
Musician Life (Lyrics)

A youngman full of dreams and hopes of becoming the best singer in the world but with no money no purpose he had to work under a rich man’s factory along with his dreams burried inside his heart. Untill one day he fell in love with his master’s daughter and decided to show his talent soon after he found out about the existance of Music School, later on he received a scholarship in School Of Music he had to go and make his dreams comes true and leave his grandmother working by herself. His advantures including his love for a woman made him lost to his music carrier once, he was heart broken after realising the woman he thought he loved didn’t happen to have a future with him. So he had to struggle back and get back to archieve his dreams that led him to fall in love with an innocent woman who was once considered her as a friend and together he managed to grant his dreams.

milliyfah · Music & Bands
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38 Chs

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Two weeks have passed no letters from Liya Sean was continue his daily task he was bathing the horses and feeding them near the river, it was very quiet he was all alone he finished bathing and feeding them then he returned back to his grandmother they were eating Sean was quiet all along. Clair went beside him

"Miss her already son?"

"Two weeks have passed grandmother she didn't even send me a letter, do you think she has already forgotten about me? Or maybe something bad has happened to her"

"Or maybe you just miss her so much that's all"

"Come on grandmother" Clair started laughing

"Listen my boy if she truly loves you then she will wait for you and if you two are destined to be together then just have faith"
"I don't think she truly loves me or maybe she loves Liam over me"

"My dear one true love happens only once in lifetime. And when it does, no God or Allah can come in it's way."

"Love who is Allah I heard you many times saying that"

"Dear one Allah is the one who created all living things we are all under him, he is the king of everything he watches us daily and because of him we are able to breath until now, He is a God"

"Have you ever seen him before? And if he is God then who is Jesus Christ?"

"There is only one God and that is Allah. Jesus is a messenger of Allah sent to come and fights all the evil that are against Allah"

"So starting today I should believe in Allah too" Clair hugged him

"Just have faith in your God and everything will be alright" Suddenly on the sky they saw a helicopter passing while smoking and it was about to crush, it was on fire going to the mountains.

"Oh God" Sean stood up and left he went to take a horse and started running towards the helicopter very fast, on the helicopter someone was able to jump that person had a parachute he opened it Sean was going towards that person. The helicopter crushed on the mountains and explodes that person reached down it was a man, he fainted and he was badly hurt on the lap he had scratches and wounds on his lap, he had pieces of mirrors stuck on his laps. Sean removed them and he carried him away he left with him. Later that night that man woke up he saw himself on a bed he was covered with bandages he saw an old woman>

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Relax now we are the ones who saved you from that helicopter" She gave him a cup of hot tea

"This will relax your head" That man took it after a while Sean got inside.

"Oh he is awake"

"Who are you?"

"My grandsons Sean he is the one who ran after you and found you down on the mountains, he was the one who brought you here"

"Thank you for saving my life"

"Don't worry sir it's nothing"
"My name is Jason Smith"