
Musical ascent to love

Li Qinyang always had a love for music. First, it was because of her mother's love but then she discovered her own love. The various melodies and harmonies the instruments created, she found it otherworldly. At first, she had considered fully pursuing her instruments, however, an unfortunate event caused her to take another root in life as she furthered one of her other many talents, studying that profession at a foreign country in university for many years hoping to get a degree. How useless that degree seemed to become when another misfortune befalls her as soon as she returns back to her homeland. Mistreatment, is what she suffers, and it leaves her stranded, homeless and without a job. Well, that is until she see's an advertisement poster at an internet cafe giving her a chance to pursue her passion for music once again, but it also gives her a chance to finish and accomplish the dreams her mother was unable to. But... not only that... she was able to find the little boy who consoled her in her time of need when she was younger. She had felt like her whole world was collapsing around her, yet he was able to pull her back from the depths of despair. **** Follow Li Qinyang on her journey of self discovery and her finding her way back to a childhood sweetheart she didn't know she had. There'll be scheming third parties who will try to break her and her love apart, they'll try to stop her from winning, and they'll try to stop her from soaring to the skies. But will she let them stop her? The answer is NO. ---- Author's note about a bit of a boring first chapter and a bit of a slow start ! Hey everyone, Little Sweets here! Now, chapter 1 may be a little bit boring and the start may be a little slow (but not too slow so don't worry), however, it is needed to give a little bit of a backstory on why the female lead embarks on her journey, so please bear with it. Enjoy!

Little_Sweets · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

The 'Welcoming' Party I

Once Li Qinyang arrived at the Li mansion's massive gate entrance, she felt the real nerves start to kick in, a swarm of butterflies in her stomach, and a little bit nauseous all in one.

As the large gates opened, the car went through. Once the car went down the drive way, past all the greenery, and it stopped in front of the big mansion, Li Qinyang could see that there was an entourage of maids waiting. Up front of the entourage, Li Qinyang spotted another familiar face for the day, and this one she could never forget.

It was Housekeeper Su.

Seeing Housekeeper Su, Li Qinyang felt like she could finally take a small breath, act more normal, and let her nerves slightly drift away.

Whilst Li Qinyang had been distracted, Chauffeur Wang had already gotten out of the car and was making his way around to her door.

Once Chauffeur Wang opened the door, he nodded his head at her in encouragement, slightly tilted his lips, and indicated for her to exit the car, before saying respectfully, "Second Miss."

Peering up at the mansion looming ahead of her through the open car door, she reluctantly exited the car after having breif thoughts of fleeing.

Suddenly there was a synchronisation of voices as all of the maids, servants, and Housekeeper Su, who had all been waiting outside just for her, formally greeted Li Qinyang, "Welcome back, Second Miss!" they all said as they did a slow bow of respect.

Witnessing this warm welcome from the staff, some staff more recognisable than others, she smiled gratefully at all of them before calling out, "Aunty Su, how have you been?"

Smiling fondly at the woman, no longer a little girl, Housekeeper Su couldn't have been more happier at seeing her healthy, happy, and safe in front of her. Especially since Li Qinyang had been abroad for so many years without anyone whether friends or family to back or support her.

"Nevermind about me, i'm old now anyway. How have you been? Things must have been hard on your own for so long, my dear child. You've made me worry,"

"Not at all Aunty Su, i've made many friends over the years who have supported me. I've been fine on my own," Li Qinyang hoped to put Housekeeper Su's mind at rest as she felt guilty for making the older woman worry about her. She felt guilty for not considering her feelings, when Housekeeper Su had been there to watch her grow up and take care of her alongside her mother. Thinking of her mother, the back of Li Qinyan's eyes began to burn. She cared about and respected Housekeeper Su.

"Come, my dear child. Let's not dwell on this anymore," Housekeeper Su encouraged, recognising the guilt in Li Qinyang's eyes and through her words. The silly child must not have understood that she was teasing her and took her words too seriously, "Let's head inside, where everyone else is waiting,"

Relief that Housekeeper Su didn't blame her, swarmed through Li Qinyang, "Okay, let's go inside then."

Once they entered the large foyer, the entourage following along, Li Qinyang noticed that there was a hustle and bustle of workers in the mansion.

Li Qinyang wondered why everyone was so busy? Was there some sort of special occasion? She was truly bewildered as to why everyone looked so busy.

Is this because of her return? She thought of the possibility. Not possible she thought to herself, remembering her father's lack of enthusiasm over her going abroad and her defiance against his wishes. Could he finally understand her reasons behind doing what she did, which was wanting to make him proud? Why couldn't he see that, she thought dejectedly to herself?

Li Qinyang thoughts surprised her. She thought she had given up on hoping for her father's approval and would take it as it is once she returned back here, to Country K. Yet, here she was still hoping against all odds. She was never fully sure of her father's thoughts, over the years her father's mind seemed to go from accepting the situation to not accepting it.

