for readers votes. Starting 3 chapters have a lot of gramtical mistakes. They were just rough drafts which I myself have not read and have just uploaded it. The next chapters are fine, I guess. Please bear with me and give it a try. I hope you enjoy reading this novel. I can't tell much about the upload time, as I am busy with my college I will try to upload 2-4 chapters a month. Except starting 1 to 4 chapters, all the chapters have a minimum of 4500 words to 8.5k words in some. Disclaimer *I do not own cover picture, it belongs to its original owner. If you are the owner of the cover picture and want me to remove it, comment in the latest chapter posted. *I do not own or have rights for My Hero Academia as it belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi, Ben 10 as it belongs to Duncan Rouleau(Warner Bros) aka Man of Action and any Marvel element in this show as it belongs to Marvel and thereby Disney. *I own nothing except the Main Protagonist who is an OC and ROB who's also a OC atleast his character design. *If you are the original owner of any elements used in this fanfiction you can contact me if you wish to remove the said elements from this fiction or wish for this novel to be taken down. *This novel is a fanfiction written by me for entertainment purposes and is a non profit fic and under no condition am I monetizing this piece of work and I am under no condition earning anything from this novel.

Vanitas_24 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs



6000 words approx without A/N.

Important Notice:

Very soon, in maybe 10 or 12 chapters I am going to start Omniverse quest arc and if possible end the main story of mha i.e. defeat of the main villain of the mha.

It is a bit different from many multiverse travel fic available here in this app. In this arc, he will be receiving quests with respect to any anime world. There can be multiple quest with respect to one world with different rewards. It can be happening in different or parallel version of that said world or in the same anime world. The quest may be ranging from a full on reincarnation or transmigration to the said anime world or just a short time quest.

So there will be many chances for having many quest in a single anime world without disrupting the canon. The possibilities are limitless with this setting. So we can have different quest in a single anime but in different arc, all without disrupting the story of the anime before Mc's arrival for the quest.

While I do have many ideas related to it, but I would like to hear your ideas regarding this. If you have any idea regarding a quest, drop a comment about it. But let's try having quest related to some of the less famous anime. Who don't have many or any fanfiction of it, present in webnovel atleast. We can have more famous ones also, but they already have a ton of them present in webnovel, like mha, marvel, dc and many other and you might have also read a lot of them.

We will have quest with famous or top anime or fictional stories. It will depend on you guys. I'll just go as you people direct it. Just drop a comment and will go by the order of likes and i will also give priority to those who have commented first. I will have to go by the likes when, I have already started to write the chapter.


Currently Arthur was traveling in a bus to the U.S.J. It's been a couple of days since he started attending his school. In that time he met the main characters of this world. Participated in battle trial and had an uneventful life this week, except for League of Villans breaking into the U.A. and about choosing the class representative.

While Arthur did decline the position for class representative, it resulted in Ida as class representative with Momo becoming vice class representative.

He received two draws from those events. Which he decided to save up to draw later.

'I just hope that my theory is right this time. Let's open it after usj incident. Last time I have opened two draws. Let's if i can get any rare or ultra rare draw this time.'

"Your quirk reminds me of All Might's"








'Well they atleast seem to be enjoying themselves'

[A/N: I have raced through the scenes from main story, as you i am sure you all are familiar with the main story already]


"We're almost there settle down already"


"Amazing, so this is U.S.J"


"Floods, landslides, fires, etc. This is a practical training area I created. To simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters and it's name is THE ULTIMATE SPACE FOR JAMS."

There was space hero, welcoming everyone to USJ.

'What was he even trying to say there'

<Might be some type of pun>

'Well someone is trying to be sarcastic and it is beyond me to understand Japanese jokes. It would have been different matter if it was any normal joke but jokes related to their language is just impossible. I do understand their language and can even speak but this is totally different'

" IT'S SPACE HERO "NO. 13"! "


'They are just as enthusiastic about him as their anime counterparts'

"Wow!! I've always liked No. 13!"

'Midoriya got himself some competition. Though i doubt he even realises it himself'

'All Might is not here just as expected. Now i have to wait till those league of Villans come here'

'Should I just open those draw. It's been a week but I can't just control my desire to open it. My desire to open it is more but I should show restraints. But this is difficult, huhhh!!!'

'Never mind, Let's just open it now Jarvis. We should be done with it till he finishes his speech.'

