
Nevermore Academy Pt. 3


In a minor case of déjà vu, Harry finds himself reading a book while a familiar face chokes on his massive fucking bitch breaker of a cock. There's a couple of key differences though, of course. While he does have his legs wrapped around her head and his feet resting on her buttocks, they aren't in a library and Alcina Dimitrescu is not on her hands and knees.

Instead, they're in his bedroom in Nevermore Academy, with the giantess of a vampire laid out prone on a magically extended bed. Meanwhile, Harry sits back against some pillows and reads a book from the Nevermore Academy Library while the Countess-turned-slave fucks her face upon his cock most enthusiastically.

Off to the side, Lavender Brown lays sprawled on the floor, completely out of it and fucked silly already. Meanwhile… a pair of uninvited guests are once more 'observing' the scene, watching as Harry reads and Alcina debases and degrades herself for his pleasure. Bianca and Enid might think that Harry still doesn't know about their presence, but the two couldn't be more wrong in the end. He'd always been aware of them both… all the way from the very start.

Truth be told, his mind wasn't even on the book he was currently 'reading'. He'd already read enough to know that this particular tome, just like every other book in the Nevermore Academy's official library, wouldn't be of any use to him. Not a single one had the information he sought.

Had the Addams Matriarch and Patriarch lied to him? Somehow, Harry didn't think so. Morticia and Gomez were freaks to be sure, but they didn't strike him as liars. At least not in this particular case. No, they HAD donated their entire library… Harry was sure of that. The only question became, where the fuck had all of those books from the Addams Family Library gone?

Oh sure, he'd managed to locate a handful here and there that were clearly from them, but they were tame and boring one and all. None that could assist him on his true purpose here in America… that being the Greengrass Blood Curse. Though as far as 'true purposes' went, Harry was more than willing to let himself get… distracted. And get distracted he had.

Truth was, he could have probably torn through this place and found the answers he was looking for by now. Or at the very least, found out once and for all that the answers he was looking for weren't here. He could have broken Principal Weems upon his cock and made her his toady by this point, but instead he'd let the shapeshifter cower in her office as he had his way with the young women in her school. Weems had yet to do anything to… stop him from his activities, be they night-time or daytime.

Meanwhile, Harry had allowed himself to indulge more than he probably should have. He had continued to hold his lectures and seminars for the students of Nevermore. Part of him enjoyed doling out his knowledge to the boys and girls, but a much larger part of him enjoyed the game he was currently playing with the feisty young women that made Nevermore Academy their home.

Bianca Barclay, for instance, had discovered that deep down inside, she was little more than a horny, needy pain slut. She LIKED being abused. She liked being dominated. She liked being punished like the bad, bad girl she was.

She did everything she could to push Harry's buttons in his lectures. She'd even gone ahead and shortened her skirt more and more, spreading her legs apart while he was trying to teach the class and showing him the glistening pool of pussy juices slowly spreading across her seat. She hadn't worn panties in all that time either, making her constant skirt-shortening more and more of a dangerous endeavor.

All it would take was the wrong little gust of wind and Bianca would find herself exposed to her classmates. She was dangerously close to flashing each and every one of them with every step she took. Though as far as Harry knew, she'd only flashed him so far. Most of the others didn't have any inkling of just what sort of girl Bianca was becoming.

It surprised him that Divina had stayed loyal, especially after Bianca dragged her into this mess and turned out to be such a worthless bitch of a friend. But while Divina was less adventurous then her best friend, she WAS still turning out to be a horny little slut herself. She kept her panties on, but that wasn't saying much when they'd become smaller and smaller, until ultimately she'd given up on wearing conventional panties altogether and these days wore these small see-through slips that could barely even be called thongs.

As for the rest of their Siren Clique… the girls had followed suit. All of Bianca's humiliation and degradation was still taking place behind closed doors, with Harry only disciplining the little bitch when she was in detention with him. So without Divina talking about what the British Professor was doing to the pair of them in detention, none of their little clique knew just how far they both were falling.

