
Shu Xiaolou just arrived and already Lin Jin was dragging her into a huge battle.

However, Shu Xiaolou turned out to be strong enough to remain unfazed by that fact. Although she didn't have a pet beast, her spellwork was profound enough. Pulling out her jade hairpin, she tossed it up and the accessory immediately expanded. Like the Ocean Calming Needle, it pinned the blood ghost to the ground. The latter could still counterattack but it couldn't escape nor move anymore.

Shu Xiaolou's effort, or the lack thereof when she restrained the blood ghost struck Lin Jin dumb.

Her skills were unbelievable and her hairpin definitely wasn't normal. It must be some kind of powerful magic tool considering how it was able to stun the blood ghost.

However, that was probably insufficient to subdue the creature.