<I am surprised you could hold it till now>

'I was planning to use Fourarms here, but if i were to get someone intresting , it'll be fun'

'Ohh! The Great ROB, just give me a good one'

'So now Open the Omniverse draw'

<Opening 3rd draw>




<You have acquired>

|Po the Giant Panda|

'Huh! I got Po. So a dragon warrior it is. I got a dragon last week and now a dragon warrior. The world really is full of surprises. Anyway he is strong, so it's fine. This is definitely something that I didn't expect. I am sure this is the courtesy of that ROB. Let's go with the next pull, I am sure this will also be a good one'

'Alright Now, Open the 4th Omniverse draw'

<Opening 4th draw>




<You have acquired>


'A necromancer aka a magic caster it is. The Mc of Overlord anime. A level 100 Overlord type undead. He is definitely a strong and a sort of cheat character in this world. He should also be very strong for this world like Po with his wu-xin hold. So SpongeBob was my only weak pull. But still the characters that I have got till now aren't my strongest form or character. These guys aren't stronger than, what I already have.'

<Keep trying and I am sure you can get even stronger characters>

'Well let's hope for it and there goes all my effort. I ended up drawing the lots. But i did get strong pulls, so it was for the best, I atleast hope it was.'


'What is it Jarvis?'


'Just forget it'

'The lecture seems to be ending now'


"That was awesome"

'I still fail to understand to what exactly was awesome in that boring lecture of his'

"All right first things first..."

'They are here, the league of Villans have made their first appearance'

"Huddle together and don't move"


"Number 13, protect the students"

"What is that? Is this like that training at the entrance exam"

"DON'T MOVE.. Those are real villains"


A smirk played on Arthur's face, all of them were busy while some fearing about their situation and while some were eager to fight the villains.

"WHERE IS HE? We went through all this trouble to get to him."

With the league of villains arrival, Arthur could finally start his performance.

"I wonder if he will show up, if we kill all the kids here"

"Are you one of, All Might's lover?"


Hearing Tomura's, what could be considered as death threat, many of Arthur's classmates were scared. While there were still students like Bakugo and Todoroki who were raring to go fight villains.

"What are you doing Arthur?"

"You'll get killed. Even Mr. Damon isn't here right now"

"It does not matter Momo, I am strong enough handle this fan club of All Might"

"You'll get us killed"

"You all can just run away, if that is what you wish. But i doubt they are going to let you escape"

"Who are you saying to run away, you loser"

"I'll also fight, here with you"

"Not you too Todoroki, Bakugo was enough as it is"

"Arthur don't do anything reckless"

"You all aren't fighting. As a teacher I can't overlook this"

"Yes, sensei is right"

"Well you all are free to do as you please. That villan, you see right there. He dared to threaten me. Do you know the consequences of that action"

"Wait you aren't serious right. Fighting for something like that"

"Well you don't need to worry about it Ayoma. They are just weaklings"

'Well that wasn't great. I messed up the execution part and there goes my good points. Let's try to not mess up next time'

"Listen here, you all aren't going to fight"

'Eraser is already fighting those background villains. I should hurry up'

"Enough with your chit chat. Kurogiri, bring me the head of that insolent bastard"

Despite everyone's warning, Arthur just went ahead with his plan and jumped off the floor.

*Green Flash



"You turned into a Panda. Can't you take this seriously Arthur"

'Never mind, whoever that was'

'Let's see how does a Nomu fair against a dragon warrior. Fourarms could have defeated him but the fight would have prolonged. Now i might as well send him to the next world, let's see if that technique even works here'

"He is the one, Tomura. The shape changer, the one with transformation quirk. But he seems to have changed into a panda, this time"

"So he is the one, the one we should be wary of. Are you now scared of pandas Kurogiri."


"Then don't worry. Kill him you sloths"

"We should still be on our guard Tomura"

"Right right"

'What do I even call myself anyway the Dragon Master, hero or spirit warrior. Nah, Let's just fight, I can think about it later. Well he seems to be agitated. Might be because of what I said earlier and what about being wary about me. I can find about that later anyway'

"So are you All Might's lost lover?"

"It was you. Huhhhhh!!! I want him dead, Kurogiri"

"Control your emotions Tomura"

"What is with those many hands. Perhaps two hands weren't enough for you to jerk off on All Might"

"What!! ? You are dead. I'll make sure to make your death as painful as possible."