Because of this, as far as the sirens were concerned, Bianca was still Queen Bee. This meant that her new fashion sense had been copied and largely picked up by her cohorts, with the whole lot of the female Sirens wearing shorter and shorter skirts to his classes. Not because they were necessarily trying to seduce him, Harry didn't think, but simply because it was what they thought they HAD to do.

Meanwhile, the male Sirens were baffled. Probably because Bianca and Divina were giving such STRONG 'fuck me' signals… but every advance that the boys of the Siren Clique made, every attempt at flirtation or seduction that they tried… was soundly rebuffed. Neither Bianca nor Divina would stray or so much as cozy up to another man while he was around. Rather amusing to be honest, it wasn't as though Harry had laid claim to them officially. And yet… they already belonged to him in their minds, didn't they?

Of course, Bianca didn't know that not only was she slowly transforming into his own personal painslut, but Harry was also keeping an eye out for her. The dark-skinned Siren had insisted on sneaking down to peek through the keyhole of his door every single night since the first… and while she'd been lucky enough not to be discovered that first night, the same couldn't be said for the rests of these nightly peeping sessions of hers.

She was lucky Harry was feeling magnanimous… and maybe just a little possessive despite not officially claiming her as his bitch. He'd used his magic to keep her hidden, even as she knelt out there in the open hallway where anyone COULD have walked past and seen her desperately fingering herself while watching him play with his actual toys.

He'd extended the same courtesy to Enid Sinclair as a matter of course, though unlike Bianca, Enid wasn't nearly as foolish about it. The tasty blonde werewolf was tucked in on the outside of the building, having climbed down from her room's balcony above so she could spy on them through the window. Unless Enid started howling, the risk of HER being discovered is much lower than the risk of Bianca being discovered.

Though admittedly, that caveat is a very real possibility given Enid's… lineage. Still, as far as Harry is concerned, Enid Sinclair is an angel when compared to Bianca and Divina. The blonde werewolf has become more and more of a Professor's Pet as time goes on, doing everything she can to make him happy. In turn, Harry has rewarded her at every junction, further tying her to him. At this point, the poor girl might as well be wearing a collar with his name on it, because even in class, it was incredibly obvious to everyone that she was a teacher's pet… with an emphasis on the word 'pet'.

Perhaps that was why things had escalated recently. Perhaps that was why Harry was here now, fucking the face of his giantess vampire fuck toy while Enid and Bianca both spied on them. As Alcina chokes on his cock, Harry lets out a sigh and finally puts down the book he's reading, reflecting on the events of the last few days that had resulted in him calling the former Countess in for her assistance in the first place.

Put simply… Yoko Tanaka had started acting up more and more recently. Unlike Bianca, Yoko wasn't the leader of the vampire clique. As far as Harry could tell, they didn't have a leader. They were much more segmented, and at times could barely be called a clique, he supposed. They were only really unified by their existence as vampires and their dislike of him.

However, it was HOW that dislike manifested itself that had forced Harry's hand. Most of the vampires in the school were content to just keep their distance and maintain a quiet disdain for Harry and anything that had to do with him. They were threatened by his very presence, so they stayed as far away from him as possible outside of lectures, and during lectures they sat in the back of the class and didn't say a word, even if he addressed one of them directly.

… But something had changed for Yoko Tanaka. Something had turned her distaste and dislike of him into a full-blown hatred. It was no longer a mere natural aversion, but rather something more personal than that.


"What the fuck are you doing cozying up with that wizard, Enid? Don't you know what his kind do to werewolves like you? Before you know it, you'll be his fucking pet complete with collar and leash."

"… Would that be so bad?"


"Look, Yoko… I love you. You're my best friend. But Professor Potter is… he's different. Special."

"You're damn right he's different! He's a fucking wizard! And… there's something more about him too. Something wrong. Enid, you need to stay away from him! You don't know what he's capable of!"

"I don't care what he's capable of, Yoko! I care about what I might be capable of if I stay the course! I really think that keeping Professor Potter happy is helping me get closer and closer to wolfing out!"

"Y-You what? Enid… that… that's no reason to give up your freedom. You can't possibly be willing to let him collar you like… like a dog just so you can wolf out for your family."

