
Murderer Of Soulmates

Imagine a world, once human kind have evolved, wherein at the age of 18, you will stop aging if you find your soulmate. Imagine you and your soulmate moving in together at age 18, and realizing at the age of 28 that you haven't aged a bit, or that you've spent ages together and haven't even realized it. But then there would be people who would rather reign eternal. Imagine purposefully not finding your soulmate in order to live forever. Griffin Skylark, the school heartthrob who seems to disappear every year and move to a new school, has a big secret. Griffin twists the words of those and finds a way to get off the hook of being tied down. But the only issue is that he still wants to live forever. So there is the solution that he found. Murder. --------------------- Aurora Melena has gone through a lot in her life, leaving her depressed and lonely. She is forced to go to boarding school to be 'fixed', when she just so happens to meet Griffin Skylark. Aurora wants to get life over with, so she can leave and go to a better place, with no intentions of finding her soulmate or becoming immortal. She's scared and doesn't understand the cruel world she's raised in. What are the two to do with different intentions, different worlds, and a different kill rate? And will either of them make it out alive?

DinoLauren · Horror
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


"Griffin!" the redhead screamed with a laugh.

"What?" he responded with a chuckle.

"Put me down!" she yelled through giggles.

He held the girl out of the water by her waist and lifted her higher into the air.

"And why would I do that?" Griffin teased.

"I want to go eat lunch!" she announced with a laugh.

Everything was...


He was perfect. His messy oak brown hair which curled because of his interracial African/American genes. His dark chocolatey skin that always glowed. His hazel green and honey eyes that shined and reflected the light. His bright cheeky smile that was only magnified by his blunt cheekbones. Everything. Perfect.

The gentle ocean breeze, the shining sun, the gentle feeling of the sand, the peacefulness. The couple was all alone, and there was nothing that could keep them from enjoying themselves.

The light waves barely crashed over the tall boy's waist, as they were not powerful at this time of day, especially on the Gulf side of the ocean.

"You know I need to eat my vegan-burger!" the girl declared, crossing her arms childishly.

"Oh hush up!" he yelled, swaying the girl from side to side in his formed arms, "You know I don't support your weird diet! You should eat some meat, then you might actually have some weight on your bones."

She sighed, "Griffin, I know you enjoy your steak, but personally, I cannot let the cows keep not-living like this!"

"They're still going to die, even if you don't eat them." Griffin retorted, "Come on, Vanessa. I promise I'll put you down if you promise to eat some pork chops for dinner. You know I can't cook!"

"Yes, Griffin. Yes, I do know that." Vanessa chuckled, "That's why I make the meals. Besides, it's better for you and the animals."

Griffin moaned in annoyance.

The two always joked around like this. Vanessa always made Griffin eat the vegan food anyway, because there was no other way of him being fed either. Their squabbling might seem a bit off at first, but for them, it was perfect.

Ugh. Too perfect and sappy.

"Fine, 'Ness." Griffin gave in, beginning to loosen his grip on the young freckled girl, "As long as we get to eat food, and you still keep on loving me."

"Of course, my lion." Vanessa said, grabbing his cheeks.

There could have been a storm in the background and those two wouldn't have even known it if they could smile and stare at each other.

Griffin gently set the girl down next to him, and stared into her eyes intently again.

She quickly grabbed his waist and giggled, "Are you going to kiss me or what?"

He laughed a little, and then gently pressed his lips against hers.

The press was as soft as the spring sun, and as amazing as anything ever. It was a light kiss, nothing like what he usually did.

Ugh. Disgusting.

"Alright, lets get inside." Vanessa whispered, pulling back from the sweet kiss, and putting her hands behind her back, "Somebody's getting a little bit of steak tonight!"

"Yes!" Griffin cheered, raising his fist into the air.

They both laughed endearingly, and began to walk back to shore, as the sun began to set behind them.


"Griff!" Vanessa's sweet voice sang, "Dinner's ready!"

She held the two plates, one with steak, the other with a vegan burger.

Her wispy ginger hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and she was wearing a small floral dress that went down to her knees, and draped over her shoulders.

"Griffin?" she called, her voice quivering a little.

It was unusual for the boy not to respond to him being addressed, let alone being addressed with something involving food.

She stood alone in the kitchen, as her boyfriend  had left to take a shower after their long day at the beach.

They were distanced for miles, with no neighbors, so there was no where other than the house or the beach that he could be.

"Griff?" she called again.

She began to walk into the dark corridors of the hall, and set the plates on the table.

The floorboards creaked with every step she took forward into the quiet hallway.



The quiet sound of a clean knife being drawn startled the young girl out of her wits.

But she still stayed silent.

"Griffin Skylar, this'd better be a joke." Vanessa said, her hands shaky, and her lip quivering, "Even so, it's not a funny one."

She grabbed the pen from her pocket and held it out like a weapon.

A shrill screech erupted in the hallways as Vanessa was stabbed to the ground.

And then it was silent, with only a ring in the air.

Griffin Skylar smirked as he removed the knife from the girl's back.

And then his, 2684th, soulmate, was dead.