
Mushoku Tensei: Artorius

A man from our world dies and then finds himself reborn in the world of Mushoku Tensei as the younger twin brother of Rudeus Greyrat. Follow his adventures as he journeys through the world filled with demons, magic, monsters, and gods. MC will have the appearance and abilities of Arthur Pendragon (Proto Saber) from the Fate Franchise -Natural talent and unparalleled skill with a blade. -Charisma that will draw in comrades, and helps to charm the ladies. -A master of riding and driving any type of transportation. Note: This story will contain several AU elements.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8: Double Pregnancy

A few months after Rudeus and I made friends with Sylphiette Zenith one day announced she was pregnant.

Which brought smiles to everyone's faces.

Then shortly after she did Lilia spoke up and made an announcement that caused those smiles to disappear.

"Excuse me. But I wanted to inform you all I am pregnant as well." She said.

Me, Rudeus, and Zenith then stared at Lilia for several seconds before turning our attention to the only possible candidate for the father of her baby.

Paul, the scumbag.

Having dropped the spoon he was using to eat Paul put a guilty expression on his face.

"Yeah that child. I think it might be mine." Paul spoke.

'No, really.' I sarcastically thought. But didn't voice my thoughts out loud.

Since this was not the time.



The sound, of what looked like a very powerful slap, echoing through the air Zenith gave Paul after he just admitted to fathering Lilia's child was enough to date my satisfaction in seeing Paul suffer.

For now.

But his suffering has only just begun.

Mark my words.


The crackling of the fireplace was the only sound in the entire room as my family and I sat in the dining room of our home.

The temperature in the room itself ice cold, despite the the fire blazing right next to us.

With the source of said cold coming from Zenith, who is currently wearing a blank expression on her face.

And I mean completely blank.

She isn't expressing anger, jealousy, disappointment, or any other emotion at the moment.

All she is doing is wearing a mask of indifference.

Which honestly makes her ten times scarier to me at this very moment than if she was showing some sort of emotion that would relate to this situation. But once more she isn't.

Making the atmosphere even more awkward than it already is.

'Wow. I knew things would be tense but not this tense.,' I thought.

Looks like I underestimated the severity of this situation when I read the light novels an watched the anime.

Making mental note not to do such a thing in the future I paid attention to Zenith as she began to speak.

"So Lilia, what do you plan to do?" She asked.

"I plan to have the child milady." Lilia replied. "Of course I will do not do so here. I intend to return to my hometown and raise the child there."

"I see." Zenith replied.

"Hey now. Let's just-,"

"-Quiet you!" Zenith told Paul sharply when he tried to speak.

When she did so he sunk into his chair like a good little boy and lowered his head.

At least he has some form of common sense.

"Very well Lilia. If that is your decision." Zenith spoke.

Then finally Rudeus spoke up and started working to clean up Paul's mess.

Saying how he didn't want Lilia to leave, and how Paul force himself on her.

When he heard this the man in question became utterly shocked.

"Wait a moment Rudy, just what are you saying?!" Paul asked.

"Father he's just telling the truth." I spoke up. "Don't deny it. After all I saw what you did to Lilia as well." I spoke. Turning everyone's attention to me.

"Oh, did you Arthur?" Zenith asked me.

"I did." I replied. "One night I saw father push Lilia down onto her bed and do what he wanted with her body." I explained.

Lying through my teeth.

Ignoring the heartbroken look Paul is giving me.

Since at the moment I hold not a single ounce of sympathy for this man.

"Art, why are you-"

"-Husband." Zenith spoke in an eerily calm voice. Interrupting Paul. Turning to face him with a smile that didn't even touch her eyes. "Didn't I tell you earlier to be quiet?"

"Yes." Paul replied.

Shutting his mouth once more.

Telling me Zenith has him utterly and completely whipped.

But for a man like Paul it's necessary.

If not the family might end up in another situation like the one we are in right now.

Moving on.

Just like in the original story everything was resolved.

Lilia didn't leave, Zenith accepted the situation, and the three of them even started sleeping together and screaming their lungs out at night.

Then a few months later Norn and Aisha were born.

Putting the double pregnancy incident behind us.

Leaving me to focus all my attention on the next upcoming crisis.

The Metasis event.