"You're my friend, Yoko. But I'll do whatever it takes. So stay out of my way."


… Yeah, something about Yoko's attitude towards him in recent days had become very personal indeed. She was angry at him for something, and all Harry could think of was that it probably had something to do with Enid and his treatment of her. Though that was rather amusing all things considered. Harry had been downright NICE to Enid all the way through, and yet here they were, with Yoko getting all up in arms.

The vampire girl had started acting out more and more, and while Harry hadn't pulled her into detention quite yet… that was only because he was still trying to decide what to do with her. But he'd made his decision. Yoko Tanaka wanted to be a bad girl? She wanted to be naughty? Then he'd discipline her. That said… Yoko was a lynchpin in a lot of ways. She was Enid's best friend as far as Harry knew, so disciplining her in front of the blonde werewolf might just wind up snapping Enid out of whatever sycophancy she'd fallen into with him.

He didn't want to risk ruining his work with Enid, which was why he had yet to take action against Yoko. But with Alcina's arrival, Harry had brought in the big guns as far as vampirism is concerned… literally. Both Enid and Bianca were getting a sneak peek of the plan he was going to implement tomorrow in the form of Alcina. If you wanted to domesticate a vampire, there was no better way to do so then to fight vampire with vampire. Had he not proven that when he'd broken Alcina using her three daughters?

That said… this was also a test for both Enid and Bianca. It didn't really matter if Yoko was warned ahead of time, because the only way for her to escape her fate would be for her to run for the hills. So letting her friends know and seeing if they would 'betray' their adoration for him… well now, that sounded like a very interesting experiment to Harry.

Running his hand through Alcina's hair as she continues to gurgle on his cock while his heels grind into her fat buttocks, Harry smiles. Well aware of their audience, he looks down into his vampire pet's eyes and chuckles darkly.

"I've been having a little… vampire problem of late, pet. The vampires in this school aren't quite like you, but they don't seem to like me very much. However, one in particular has gotten on my last nerve. She'll be joining the other girls in detention tomorrow… and you shall come as well. Your role, of course, will be to teach her a lesson that she'll never forget. Tell me, do you think you can do that?"

Alcina gurgles and nods her head as best she can, causing Harry's smile to widen even further, to Cheshire-esque proportions.

"Good. Very good."

He doesn't say Yoko's name, but he doesn't have to. Enid and Bianca have both gone still at hearing his voice, the two of them not even breathing as they hang off his every word. Pulling his thick, long cock out of Alcina's throat, he moves over the prone giantess of a vampire and proceeds to slam into her ass from above, making her squeal through pillowy lips as he begins to fuck her bowels hard and fast.

At the same time, Harry is surreptitiously 'watching' Bianca and Enid's reactions. They both know exactly who he's talking about. While all of the school's vampires don't like him, only one has actually started actively trying to piss him off over the past few days. And that's Yoko Tanaka.

… Which means both Bianca and Enid now have a choice to make. Do they tell Yoko what's about to happen to her? Do they warn their vampire friend that Harry has literally brought in a bigger, badder vampire to put Yoko in her place? One would think, given the dynamic, that Bianca would be the one most likely to spill the beans. After all, she was the naughty painslut and glutton for punishment who just kept pushing his buttons and coming back for more. But at the same time…

Harry finds it telling that as he begins prone boning Alcina into the bed, Bianca only hesitates for a moment before going right back to helplessly frigging her clit and fingering her cunt. Enid on the other hand… when she stops being frozen, she carefully disengages from the window and makes her way back up to her room and her bed.

It's clear that the blonde is feeling seriously conflicted already. Harry can't help but be amused, wondering what tomorrow will hold. Yes, he was here about the Blood Curse. Yes, he probably could have been more efficient in finding the information that he was after. Harry had already guessed that there was likely some sort of hidden library in Nevermore that had absconded with all of the decent books from the Addams Family Library after it was donated to the Academy. But he hadn't bothered searching it out just yet.

He was having too much fun for that. And he expected tomorrow to be just as fun, all things considered. He was going to find out once and for all whether Enid was a good girl or not, he supposed.


