
multiverses: the beginning of the adventure

Michael Phillips, illegitimate son of the current head of the Phillips family, a major US conglomerate. he decided to take revenge on the family of the wife of his bastard father and the Phillips family for being the cause of the death of his mother and his lover, respectively. once he carried out his revenge, he was surrounded by another family causing his death or so he thought. He was resurrected by a goddess infatuated with him and falling in love with her in the process to later be reincarnated in a world where his new adventure will begin with the aim of becoming strong and forming his own conglomerate in that world. ------- English is not my original language, I hope you can excuse me if there are grammatical errors since I use a translator to translate the texts ----- OBS: This novel is a fanfic so there will be characters from some anime, the story may vary in some characters from the worlds that the MC visits

DarkWolf04 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Information about schools

As they chatted happily and tasted the food that Raku made, Michael remembered that the first task he had had had not been completed, so he decided to ask about the schools or institutes that currently exist.

"Suddenly I remembered something, does anyone know what institutes are in Tokyo currently?" Michael asked.

"Institutes?" Issei said doubtfully.

"Yes, because I and my partners must continue with our studies, we do not know where to register. So I thought about asking if anyone knows about it" said Michael as he looked at the people who were with him.

"It depends on which institutes you want to go to" Adelt replied.

"What do you mean?" Michael said doubtfully.

"There are institutes that specialize in some fields. For example, there are sports institutes. You can learn there, but those institutes put more effort into their sports clubs, be it basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc. But if you want to learn better and have connections with different people with power or entrepreneurs or forming your own company in the future, it would help you to register there "Raku replied since as a student, he knew more about the subject.

"Oh, how interesting" Michael said interested.

"In sports institutes there are the following schools: Seirin, Tōō, Rakuzan, Teiko, Yozen and Shutoku High Schools. Those high schools put more emphasis on their basketball sports teams," Raku explained.

"There are also soccer and volleyball institutes but from what I see they don't attract much attention to you" said Raku looking at Michael.

"Well, soccer or volleyball doesn't attract much attention to me since I'm a basketball fan. But for the moment, I'd rather enroll in an institute that has connections with some people since I want to start my own company" Michael answered with a smile.

"In that case, it would be better if you enrolled in a prestigious institute since there it is possible that you can form relationships with other people of another level" Raku suggested.

Issei and Adelt were surprised by Michael's response as they did not expect him to want to form his own business since with the medical experience he has, it is better that he enroll in a medical institute or that he works in a hospital and can form his own reputation.

Michael felt what perhaps Issei or Adelt thought but he does not want to work in a hospital and he prefers to make a company of what he likes: anime, novels or manga

"Then there are two institutes that you may want to enroll in. First is the Hyakkaou Private Academy, that academy has a lot of history and is also prestigious but I do not recommend you since I heard that this academy is terrible. Not in the case of teaching but that There they are addicted to gambling games and in the event that you lose all your money, you will become a slave to them "Raku said with fear on his face as he felt chills run through his body.

"Hahaha what an interesting institute" laughed Michael.

"The other one is Shuchiin Academy. Unlike the first one, in that school you can get a better education and form relationships with some people since most of them belong to the upper class level." Raku suggested finishing explaining about the two academies.

"Hmm ..." Michael grabbed his chin and began to weigh the pros and cons. "If I enroll in the first one it is possible that I can earn a lot of money since it will be easy for me with the help of the system but there is a possibility that some family or clan that studies there will form a grudge with me" Michael thought in his mind.

"And the second option seems better to me since there I will be able to study quietly and form connections with some people"

"I think I'll go with the second option," Michael said.

"Uff ..." Raku sighed in relief.

"Then you better hurry up" Raku recalled and spoke.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Asked Michael.

"It's just that I just remembered that tomorrow is the entrance exam of that academy" Raku said with concern since he thought that Michael would not have time to study.

"Ah, don't worry. My IQ is 250 so when I get home, I will study the previous exams of that academy since maybe I can find information on the internet" Michael replied with a slight smile.

"Hahaha, I forgot you were a doctor despite your age. You must be very smart" Ise laughed and then looked at her son.

"Compared to my son, although he's also smart at least I wish he could take control of the clan" Issei said with a sigh.

"! I won't! I decided to become a pastry chef or chef. I don't want to take control of the clan" Raku denied.

"I think Raku is right, it is better that you do what you like. Because if you force it, he will have negative effects because he will not put in much effort" suggested Michael supporting Raku.

"Well, I'm old ... It's better for the young to decide their future" Issei sighed again.

"Do not sigh much. It is possible that his son does not want to take control of the clan but who knows if his grandson will in the future" joked Michael trying to improve Mr. Issei's spirits.

"Hahahaha, young Michael is right, Issei" Adelt said supporting his friend.

"I will have to wait for my grandson then. Raku you must quickly find a girlfriend, I wish to see my grandson before going to the grave" said Issei looking at his son.

"Oyaji .." Raku exclaimed blushing and everyone in the room laughed.

"Well it's time for me to retire, my girlfriends may have come home and are waiting for me. If I'm late, they'll punish me" Michael joked, getting up from his seat.

"Visit us again if you have time, sometimes it is boring to be here" said Issei.

"The old man tells the truth. Sometimes I come and we just play shogi and chess" Adelt continued.

"If you have time, I invite you to go out with my friend" Raku suggested.

"Then I'll be rude" Michael nodded and said goodbye to everyone including Ryuu and Claude.


In the room, people watched Michael leave.

"How young, I think he will have a bright future" said Adelt.

"I think so too and I feel that anyone who stands up to him will suffer severe consequences" agreed Issei.

"Why do you say it? Raku asked his father

"Phantom" Issei said seriously.

Hearing that word, they felt the air turn a bit cold and they thought it was his imagination.

"I think Michael is Phantom. Since when Ryuu came back yesterday he told me about the situation." Issei continued.

"Do you think Michael is actually Phantom?" Adelt asked in a serious voice.

"I don't think so, I know. Ryuu came by yesterday and told me everything that happened, including what happened in the room they were in. Even though Michael told Ryuu not to talk about it, he still told me. . " Issei replied.

" It is dangerous?" Raku asked his father with concern.

"He is, but for people who harm his family or break his boundary by making him angry. But for his friends and family, he will treat them sincerely, so I am not concerned rather happy that there is an ally with us and not a enemy "replied Issei improving the atmosphere of the room.

"You are right, from what I observed, that young man will not treat his friends badly" Adelt said with confidence since he could feel that Michael was the type of person who will support his friends in any problem.

"You better form a great friendship with Michael, Raku. Since there is the opportunity for him to support you with your plans in the future" said Issei to his son.

"I know, oyaji" Raku agreed.

As Michael walked towards his house, he did not expect Ryuu to tell Issei about his other identity but if he knew he would not get angry as he felt that they were all good people.