
My adventure in a fantasy world

The story follows two brothers, Cain and Rei, who had been living their lives peacefully..... until on that fateful day, that happened, Strange people from another world descended upon earth, announcing some prophecy and the birth of a hero. To Cain's surprise who witnessed it all first hand, there came a light from his house two days later while he was out to find more clues on the strange people who came on earth, the hero, the younger brother seemed to have been chosen as the one which they had announced about, "Rei you- you are the prophecies hero ?" A life changing moment took place in Cain's eyes, he has been given two options, to stay with his parents at earth or go along with his brother to another world and fight as a warrior beside him to defeat the demon king and bring peace to their world. But surely, every action comes with a consequence which decides your own fate, in Cain's case, it was in a form of karma....a betrayal.

Kirigayasenpai08 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

An exhausting day

" Hm ? Who is this other person you have brought along with the hero Gazef ? "

The emperor asked Gazef,

" He is the older brother of the our hero my lord, I have brought him on the his request as he would have felt lonely otherwise far away from his people and land, I hope it doesn't- "

The emperor then waves Geraz to stop talking and looks at me and says,

" So, you are the older brother of our hero...what is your name, young boy ? "

" It's Cain my lord. "

I said and gave him a quick bow,

" Well we never guessed our hero would bring someone from his family, that too from his own world with him here, I hope you can cooperate with us as we were not informed in advance so we don't really have anything prepared for you. "

Oh….so this is what Geraz was talking about, well it's not like this will be a real pain in the butt for me...yet that is, guess I'll play along with it,

" Yes of course, like Gazef sir said, I'm only here for my brother alone as it wouldn't be right for me to leave him all alone in a whole different place, oh and I don't plan on being a nuisance to you all so you can rest assured my lord, I'll try my best from here on out and hope that I don't become an inconvenience to anyone instead. "

I said to the emperor while looking him in the eye,

" Hah, looks like our hero has quite the interesting brother, Anyway, it's getting a bit late so let's wrap this up, Sir Hero and of course Cain , tomorrow in the morning, be prepared, as hero, you will be meeting your party members, they are people that were recruited from all over the world, though they are all of high-class nobility, they are your comrades so don't be shy or anxious when you meet them. "

" As for you young man, you will be given a room separately from the hero as obviously, you don't have any special roles but you can still come with our hero and meet his comrades too, for now, both of you may go and rest. "

" Yes my lord. "

Rei and I said to the emperor,

" Gazef, you may lead the hero to his room and show him the things as instructed. "

" Yes my lord. " Geraz says and then leads Rei to his room,

" As for you boy, Penelope, you may guide the hero's brother to the guest room in the 2nd castle. "

" Y-Yes my lord. " The girl whom I assume was a maid says and then leads me to the place different from where Rei is staying,

" This is your room Sir hero, here are all the things that you may need for when you are bored, This is a magic bell, the moment you will press this a maid will be at your service right after a few minutes, you may call for them when you are hungry or if you want to visit the library or the training grounds, Is there anything that you wish to ask me ? "

Gazef says and then asks Rei,

" Why…..why was my brother given a room so further than mine ? There is enough space for at least 5 people to sleep on this bed and if that wasn't enough there is a sofa right there too, so why would the emperor send him to a different place ? " Rei asks Gazef,

" ....This is a rule….a rule which applies to everyone despite their relation to the hero, that means you, this room was solely made for you and your comrades, other than them, the emperor and a few maids that will be assigned to you, no one is allowed to enter this place as they please and if they do, they will be punished accordingly which will either be decided by you or the emperor. " Gazef says to Rei,

" …..Is that so huh….fine, but I'm still allowed to go to any rooms and sleep if I wish to do so right ? I'm the hero so if I feel like it, I can use other rooms that are empty right ? " Rei asks Gazef while looking him in the eye waiting for his response,

" Yes of course… that much is allowed even to the hero. "

" Sigh. Whatever, I'm tired so just leave, I wish to rest as I have a lot to think about. "

" Of course, do ring the bell if you want to eat something or need someone, then I will take my leave, have a good rest. " Gazef says and then leaves,

" Urgh- so freaking annoying, I'll just sleep for now I guess…Sigh. I wonder what my brother is doing right now. "


" So you are saying this is my room ? "

I asked the maid in confusion,

" Y- Yes , I apologise in advance for not tidying up the room before but the lord just told us to shift you here so we couldn't do much- " I interrupted her and said,

" Are you a moron ? "

" Heep- I'm sorry I didn't- "

" This place looks so cool, like really ? This is mine ? Hahaha, man, it's been so long since I got to sleep in a bed so big like this, thank you….uhhh….pilluppi ? "

" Pft- pf- Ah… Ahem. It's Penelope my lord, and I'm glad that you liked this room, the emperor doesn't really use this castle as much as this was made generally for foreign guests but seeing how he gave one of the floors to you, he must have taken a liking to you. "

" Right, Penelope....Wait- huh ? What do you mean by one of the floors ? "

I asked Penelope in confusion,

" Hm ? Oh, this whole floor belongs to you, all the rooms here which include a big bathroom, a library, a massage room, a study/work room, a few more rooms which have extra beds and sofa and lastly your own master bedroom, it all belongs to you my lord, I know this isn't much compared to what Sir hero has been given but still. "

[ Author's note - The hero was given a whole side of the castle. ]

" You shouldn't feel down because of this because I swear this on my honour as a maid and on my name, I'll try my best to help you with the- "


" Huh ? What was this noise- "

" Eeeep- my lord ? my lord ? What happened ? "

While Penelope was explaining all this, I couldn't handle the fact that I was given a whole floor for myself with so many rooms and so many things and just fainted on the floor,

" N-Nothing Penelope, don't worry, I'm fine, I am just a bit tired, you know ? I travelled a lot and then just met the emperor so I'm just feeling exhausted from all that, nothing else, Can you help me stand up please ? "

" O-Of course by lord, you don't have to say it twice, how fool I must be to not realise, I am a fail as a maid, I shall commit seppuku- " I interrupted her and said,

" No you are to not do that, you are my maid right ? So I will decide what happens, not you, and my decision will be that you speak comfortably with me, I may be your lord or whatever but in the end I'm just….just the older brother of the hero, that's all, so anyway, be comfortable with me ok Penelope ? "

".....Yes, of course my lord, your wish is my command, now let's…..help….you….Arg- "

Looks like I was a little too heavy for Penelope to help to carry as she injured her back in that process and I had to call for help through the bell that Penelope told me to ring,

After a few moments a few maids arrived and carried Penelope to the nurse room and the head maid apologised to me for any inconvenience she caused as she was still new to the castle,

I then said my bye's to them and laid down on my bed,

" Hehe, Penelope sure is funny as heck huh, though I feel a little bad that she suffered an injury while she was trying to help me. "

Things surely have changed for both me and Rei, there are new faces- new people that I will be meeting, this whole new environment, magic, demon king, other races apart from humans, and the most important part of it all,

My brother being the prophecies hope, the hero of this whole world, He sure have it tough huh, all the thing including the responsibility and stuff, I'm sure he can handle it but still....I hope it doesn't weigh on his mind,

Protecting people, being a inspiration of a sort or starting your journey as a special someone, All of this is too unrealistic yet is actually happening,

I should probably go to sleep now…..my eyes are heavy too, I'll see what's up tomorrow itself...goodnight….Rei.