"You may try"

Seeing Arthur down here had Aizawa worry for him, but having seen his performance in school till now did calm him. 'But he is still a kid, this isn't time to be a hero. These are real villans, they wouldn't hesitate to kill him and why did he turn into a Panda of all the forms he had, can't he take this seriously. I just hope All Might arrives here as fast as possible'

"Get out of here Arthur"

"Don't worry about me sensei"

While Aizawa was persuading Arthur to leave, similarly Kurogiri was persuading Tomura to not involve himself in this fight.

"You can't go Tomura"

"I am going to turn that bastard to pieces"

"You are to be someone who is going to lead this organisation in the future. Don't involve yourself with menial tasks"

"Fine. But Kill him! I'll reward anyone who brings him to me, dead or alive. But preferably alive."


"You will be rewarded very handsomely but you will have to bring him alive but don't forget that our main target is still All Might"


"You should remember our purpose for coming here, Tomura"

"Fine, but afterwards I'll kill him myself"

"Nah I'm not into boys. So are you done with your flirting"


"Are you?"

"I have changed my mind. I am going to Kill him"

Due to Arthur's provocation and Tomura losing his cool, made Kurogiri stick to him. He couldn't have his master's student go and do anything reckless. While Arthur didn't bother with what's happening above, after he left but he could hear some explosions from time to time.


'Let's get this over with, before that Mister Extra makes his way here'

"What can a Panda do anyway"

"Stay away, he is my kill"

There were a lot of villains, who invaded USJ. Eraser head was fighting with many, but he alone wasn't enough for this task. Even with all the enemies he had defeated and those with whom he was still fighting. They were just a small fraction of villains that had made their way into the USJ.

So when they heard about getting a good reward for killing some kid, who turned into a panda, sounded very tempting. Compared to fighting Erasure head or All Might, whom they had come to kill, who were also Pro heroes. This sounded very easy with some good benefits.

There weren't less amount of villains, rushing towards Arthur the panda, when they heard about it. With their plan about dividing the students in different sectors of the USJ, to kill them failing and leaving everyone in the main hall was definitely not helping those from UA. The life of students were saved or they were saved from the trouble of fighting these villains, albeit unintentionally by Arthur's remark on Tomura.

'That's a lot of them. Should i turn into someone else'

"You are mine"

"This is easy"

'Nah, let's go. Lets teach them a lesson to never underestimate me. No matter the form or alien i have turned into.'

'How do you do it'

'If remember it, it was... Something like this..'

'Yes.. Inner peace'

'hope this works and this mob is definitely not helping me have some peace'

'Peace.. There is no one here. And definitely not a bunch of villains. Who supposedly want to kill me.'

'Let this work'

'Show me your strength Dragon Warrior'

"Silken Moon Touch"


A blue burst of energy was released by Arthur, after he evaded an attack and tapped on the chest of, one of the villain who had rushed towards him. The energy burst covered the whole USJ and everyone present there could see darkness covered the whole dome for a minute there. The whole dome was covered in darkness. All the villains who were rushing towards Arthur, had been blown away and those who weren't were to shocked too move. As those who faced the blunt of the move, they weren't lucky. The force by which they were blown was tremendous.

While majority of them flew out of the dome, while creating holes in the dome, some were still lying in the edges of the dome. But one thing was certain that almost all of them were unconscious. Many were shocked by this development.

Everyone was surprised by it. They would have assumed it to be some illusion, if it weren't for everyone seeing the same thing.

But the situation was different for league of villains. They had come here to kill All Might, who was already way stronger than them. But the only reason they had even banded together was after getting to know about All Might's weakened state. But to their dismay, there was even one more strong hero or student here.

This was a very big blow to their morale. Among all this, it was Tomura and Kurogiri, who were very shocked by this development. It was something they had not expected. They knew about this strong kid joining UA, but for him to strong enough to defeat an army of villains with just a touch, was definitely not something they could have ever expected.

Meanwhile Arthur was very happy with the result.

'They are out huh! The Villains go down the dome, THE VILLAINS go out of the dome. That was a good shot, if I do say so myself. That was expected, but the strength of that technique is really out of the world. Even if they were beings with supernatural powers called quirks, in the end they were still humans.

Po was able to blast an army of thugs, consisting of bulls, tigers, buffalo and other animals. The strength of an average bull is lot more than a human.