"So then, what exactly do these detentions entail? Not that it matters. You can give me detention all you want, but if you try to have me write lines or anything like that, I'll just ignore you. Because I don't respect you."

Well, if anything Yoko is honest. Harry imagines that the vampire bitch's caustic words are MEANT to make him angry or something, but in reality… he just chuckles, shaking his head in wry amusement at her standoffish attitude. He can't help but be amused… after all, while her words are clearly intended to be upsetting, in reality they expose something that Yoko doesn't even realize. Her ignorance.

Harry's emerald eyes flicker over to both Bianca and Enid to see the two girls averting their gazes. Not because they know that he knows they know… but because they're ashamed of what they found out last night and the plain and simple truth that NEITHER of them tried to warn her. Enid looks the most torn of the two women, but even Bianca can't bear to look in Yoko's direction, especially knowing what's coming for her.

Smiling wickedly, Harry looks Yoko right in her sunglass-covered eyes.

"Oh, I know you don't respect me, Yoko. Likewise… it would seem that these detentions are getting more and more crowded, so I've decided to bring in someone… new to help out a little bit."

Yoko stiffens at that, her lips curling up into a sneer. Before she can speak, however, another voice pipes up, plaintive and whiny.

"I don't even know why I'm here, Professor! I didn't do anything wrong today… d-did I?"

Glancing over at Divina, Harry chuckles in amusement at the Siren's mighty pout. Shaking his head at her, he gives her a grin.

"You didn't actually. You're here for the same reason Enid is here… to help out with these two troublemakers. Specifically, you'll be helping me with Bianca's punishment for today."

Both Divina and Bianca stiffen at that, their eyes widening as they both look at each other. However… after a long moment of staring into one another's eyes, they both relax and look away. Finally, Divina just nods.


Yoko watches this byplay with no small amount of disgust on her face, her nose wrinkling and her lips still curled into that sneer from before.

"Ugh. What is wrong with you lot? Submitting to a wizard of all things? Have you no shame? He doesn't have any power over you. He certainly doesn't have any power over ME. I'm a fucking vampire. Earth's apex predator. I hope you don't think you're going to get me to beg for forgiveness or anything like that Professor Potter, because if you do, you've got another thing coming."

Harry can't help but be amused by Yoko's grandstanding, while all the other girls in the room avert their gaze. Divina because she knows full well what sort of power Harry has over her and Bianca… and Bianca and Enid because THEY know what's in store for Yoko. And yet neither of them told her. Hilarious.

He could have debunked and destroyed Yoko's claims that Vampires were Earth's apex predators with relative ease if he wanted to. If vampires WERE Earth's apex predator, they would rule the fucking world. But humans were in charge for the same reason wizards didn't rule over the muggles. Numbers. There were so many more humans than vampires, just as there were more muggles than wizards.

But Harry doesn't have to debunk Yoko's words. Not when he can turn them against her instead. Chuckling darkly, he raises his hand, watching as the vampire tenses up at the movement. Then… he snaps his fingers.

Yoko looks like she expects something else… but in the end, she can never expect what actually happens. The door to his office opens up and stooping down to step on through, Alcina Dimitrescu enters the room. The giantess of a vampire strides forward as all of the girls look at her, Divina actually surprised while Bianca and Enid both have to feign it.

Though, the latter two don't have to feign it too hard. Sure, they'd seen Alcina the night before, but only laid out on the bed, first with her head trapped between Harry's eyes and then with his cock buried in her fat ass. They'd never seen her like this before, composed and graceful, clad in her signature white dress… and towering over all of them at her full height. The giantess of a vampire is even taller than Principal Weems, which Harry can tell they all notice as they stare at her with wide eyes.

Finally, there's Yoko's reaction. The young vampire girl goes stock-still at Alcina's entrance, her entire body freezing in the presence of an older, more powerful vampire. Yoko outright forgets to breathe for a time, though even for her breed of vampires, that's not too much of a problem. Still, once Alcina finally stands beside Harry, her hands clasped demurely in front of her and her eyes roaming over all of them before settling on Yoko in particular… the vampire girl lets out a shuddering breath and speaks.