She guessed it was time to find out whether or not he accepted.

"Aunty Su, why does everyone seem so busy?"

"Come, let's find out," Li Qinyang wondered why Housekeeper Su wouldn't tell her now. Why was everyone being so vague recently?

Nevertheless, Li Qinyang followed Housekeeper Su further into the mansion toward the direction of the great room.


"Father, she should be here soon," Li Ching informed Li He, "One of the maids just informed me that the car I had sent to pick her up from the airport, has arrived outside of the mansion,"

"Hmmm," Li He hummed under his breath seeming nonchalant. However, his gaze slightly darkened.

"I just hope that she understands the situation," Li Ching said seemingly hesitant. However, there was a malicious glint in her eyes.

"Well," Li He said, "she will have to accept it today. I gave her a say in the matter, and she didn't want to cooperate,"

"She can't blame me," he continued on righteously.

"Okay," Li Ching said whilst seeming almost reluctant despite the ghost of a smile hidden on her face.

"Yangyang is here?" someone mumbled to themselves from another corner of the room. It was Chen Wenyan. He seemed too excited to see the other woman considering that today was supposed to be a special day, for he was supposed to become 'attached' to another today. The news would soon spread .


Just as Li Qinyang and Housekeeper Su rounded the corner towards the entrance of the great room, a maid came out of almost nowhere. They almost crashed into Li Qinyang which caused them to come to an abrupt halt to avoid the collision. Unfortunately, the too soon of a stop caused the drinks that were on the tray that the maid was holding to all spill down the front of Li Qinyang's clothes.

"Oh no, i'm so sorry, miss," the maid cried out sounding genuinely apologetic. She seemed to be absolutely frightened of the repercussions that this may have caused her.

Li Qinyang sighed as she stared down at her now ruined outfit. It felt sticky against her body and uncomfortable.

Housekeeper Su knew that Li Qinyang must have already been nervous enough just returning home, without the need of this commotion. She felt guilty that one of the workers under her caused this as she began to scold the clumsy maid, "Do you not know how to watch where you're going? Do you have two left feet? Have you not been trained properly?" The questions continued to be fired one after the other.

Li Qinyang being the too nice of a person that she was sometimes, thought that the maid had been scolded enough.

"Alright Aunty Su, I think that the maid has been scolded enough by you," Li Qinyang commented in a light tone.

Seeing Li Qinyang being too soft-hearted, there was nothing that Housekeeper Su could do but sigh helplessly, "Okay, I won't continue to scold her anymore since you seem to have forgiven her,"

"Mhmm," Li Qinyang agreed as she saw Housekeeper Su wave the maid back off to the kitchen to get the cleaning equipment to clean the mess up off of the floor.

Unbeknown to Li Qinyang and Housekeeper Su the maid had an especially scheming smile all over her face as she left the vicinity.


In a secluded area outside of the great room.

"Have you completed your task?" someone asked the maid.

"Yes, Madam. The Second Miss will definitely have to change her clothes, delaying time,"

"Good. Just wait for your reward," Ning Chu said satisfied.

"Thank you, Madam," the maid happily but queitly exclaimed still aware that they were supposed to be hidden in privacy.

After the conversation, the maid silently left to go and clean up the mess in the hallway.

Ning Chu stood in the secluded area for a while longer feeling smug that her plan for Li Qinyang to be late to the gathering in the great room which would further anger her father had worked.

Sighing contentedly, Ning Chu returned to the great room, smiling to herself.

However, what she didn't notice was that someone else had overheard her conversation to the maid and had saw what happened in the hallway.


"Child, you should go ahead up to your room and change quickly. You must feel uncomfortable in those wet clothes," Housekeeper Su said to Li Qinyang.

"Okay, i'll be right back" Li Qinyang agreed and quickly left, wandering up the grand staircase to her old bedroom.

She felt reminiscent after seeing all of her teenage accessories laid out on her old vanity table, what used to be her favourite idol groups posters decorating her walls, and her old outfits hanging in her walk-in closet. Li Qinyang knew she was still very young but seeing all of her old things she felt that she was even more youthful back then and free of all other external worries. Well, maybe not all because even through her youth she had memories that haunted her.

Shaking off the memories, Li Qinyang saw her suitcases and backpack that the maids must have already bought up during the commotion in the hallways. She quickly zipped one of the suitcases open and searched for an outfit to wear then she quickly changed. Then, she looked into her mirror that was inside of the walk-in closet to make sure that she was fully presentable. She decided that her hair could use a brush. Exiting the walk in closet, she walked to her vanity table where she could see one of her old pink brushes that still had some good use to it. She picked it up and quickly brushed her hair. Once silky smooth, she decided that it was best she made her way back downstairs.

However, before she could even make it to the door, someone else entered unannounced, making her stop her footsteps, as they closed the door queitly behind them.