
My Accidental Husband Is My Revenge Partner

Anastasia, a young woman abused by her cruel family, faced a bleak future when they forced her to marry Richard, the black sheep of a wealthy family. Meanwhile, her favored younger sister, Michelle, was set to marry Xavier, the elder brother, who was a CEO. However, an error at city hall swapped their marriage certificates, leading Anastasia to marry Xavier, and Michelle to wed Richard. Despite her family's attempts to reverse the mix-up, Anastasia's grandparents transferred all their wealth to her after they died, infuriating her family even more. In a violent confrontation, they beat her until she lost the child she didn't know she was carrying. Anastasia decided to trade her properties for a peaceful life; she was willing to leave and never return but sadly, her family had another plan in mind. They wanted to get rid of her permanently. Miraculously, Anastasia was rescued by Xavier, her accidental husband, who helped her recover. With newfound strength and resources, Anastasia sought vengeance against those who wronged her. As Anastasia and Xavier face their challenges together, their initial marriage of convenience blossoms into a deep and passionate romance. Excerpt; “Life gave you one more chance to live and never return to the Harrison family ever again, but you decided to do the opposite, Anastasia. I’m going to kill you with my bare hands,” Michelle threatened, pulling out the gun she hid in the back of her jeans, pointing it at Anastasia. A flash of thunder lit up the sky, followed by the rain pouring down even heavier. Before Michelle could pull the trigger, Anastasia had already snatched it from her, baffling Michelle. It was a cool trick she learnt from Xavier. Holding Michelle at gunpoint, Anastasia ordered, “Life gave me the chance to live so that I can make your life a living hell, Michelle. Now, move—your hands in the air and don’t make me repeat myself.”

Sour_corn · Urban
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69 Chs

I Will Help You With Your Revenge

Ana lay in her hospital room, pondering who could have had the heart to rescue her. Judging by the fancy interior decor, she guessed it was a VIP room, indicating that her rescuer was someone of significant importance. 

Mark had refused to tell her who it was, which led her to ponder even more. 

Her mind drifted off to her family. Scratch that. Her mortal enemies. She wondered if they already knew she was alive. 

'What if they had sent someone to come and kill me?" she wondered. 

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock coming from the door. 

"That must be the nurse," Ana said out loud. 

Earlier, Mark had informed her that a nurse was going to bring her dinner because apparently, it was already nighttime.

Before Ana could open her mouth to speak, the door swung open, revealing a man who stood at least 210 cm tall. His black hair caught her attention immediately—long, reaching his shoulders, and as dark as the night.

Her blue eyes met his that were as black as midnight. They were already staring back at her. She recognized that face, it was the face of her accidental husband. 

He strode towards her, his movements flowing with effortless elegance. His eyes locked onto hers, holding her gaze until he stopped right in front of her, his jacket draped casually over his arm.

"You finally decided to wake up after wasting six months sleeping?" He questioned, his voice cold and deprived of any kind of emotion. He watched as her eyes widened in surprise.

"Six months?!" Ana exclaimed, hoping he would say he was simply joking but his expression didn't look like one who was. 

'If he's here, that only means that they know I'm alive,' Anastasia thought to herself. 

"What are you doing here?" She questioned him back, her eyes alert. She was ready to bolt out of the room at any moment. 

"Is this your way of telling me thank you for saving you?" He questioned her back, his eyebrows shot up in confusion. 

Anastasia froze stiff, her face etched in disbelief. 

"Why would you save me?" She asked. 

Ana watched as Xavier's eyes darkened at her question. 

"Because you are my wife, is that enough reason?" He asked her, a faint grin stretching on his lips. 

Walking towards the couch that faced the bed, Xavier settled on it and dropped his suit jacket on the other side. 

"You are lucky you didn't die right before I saved you–"

Xavier didn't get the chance to complete his sentence when Ana abruptly interrupted him.

"Didn't you already marry Michelle after our divorce?" She questioned him, confusion evident on her face. "I signed the papers but it was delayed because you were on a business trip," she added. 

"I didn't sign the divorce papers," he responded. 

When Xavier found Anastasia, he immediately took her to Mark, his friend who was a doctor to get her treated. 

After the Harrisons found out that he was back in the city, they immediately wanted him to sign the divorce papers. Stylishly, he asked him about Anastasia and they responded that she signed the divorce papers and traveled, which was a total lie. 

Ever since then, he has not gone to see them to talk about any divorce. Whenever they requested his presence, he would reply he was busy and they didn't dare bother him too much with the fear that they might provoke him. He wanted to hear Anastasia's part of the story. 

Anastasia's eyes widened in shock. "But why?" She asked, curiosity laced in her tone. Since he didn't sign the divorce papers, it only meant they were still husband and wife. That reality made her feel uncomfortable since she didn't want to be connected to either the Wallace or the Harrison family. 

"Because I want you as my wife," Xavier replied, slightly irritated with her questions. 

Since he walked into the room, she had already rained question after question on him. 

Ana was surprised again with his reply. Here she was, internally praying that he would just go and sign the papers so that she would be free but, he wanted her to be his wife. 

Anastasia couldn't help but scoff. 

"I don't want you as my husband, Mr Xavier Wallace. I don't want to be connected to either you or the Harrison family. I just want a peaceful life from you people," she pleaded. 

She believed all her problems would vanish the moment they were out of her sight. 

Unfortunately for her, Xavier doesn't plan to divorce now or shortly. 

The girl in front of him intrigued him the moment he set his eyes on her at the Harrison mansion for the first time. She was timid but he could see the anger in her eyes. Anger she wanted to quench so badly. 

He didn't need to ask her to know that her family wanted to get rid of her. Someone in her state would want revenge but she wanted to run away. 

"Too bad. Once something is mine, I never let it go," he grunted. Ana furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but he didn't bother to explain what his words meant. "I will help you," he suddenly declared, catching her off guard. 

"Help me with what?" She asked, clearly confused. 

"I will help you with your revenge. You know you want revenge, Ana," he called her name for the first time and she felt her skin tingle. "I will help you with your revenge. I will provide you with all the sources you need and all you have to do is tell me everything that happened to you and continue to be my wife," he offered, a mix of assurance and seriousness both evident in his tone. 

She had just escaped death from the hands of her father. Trusting another man, even her rescuer, was unthinkable. Her voice weighed heavily with past pain as she questioned. 

"Why would you want to help me in the first place?"