If a human were to have the strength of a lion, he would already be the strongest man and we are not talking about bulls. They have the strength to turn over cars, bulldoze through metal gates.

Even the strongest humans without quirk i.e. cannot compare to these animals and Po had blasted them with this technique. But i couldn't get to everyone with that move. Well I can handle them anyway, so it's fine'

Seeing the morale of everyone dropping and the frustration Tomura felt, Kurogiri was worried about their plan.

'It definitely was some impact attack but does not explain that illusion we saw. How could he cover the whole dome in darkness for a second ther. How did he do it' Kurogiri had started to worry about their plan.

No one had moved an inch since Arthur's move. Everyone was too shocked to move.

"Kill him"

Hearing Tomura's command, everyone started to attack once again. After all, he is their ticket to get out of here. This time they attacked him separately, rather then going in a group. But to their disappointment, Arthur managed to beat every villian who rushed towards him. The fight went on some time, using his kung fu arts.

Tomura was feeling the pressure and anger from the humiliation brought by those idiots who just got and we're getting knocked out by a single touch. So despite Kurogiri's warning, Tomura released the Nomu.

"Kill him, Nomu. Kill him! Kill him!"

'He has finally decided to let Nomu fight huh! This is going to be fun'

Upon Tomura's order, Nomu had at last entered the fray.

"There is no need dear anymore, for I'm here"

Everyone turned to the source of the sound to find All Might standing by the entrance.

"All Might!"


"Fine. Nemu kill All Might. As for you all attack and kill everyone, especially that panda there. If you wish to get out of here, kill him fast"

After getting reminded by Kurogiri, Tomura ordered Nomu to attack All Might.

All the while Arthur was just standing there, silently observing the situation progressing. He was knocking out any villain that thought of trying their luck against him, but he didn't interfere with the fight between All Might and Nomu.

'Let me check their strength. I don't want to make a fool out of myself by blindly charging against the Nomu. This is also a good chance to observe All Might's power.'

The fight progressed between All Might and Nomu. It wasn't just All Might's fight that he was observing, there was also Bakugo and Todoroki's fight against villains going on just a few meters away. Even Midoriya was trying to enter the fray. But unlike the canon, Kurogiri doesn't seem to be joining the fight yet atleast. It might be just that he was vary of Arthur and was just ready to escape with Tomura at a moments notice.

'He isn't moving, is he scared of me or what? Well his ability is to only wrap space and nothing more. He doesn't have any offensive abilities, as far as i remember. I am getting bored, just standing here. I watched enough now, let the fun begin'

Kurogiri who was idle till now, showed a reaction after seeing Arthur move.

"Move a bit All Might" hearing his name being called, All Might turned to find "Wait it's a panda".

Seeing the shocked face of All Might, Midoriya responded to All Might "That's Arthur, All Might".

"Is that you Arthur"

"Yes in the flesh"

"But you have transformed into a Panda"

"Well you might not know about it, since you have arrived late but i have already beaten some dozens of villain"

All Might replied all the while fighting with Nomu, without taking a break from his fight.

"He isn't your average villian and you are still a student. I can't let you fight and risk your life"

"Well you aren't in the best of your health either. You are clearly injured but still wish to fight"

"How? How do you know about it?"

"I can see a lot of things. Things beyond human comprehension, while in this form. The mystic world of ours. Now move"


Before All Might could reply, Arthur had already moved in front of him. A stick suddenly materialised in his hands. Just a tap from that seemingly magical stick sent the impenetrable Nomu flying, before he crashed into some villians, crushing them in the process.


All Might and everyone present there were full of questions about the power, he showcased just now. The seemingly all powerful enemy, who was even giving All Might run for his money, had just been sent flying with a tap of a stick by some kid. A kid who had transformed into a Panda.

"How did you do it Arthur?"

"This is possible due to the power of this form"

Seeing his powerful weapon given to him by his sensei, getting flung by that kid, was very frustrating for Tomura. If not for Kurogiri restricting him, be would have joined the battle long ago to teach that brat a lesson. He would have destroyed him.

Even with Kurogiri holding him back, it did not help him. He was fuming with anger"

"Kill them both Nomu"

Seeing Nomu get up, Arthur again got into fighting position. Hearing it's master's command Nomu rushed towards Arthur, as to him or her, Arthur felt more difficult to deal with than All Might. Though Nomu was not intelligent but it still had it's instincts, and according to it's instincts that Panda wasn't to be taken lightly. But to his master's dismay, he was once again hurled away. But this time towards his master.