"Who… who the fuck are you?"

Alcina looks to him for permission, something Harry gives with a nod and a wave of his hand and something that is NOT lost on any of the girls watching the scene play out. Only once he's given his permission does she turn back to all of them and introduce herself.

"I am Alcina Dimitrescu, formerly Countess of Castle Dimitrescu. Now… now I am but one of Lord Potter's vampire pets."

A jolt goes through each of the young non-humans standing in front of them as Alcina just… says it so casually. Yoko has the most pronounced reaction of course, squawking indignantly as she stomps forward with her hands curled into fists at her sides.

"Y-You are not a vampire! You are-!"

In the span of a moment, faster than any of them can blink, Alcina's hand flashes out and snatches the sunglasses right off of Yoko's face. The giantess out-speeds the younger vampire by a wide margin, with Yoko's reaction coming far too late to stop her eyes from being revealed as Alcina smirks… and crushes the sunglasses in her hand.

"I must admit, in all my hundreds of years of life, I have never encountered racism as a vampire. But then, before my Master came and claimed me, I was something of a homebody. I suppose now that I am seeing the world a bit more thanks to his grace, I should expect new experiences. Still… wearing darkened spectacles indoors? How gauche. And I'm supposed to be the one who's not a real vampire?"

Yoko trembles in response to that, but before she can reply, Alcina lays a hand on the younger woman's shoulder… specifically a clawed hand. Her claws, each as long as a small sword, lay out upon Yoko's shoulder and wrap all the way around her neck as the younger vampire freezes in place. Leaning forward, Alcina whispers in her ear, though everyone in the room hears her.

"Be very careful of your next words, childe of darkness. My Master has given me great… leeway in how I am to discipline you."

"… n-no…"

"Oh yes. This isn't something you get to say no to, girl."

At those words, Harry steps back in for a moment, grinning like the cat who caught the canary now as he claps his hands together loud enough to startle the Nevermore Students and draw their eyes.

"As I said… Alcina here will be disciplining Yoko with Enid's help while I discipline Bianca with Divina's help. Delegation, darlings, is key when dealing with so many naughty little bitches. As such… let's get to it, shall we?"

Of course, before they can split apart properly and get started, Enid squeaks and speaks up.

"P-Professor. I…"

She trails off as he turns a warm but also piercing gaze in her direction. For a long moment, she hesitates, looking between Yoko and him. The young vampire is trying to find someone in her corner, looking between Enid, Divina, and Bianca for help. But the two Sirens won't meet her gaze and Enid… Enid is in too deep at this point it would seem. She'd had a chance to tell Yoko ahead of time. Harry would have labeled her a bad girl if she did and punished her as well, but he also would have respected her decision at the end of the day.

However, instead of warning Yoko what was coming for her, Enid had said nothing. At this point… she wasn't allowed to back out.

"… W-Would it be possible for me to assist you with Bianca instead, Professor?"

Chuckling softly, Harry shakes his head and gives Enid a faux apologetic shrug.

"I'm afraid not, my dear. That said, you've been nothing but a good girl for me. Not like Divina here, who's just starting to earn her way into my good graces… nor like Bianca and Yoko, who have been nothing but naughty. If you wish to leave at any time Enid, you can. You have never actually been assigned detention, nor do you have to attend if you don't want to."

For a long moment, Enid hesitates. Looking between Yoko and Alcina… Bianca and Divina… and between his face and his crotch. It's obvious what the tasty little blonde werewolf wants. The same thing she's always wanted. His big fat cock. But she's not going to get it by leaving right now. She's not going to get what she wants… unless she stays and betrays her friend.

"I-I'll stay…"

Harry just smiles and waves Enid over to where Alcina has Yoko in her clutches. He then leaves the pair of young women in Alcina's very capable claws, having already outlined to the giantess of a vampire their plans for the day. Instead, Harry turns to Bianca and Divina with a wide grin on his face as the two sirens fidget and twitch in anticipation of what he's going to do to them… and what he's likely going to make them do to one another.


