
~I didn't sleep a wink 'cause of you

Esmene spent the rest of the night thinking about Alexander and what he had said. 'Would it really be ok?' They hadn't seen eachother for almost 3 years and this was how they met again? They were just like old friends.

Looking in Alexander's direction, she could hardly see him since he had turned the lights off previously. All she could make out was his faint silhouette illuminated by the moon. "Just when did he become so handsome?" she whispered.

As morning approached and the sky outside started to turn blue, Esmene became restless as she had to go to the bathroom. 'Crap!' she silently cursed. She didn't call for a nurse because she didnt want to bother Alexander. Because she couldnt hold it in anymore, Esmene slowly propped herself up on her elbows and began sliding her legs over the side of the bed. Bumping her ankle on the walls of the bed she cried, "Ow! Shoot!" Confirming Alexander was still asleep, she continued to make her way towards the bathroom.

Because of the dark room, Esmene couldn't clearly see where she was going and bumped her left knee into a nearby chair. "SHIT!!" She screamed.

The sound of Esmene screaming immediately woke up Alexander. Rushing over he said, "What happened? Why are you up? Are you ok? Should I call in a doctor or nurse?"

Pouting, Esmene told him, 'Its all your fault! I didn't sleep a wink and had to go to the bathroom! I didn't want to wake you up so I tried to go myself but.... You shouldn't have fallen asleep." Hearing herself, Esmene gasped. She sounded so ridiculous. Cheeks flushed she continued, "Wait, I'm sorry. I sound like a kid."

"Its ok. You can wake me up next time if you want. I'm not going anywhere."

'She is still like a little girl.' he said as he quietly chuckled to himself.

Come to think of it, Alex hadn't left the hospital once that she could think of other than to get food. Why did he care about her so much? Maybe he was loneley.

Carefully pulling Esmene off the floor Alex began to say, "Just say my name, and I'll be there." As he helped her into the bathroom he whispered, "That's what friends do for eachother right?"

Esmene nodded as she closed the bathroom door behind her. 'Was I just friendzoned? More importantly, why am I so upset about being friendzoned...?'

As the weekend neared, the doctors decided Esmene had recovered enough to go home. She was faced with the same question again. Where would she go? Moniques, Alexander's, a motel? Alex's seemed like the best option at the time, but she hadn't seen him in years. She didn't know much about him now, everyone changes. She began to think about the pros and cons for several hours until she could to bring it up with Alex during lunch.

"So, uh, while you were out getting lunch the doctors cleared me to go home..." as Esmene said this her eyes darkened and the sadness in her voice was apparent.

"Oh. Good. So, have you made a choice yet?"

"Maybe. Honestly, I think living with you for a while would be good, but I have to ask about a few things."

"Ok, go ahead."

"I think it would only be right to split the bills, but I don't know if I would be able to for more than a few months. I saved up, but not much and I don't know when I will be able to go back to work."

"I've been thinking about that too....how about this, you don't have to worry about it. You can make a small deposit and we will handle the rest of the money later. After you are able to walk around more, you can do things around the house to help."

"Ok, like what?"

"Cooking, cleaning, more cooking. That is if you are still a good chef!"

"You think my skills could fade that fast huh? You sly beast....What about food and sleeping arrangements?"

"So, I own a restraunt about and hour from here. Actually when I found you, I was going there. On the second floor is where I live. The third is occupied by an old lady. My apartment is a 3 bedroom so you could have your own. As for the food, I usually cook dinner downstairs and I will pay for it. Also, sometimes the old lady upstairs comes to eat with me. But it will have to stop if you do decide to live with me. It might be a little weird."


"Yeah?" he responded.

"One, that's cool. You have no idea how much I always wanted to live above a restraunt."

Actually he did, she told him all the time in college. She was a big part of why he did open up a restraunt. She always encouraged him to do what he wanted because, 'some dont get that opportunity' and he should 'put his talent to good use.'

"Two, are you really that loneley that you eat your dinner with an old lady?" she asked trying to hold in the giggles. It was hard to contain her laughter so she just let it out.

Giving an awkward laugh, he looked at the floor, blushed and replied, "Yeah...."

Talking more about it, made Esmene feel much more comfortable with the idea of living with Alexander for a while. She finally had an answer for him.

"Ok, I have got an answer for you." Esmene said sighing.

Alexander's eyes lit up for a short while, and then returned to normal. He knew the situation was weird and not ideal, but he just couldn't let Esmene go now. He had been trying for so long to even get her to look at him as a man and not just one of the guys. Esmene never understood any hints he ever gave her. She was practically blind to love and romance. Maybe his one sided love wouldn't be so one sided anymore. Alex cringed at his own thoughts, then turned his ears in to listen to Esmene.

She continued, "I don't normally do things like this. But because of the situation, I feel like this is the best option. I still think it's crazy how we got here, but I'll do it. I'll move in with you. But once I am totally healed and can support myself again, I will be out of your hair, ok?"

Alex smiled inwardly. She could never be bothersome to him. Never. "Ok. I'm glad to hear that. Now for the best part. When do you want to get discharged?"

"As soon as possible" she replied. "I cant wait to get out of here. But it wasn't too bad because you were here with me."

Hearing her say that Alex smiled and said, "I'm glad. It was quite interesting being with you. Now let's get you out of here. Shall we?"

"We shall!"

I hope you are enjoying this so far my awesome readers! I know I might not be the best author put there, but I have really been enjoying creating this series for you. The length of it hasn't been decided yet, but I hope you stay.Again, thanks for reading. Bye!

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