'He is persistent'

They both had to teleport as to not get squashed by Nomu. Kurogiri could no longer hold his master back. The humiliation was too much for Tomura. As he dived into the battle to crush his foe.

'Let's try this'


All Might sensing the attack coming, tried to warn Arthur and rushed to protect him but Arthur had it under control.

"Blast Punch"

Just as All Might rushed towards him, A portal suddenly opened just behind Arthur and a hand moved towards Arthur, which he dodged by jumping back.

The blast punch was powerful. Even with the shock absorption of Nomu, he couldn't tank the punch powered by chi. A good portion of his body blasted off. He had lost the whole right side of his body till his abdomen, after Arthur's fist connected with Nomu's punch.

'Did I do something wrong, wasn't it supposed to blast his whole body. Well i am not a god, i can't always hope to get hundred percent result'

"How is this possible? You are just a big fat panda"

"I am not just a big fat panda. I'm THE BIG FAT PANDA"


'Was it... That dialogue there feels somewhat familiar'

'How did it work... Is it this way..'






After redirecting Tomura's punch, Arthur tapped four times on Tomura. They looked mystical for all the onlookers, golden sparkles disc shaped ripple forming with the point of contact as their center. After the fourth touch, Tomura fell. He was like a puppet, whose strings got cut.

Kurogiri got agitated seeing Tomura fall. He was worried for him. This made him attack Arthur recklessly.

'He has lost it. Attacking your enemy without a care in the world might have helped you against someone weak or your own strength, but not against someone who can be too overwhelming for you to fight'

Just as Kurogiri also tried to attack him, a golden dragon materialised behind Arthur, which he hurled it towards Kurogiri. The golden dragon passed through Kurogiri's haze like body and moved up.


The amount of pain he felt, when the mystical golden dragon passed through him was unimaginable. He had never in his life felt that amount of pain.

'Ahh! I have to get to Tomura'

As everyone there had been mystified by the golden dragon, they had gained a ray of hope. But seeing Nomu regenerate, squashed all their hope once again.

"You really are persistent"

"Watch out Arthur, Todoroki"

A giant pillar of ice appeared between Arthur and Nomu. He turned towards the direction from where he heard Midoriya's voice.

"What is it Midoriya? I am fighting right now"

"But the Nomu was going to hit you from behind"

"I can protect myself and Todorki, can you remove this ice"


"Never mind that"

"How are you going to defeat him. He can regenerate and even has shock absorption"

"Just you watch"

"What are you going to do? even All Might couldn't defeat him"

'Is this guy an idiot or something. Didn't he see me fight till now or it might be just that he is All Might's devotee. A blind fan indeed'

"Watch out"

"Don't worry, I'll be sending him to after world very soon"

After Nomu broke through the ice, it tried to punch Arthur. But to it and it's master's dismay, the punch did not connect. The golden dragon, moved in on him and wrapped itself around him and flew with him. Only to slam him towards ground. Later it crashed into Nomu.

Nomu was not done yet. Nomu got up and kept on attacking but Arthur kept on defending himself by redirecting all of Nomu's attacks and landing some blows from time to time.

'He is not regenerating, or isn't able to regenerate. The dragon did it's work. The dragon warrior's power is really something. Though not the strongest character out there but he is one flashy character'

"Let's see how do you hold up against this attack"

"Wu-Xi finger hold"

"Any last wishes. Well you can't exactly talk can you. So off you go"

"It disappeared"

But by the time he was done with Nomu, Kurogiri had already left with Tomura.

'I can get to him later'


League of Villains Headquarters:


"Yes Master"

"How did it go?"

"It was a failure"

"So how is he?"

"He is unconscious"

"How did it happen?"

"It was Arthur Stark"

"So he is just as strong as we expected him to be"


"What do you think? Who is stronger him or All Might"

"That is a difficult question master"

"So he is strong enough for you to say that"


"So which transformation did he use?"

"A new one, he turned into a Panda"

"A Panda!"

"He was using some type of magic while in that form"

"Magic? Are you sure about it"

"Yes, it still hurts that attack he used against me. That golden dragon he materialised....."

10 minutes later

"He may be strong but you haven't seen All Might fight in his prime. His quirk may be strong but we can't say for certain, now can we?"