"E-Enid! Enid, snap out of it and help me against this damn bitch! Enid!"

Enid flinches, biting her lower lip as she looks anywhere BUT Yoko's eyes. Her best friend has brought this on herself… or at least, that's what Enid keeps telling herself in order to make this all alright. Ever since their conversation a few days ago, Yoko has really had it in for Professor Potter. And Enid… just doesn't understand why.

It shouldn't even matter to Yoko, right? Their friendship and Enid's… relationship with the Professor are two completely separate things. Or at least, they should have been. Yoko had seemed to take it personally the closer Enid got to Professor Potter. As though Enid cozying up to Harry was somehow meant to slight Yoko specifically. It wasn't. Obviously.

But Yoko didn't seem to get that. Not only was their friendship strained, but the other girl was also just… so damn naughty. She was constantly acting up in class, and until last night, Enid had actually started to wonder why Harry had yet to assign Yoko detention. But last night she'd found out. Last night she'd watched from her little window as Harry fucked the woman she now knew to be Alcina Dimitrescu. A woman even taller and larger in every way than the extremely tall Principal Weems. A woman who was, despite Yoko's claims, very much a vampire.

Enid bites her lower lip as she watches Alcina use those massive claws of hers to shred through Yoko's schoolgirl uniform, stripping the younger vampire naked in mere moments. Yoko squawks and squeals at this, trying to fight it, trying to escape… but to no avail. She can't break free of the older vampire's clutches. Alcina is more powerful than her in every way. Stronger and faster too. Yoko doesn't even get a chance to make a break for the door.

Which is just as well because currently Enid is standing between Yoko and the door as Alcina strips her best friend naked with those nasty-looking claws. And if Yoko actually managed to make a break for it… Enid would be expected to stop her. She doesn't want to have to do that. She doesn't want to have to hurt Yoko at all.

B-But Yoko HAS been naughty. She's been a bad, bad girl. Urgh… Enid wished that Harry would punish Yoko personally. If the Professor were the one doing it, then maybe Enid would have an easier time helping him out. But no, he was busy with Bianca and Divina. Bianca's cries fill the other side of the classroom, but Enid isn't even remotely tempted to look over. She only has eyes for Yoko right now, unable to look away as Yoko is stripped out of even her bra and panties, showing off the Asian vampire's entire naked body.

At which point, Alcina discards her own clothing as well, revealing every last inch of her insanely voluptuous, curvaceous, pale form to them. Enid's eyes widen at the giantess' naked body, while Yoko squawks some more, protesting and shaking her head.

"Ugh, I don't want to see that! Get away from me!"

"Heh. Me thinks the girl protests too much. Come, pet. Give me a hug."

Alcina Dimitrescu… one of many of Harry's vampire pets as she'd introduced herself, draws Yoko in further. Yoko still can't stop her and subsequently winds up pinned against Alcina's much larger body, her face buried between those massive tits as Alcina forces her to motorboat her chest.


Yoko's muffled squeals are made incoherent by the giantess' huge breasts, while Enid just stares at the scene, completely frozen in place… until over the top of Yoko's head, Alcina makes eye contact with her.

"… Come here, Ms. Sinclair."

Shivering, Enid slowly does as she's told. She wonders if Alcina will ask her to strip naked next, but the older vampire doesn't do that. Instead, she tilts her head to the side and smiles at her. It's a surprisingly nice smile, Enid reflects faintly as she watches Yoko get smothered.

"My Master has told me a lot about you, Enid. About how much of a good girl you are. Tell me… was he wrong?"

Enid had begun to swell with pride at that second sentence, only to go wide-eyed at the question Alcina had at the end.

"W-What?! No! No, I'm a g-good girl!"

She blushes the moment she says it, feeling some small amount of embarrassment over the words that have just passed from her lips. But she means them all the same. She means every word. Alcina chortles, though before she can speak again, Yoko manages to tear her head out from the older vampire's bosom for a moment, looking at Enid betrayed and incredulously.

"L-Listen to yourself, Enid! This isn't you! The wizard has gotten in your head! We… we have to fight this! We have to go to Principal Weems together and put a stop to this!"

Belatedly Enid realizes that Yoko didn't break free of her own volition, but because Alcina LET her break free. This is incredibly obvious given that she doesn't cut the younger vampire off at any point. She lets Yoko have her chance to try and convince Enid to help her. Perhaps because she knows… she knows Enid won't.

A shiver runs down the blonde's spine and she whimpers again. Yoko and Alcina are like the angel and devil on her shoulders. Except they're both vampires and one is literally twice the size of the other, allowing Alcina to manhandle and wrestle Yoko into submission without much difficulty. Still, Enid feels her friendship with Yoko weighing down on one side of the scale while her relationship with Professor Potter weighs down on the other side.

One has existed much longer than the other, so you'd think it would be an easy win. And yet…

"You should know, Enid. My Master has many pets. He collects them. He collected me and my daughters from our Castle, earning our service through Rite of Conquest. We were not good girls like you in the beginning, however. We were very naughty. You have an opportunity to impress Lord Potter in a way we never could have… by being the Best Girl of all."

Enid twitches. If she'd had a tail at that moment, it would be wagging. If she'd had ears, they would be perked up. As it is, Enid's whole damn body perks up at Alcina's words… something that Yoko doesn't fail to notice.


Slowly looking over at her friend, Enid just shakes her head.

"You don't understand, Yoko… if Principal Weems could stop the Professor, she already would have done it by now. She can't… because she's weak and Professor Potter is strong. She's scared of him… because deep down, I think Principal Weems is a bad girl too…"

Yoko gapes at that, even as Enid steps forward, looking up over her friend's head into Alcina's eyes expectantly. She was going to be Best Girl. No matter what. Smiling back at her, Alcina flexes her claws as she buries Yoko's face back between her pale tits.

"I COULD handle Yoko's punishment myself… but I think it'd be better coming from you, Enid. She would understand just how much she erred if her friend taught her a lesson she'll never forget."

Enid bites her lower lip at that, looking between Alcina's much larger and longer claws… and then her own hands. With just a quick flex of her fingers, her nails elongate. The one visible sign that she's very much a werewolf. Though… if she didn't know any better, she'd say her nails were even longer than they were before. Longer… ever since she met Harry and felt like she was getting closer and closer to wolfing out.

Reaching up, Enid places her nail-claws at the top of Yoko's back, where the struggling and squirming vampire's blemish-free skin begins. Then, with one last encouraging and approving nod from Alcina, she RAKES her claws down Yoko's back, rending her best friend's flesh.


Yoko screams in agony, but it's muffled by Alcina's breasts. This time around, the older vampire isn't letting Yoko pull away. She forces the young woman to motorboat her tits just to survive, even as Enid drags her claws down Yoko's back all the way to her bare-naked buttocks. Her fingers catch in Yoko's ass cheeks for a moment before she pulls them out of her friend's body.

Of course… what would have been a debilitating injury requiring weeks upon weeks of recovery for anyone else… was nothing but a scratch for Yoko. By the time Enid reaches her friend's perky posterior, the rented flesh at the top of her back has already healed up. The vampire barely has a chance to even bleed before her healing factor kicks in.

Enid watches, a little fascinated as Yoko's flesh knits itself back together, not even leaving behind scars while the younger vampire trembles and quivers, trapped in Alcina's embrace. The giantess of a vampire chuckles at Enid's expression, even as she continues to smother Yoko in her chest.

"Go on, Enid. Do it again. Show this little troublemaker what-for. If she's going to learn her place… pain is as good a teacher as any."

Blushing, Enid nods and reaches up to do it again. She rakes her claws down Yoko's back over and over, watching her heal, listening to her squeal. The other girl is clearly feeling it, she's clearly not enjoying it… but then, what's a little pain between friends, right? No pain, no gain. Yoko had brought this on herself by being a naughty, naughty girl. And as a good girl… no, as Harry's Best Girl, it was up to Enid to teach Yoko a lesson she wouldn't soon forget.

One claw at a time.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out H entai-Foundry dot com and Questionable Questing dot com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon. com (slash) Cambrian

Thanks for reading!