"So he does live upto his name"


"Well he is strong, it is just a rumour and nothing more but according to it, his quirk is strong enough to destroy a whole island. According to it he has a lot of destructive power but it is, just a rumour"

"Is that true?"

"Well he hasn't shown us anything to support that rumour has he?"

"But what about the database or data they must have stored about his quirk in his home. They must have some data about it in Stark.Co"

"Yes. But we don't have the facilities to hack into their database. I doubt anyone in this world can. Not even the ones whose, quirk is related to technology can do it"

"Their security is really strong"

"Yes, but the more data I find on his quirk, the more I want it for myself and it will surely be a dangerous endeavour. So try your best to work towards it and manage Tomura. I can't have him running behind him now. This fight clearly shows that Tomura isn't ready yet"

"Yes Master"

"Be alert and don't let Tomura run after him. He isn't like those other students in his class. Especially his bodyguard, if I am right his quirk isn't as strong as "One for All" but his strength is far more than Mascular and he should be nearly as strong as current All Might."

"Yes Master"



"You were awfully talkative today"

"Can't you tell how excited I am"

"Yes and Its not just you. Even I can't control myself after hearing about his quirk. Just imagine the height I can go to after researching his quirk. He can turn into various creatures but each with their own powers. There are quirks that let you transform into some creatures and each with their different abilities. But here he has different quirks or powers with each different from another.

Even the creatures he turns into don't share any similarities with him or each other. If I were to get my hand on him or his quirk then I am sure we can possibly find the origin of the quirks and that does not mention the various other forms he has. If his quirk works as i think it does then the possibilities it provides us would be incredible. With that quirk and your quirk combined, anything is possible. You can become the god of this world."

"Yes, doctor. With that quirk the possibilities are limitless but it isn't going to be easy and I don't think he can even unlock the true potential of his quirk. That quirk of his is just going to get wasted in his hands. He is just a rich pampered kid, but this task is not going to be easy. But it is just another good quirk in some useless hands."

"Yes, but it is only possible if that quirk works the way we think it works. A quirk which lets you transform into various forms to control the concepts and the laws of this world. It can help break the laws of this universe and also let you manipulate the laws of nature. But that is just a possibility and nothing more. If his quirk works any different then it will all be for nothing"

"Yes but it is still is a strong quirk and it will surely help us make our plans easier. The strength to defeat a Nomu that easily is not something even All Might could do"

"Yes but that quirk really excites me. It may just be my instincts but I really wish to get my hands on that quirk"

"Don't forget our main plan in your pursuit of his quirk, doctor"

"I remember my promise"

'He is an intresting person. To have such an unique quirk is really interesting. Getting my hands on it will be difficult. But no matter, I will take that quirk and in case that it proves to be difficult then i will have to eliminate him. I can't have such an anamoly in the picture. He is someone who could easily ruin my plan, going by his accomplishments. I will also have to find the next "One for All" user while at it. Arthur Stark, a rich kid. Who has a strong quirk with great power and authority. It was your mistake to come to Japan. When I had heard about your quirk, it really excited me. But it was impossible to get to you. But now the situation has changed, maybe.. Just maybe immortality might be possible with your quirk.'

'If what doctor says is right then it let's your change your dna and body structure completely. A feat which is almost impossible to do. Your abilities are mediocre, the ones you have shown but the aspect or working of your quirk, is what that excites me. I can become the god of this quirk world. Thinking about all this, really makes wonder if all the trouble in trying to aquire your quirk will be worth it. I should go for it and incase if his quirk really works as Doctor says, which i doubt it works, then it really will be worth.'

'I can become the invincible god of this world. Huhhh! It is impossible for a quirk like that to exist. It will simply be too powerful, that person will be practically be a god. With such powers he might have already tried to rule the whole world. Not matter the person, carrying such powers will surely corrupt them. Unlike my little brother, who was a kind person, which he clearly is not. Going by his actions till now, I would say he is just a selfish person, who doesn't care much about others as long as it doesn't happen in front of him'


'So they are interested in Omnitrix huh!'

<It seems they are>

While unknowing to them, Arthur had Jarvis hack into their server to spy on them. He had listened in on the whole conversation All for One had with Kurogiri and doctor.

'They would have never imagined, us listening to their conversation like this. They were trying to hack into my server but only to get hacked themselves. You really are a menace for all the hackers out there, Jarvis.'

<It was nothing>

'This is going to change the canon by a lot. Them setting their sights on my quirk is going to change a lot of things. Jarvis get Ultron and others to come here at my home in Japan and keep them on standby'

<Will do>

'I can't let them attack my family now can I. I have to take care of that Nemesis and now this guy. This really is getting out of hand. If the plot is going to change then I might as well change it to suit my needs rather than wait for others to change it.'

The moment Arthur entered Japan, he was making sure to have Jarvis keep an eye on everything related to canon. Making sure, all the major events weren't getting influenced by his presence. He is a nigh omniscient being in this world, losing that advantage is nothing more than a foolish act but since the canon seems to be changing then there is nothing he can do. He can use Alien X, but that will surely affect poorly on his points, putting him at a more disadvantage position then he already is.

'This really is a real world now right. Today's encounter made me realize this point even more. It has been some time but I should save Eri. I don't know about others but I shouldn't wait for the canon and anyway the canon is going to change but i doubt it is going to be anything major. It is just "All for One" coming after me and if I were to not defeat any major characters from the show, it won't change much but it is going to be difficult. Anyway enough thinking for now'

'So did I get my draw, Jarvis'


'Now then, Open the 5th Omniverse draw'

<Opening 5th draw>




<You have acquired>


'Holy moly!'

"An alien it is"

"Did something happen Arthur?"

"It's nothing Damon, I was just thinking about how mother will react to this incident"

'No answer huh!'


After Arthur defeated Nomu, everyone could finally relax as by that time, the other heroes had arrived and had apprehended the Villans. Soon even the police and the media had arrived. There were many people going on and about the incident and there were also many who were trying to get to Arthur.

As the people there didn't know about Arthur's fight, they were just approaching him to take his view on UA and it's security measures and finally about the attack.

But due to Damon, they couldn't get to him. As for police they wished to get his statement on this matter and also wished for him to come to precinct with them. But again due to Damon and Arthurs's powers they couldn't. Especially since they wished to even get data on his quirk and had were asking him to get some test in the name of check up, since he managed to defeat a villain, against whom even All Might had trouble dealing with.

Ant unknown quirk, while Arthur understood their motives and could understand their view on it but it was their way of doing it, was something which he disliked. It's not like he was going to give them the details about his quirk, if they had simply asked him. Not even his parents or any other family members have tried to interrogate him about his quirk.

But a call from their superiors resulted in them withdrawing.

It did anger him and he had an idea as to who was behind that stunt they pulled. Though he was angry, he thought of a way to get back at them. Though it was going to be resulting in lot of work for him but he knew that the end result was going to be worth it. Their faces and their reaction to it would be million times more worth than simply getting his revenge using his family power.

'It won't be long before you receive my present Mr.Nezuko or what was it?'


'Hmm! Nezu and your friends have boarded in, one hell of a ride. You should be careful on whom you make an enemy of.'

--------------------------THE END-----------------------------

Dropping it here incase you have skipped the one above. This is regarding the story and which direction I am going to take it. Also do drop a comment regarding your opinion on making this a harem fic or not.

The number of words I have mentioned above does not include A/N.

Important Notice Regarding the Fic:

Very soon, in maybe 10 or 12 chapters I am going to start Omniverse quest arc and if possible end the main story of mha i.e. defeat of the main villain of the mha.

It's sort of different from many multiverse travel fic available here in this app. In this arc, he will be receiving quests regarding any anime world. There can be multiple quest with respect to one world with different rewards. In happening in different or parallel version of that said world or in the same anime world. The quest may be ranging from a full on reincarnation or transmigration to the said anime world or just a short time quest.

So there will be many chances for having many quest in a single anime world without disrupting the canon. The possibilities are limitless with this setting. So we can have different quest in a single anime but in different arc all without disrupting the story of the anime.

While I do have many ideas related to it, but I would like to hear your ideas regarding this. If you have any idea regarding a quest, drop a comment about it. But let's try having quest related to some of the less famous anime. Who don't have many or any fanfiction of it, present in webnovel atleast. We can have more famous ones also, but they already have a ton of them present in webnovel, like mha, marvel, dc and many other and you might have also read a lot of them.

We will have quest with famous or top anime or fictional stories. It will depend on you guys. I'll just go as you people direct it. Just drop a comment and will go by the order of likes and i will also give priority to those who have commented first. I will have to go by the likes when, I have already started to write the chapter.

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Vanitas_24creators' thoughts