
Showing Off

As I'm about to leave I decided to buy a Telepathic Skill to allow me to know what they're thinking before I leave. Why? Because I wanna know what they all actually think about me and what they wanted.

Akeno 'Damn, I'd let him ravage me ara ara I bet he'd hurt me real good.' She thought whilst licking her lips.


Kiba 'Hopefully he's good enough to help us'

Koneko '*nibble* *nibble*'

Rias 'Shit my plans ruined, now I can't use him and his power!'

Dante being able to read her mind got pissed at this and instantly exploded out.


The OCR members stared in shock and fear at the front of the OCR being completely annihilated and seeing a figure slowly walk towards them with his head cocked sideways. They recognised this figure immediately, it was Dante (Who else?)

"Sorry, did you say something Rias?" He asked in a cocky tone.

Rias: N-n-no

"Ah, so did you think anything?" He asked again with a sly smirk.

'Shit he knows' She thought getting more worried, but that bitch is riding the train too hell!

"Yes, I do" Said Dante whilst smiling in delight. 2 swords appeared radiating a mass amount of dark energy in one, and light in the other.

"It's punishment time" …

???: "What's going on!" Shouted someone in the distance.

I turn around to see around 10 people rushing over here and I can detect their presence as Devils. Must be the student council. Step 1: Get Sona's sister. Step 2: Flirt a lot! Step 3: Make Saji angry ;) Why? Because I can… plus he's an arrogant mudda fucka! Though so am I...

As the student council finally made their way through the debris, they saw the entirety of the OCR building obliterated with only the members left sprawled on the ground looking up at a figure. The student council shifted their gaze upon me and all the girls blushed, even Sona much to my dismay, I mean she's OKAY, but I'm more of a serafall kinda guy.

Saji seeing this instantly became pissed even though he has 2 girls in the council that like him so guess what I'll take the girls that he's so oblivious to see that they possess feelings for him somehow, but not for long.

Thinking about my plans I gained a mischievous grin and began to chuckle in my mind at the funny shit I could do.

???: "What are you doing here Mr Krius?! Did you cause this?" She said pointing a finger at me accusingly.

"I'm sorry er? Name?" Of course, I knew it, but I'm going to toy with them cause I'm a certified dick.

Sona: "My name is Sona, Mr Krius, what happened here?" She said in a neutral tone. You see I like the way she works, kind of like Sirzechs, so they're manageable…

Saji: "HEY, PUNY HUMAN SHE ASKED YOU A QUESTION ANSWER OR ELSE" He said whilst grinning, thinking he is tough shit, and I wasn't having any of it.

"Sona, pleasure to meet you and your peerage, however, keep your dirty pawn in check before I do it myself." I said threateningly with a smile that makes them shudder as a cold sensation tingles on their back.

Sona: "Yes, I am sorry for how my pawn has been acting, however you will not hurt anyone in my peerage so don't make idle threats" She said as she puffed out her chest with pride.

I started laughing and this enraged the members of the council as they thought I hadn't taken their leader seriously which in fairness I hadn't.

Saji: "BASTARD SHOW SOME RESPECT YOU WORTHLESS HUMAN!" He shouted whilst charging at me with his fist pulled back ready to hit me. As he was nearing in the rest of the council all looked in shock as they never expected for him to rush and attack a 'human', they all though that Dante would die however the OCR still in a daze all felt sorry for Saji.

As the fist came closer my smirk grew my arm reached out much to their surprise as they closed their eyes not wanting to see such a handsome man die, they heard a sonic boom. After a few seconds they all opened up their eyes expecting to see me dead they even had water in their eyes, however the impact from the force from his fist sent Saji flying into a wall coughing up blood as I just stood in the same place unscathed with a smile on my face.

Everyone stared in shock at the thought of a 'human' beating a devil and Saji was having none of it.

Saji: "I took up 4 pawns, how can a puny human hurt me!" He screamed charging at me once more.

I summoned a red cloak and began to use it to taunt him as I kept laughing. After about 2 minutes of Saji trying to charge at me the rest of the people started to join in and laugh at how much of a fool he was and how embarrassing he was making himself look. This infuriated him even more.

"Ok, MY TURN!" I said in a demonic voice releasing an ants legs size of my power causing everyone to collapse to the ground in fear. As I strolled up to Saji who was trying his best to crawl backwards away I began to laugh maniacally. This caused everyone to shudder at the sound of my cold voice.


"Saji, Saji, Saji… You're still trying to brag and pretend to be strong in front of Sona because you love her, even though you have 0 chance. I mean two other girls in the council are attracted too you but after that display I doubt their affection still remains.

The OCR members had fainted at my power as they were barely holding on to the little strength they had after the explosion. I help Saji's neck slowly increasing my strength causing cracks to be heard around and Saji's scream echoed throughout, causing the council too look at me in fear as they wondered what I'd do to the pawn.

I snapped my fingers and a dome appeared around us making sure no noise could escape as I began to slowly poke holy enhanced needles inside of him causing him to scream in agony. I summoned various blades, tools and even used illusions to make him lose his mind. This went on for a while and after I was done... Well you'll see.

<Time skip 2 minutes later>

The dome dispersed, and the OCR were still out cold, as for the council they just were sat up, frozen still and didn't move an inch. It was as if they were petrified. All they saw was a bruised and bloodied Saji who looked lifeless and limp.

I decided to make a grand exit and lifted my hand in the area summoning $10,000,000 as it flew throughout the sky only for me to ignite my finger with flames and shoot a flamethrower styled attack towards the money causing it too to incinerate as the money slowly turned to embers and smoke. They student council still looked dazed and some of the girls had wet stuff dripping form their legs, either in excitement or fear… Who knows?

As the money kept pouring down alight with flames smoke kept pouring out, It seemed like an endless amount and they all wanted to know exactly who I was and how powerful I was. After 5 minutes of raining money and the smoke due to the fire slowly burning away the riches they saw a message in the sky written with flames.

'Keep tha change! Ya filthy animal!' [Insert SMG shots]

Some got the reference and let out a tiny giggle trying to somewhat lighten up the mood, but instantly stopped as they saw Saji drop down as blood poured out from all over his body. Pretty sure he was dead...

They slowly looked around, but Dante wasn't in site. He was gone.

As the members continued to survey the area inn shock at the damage he did to the surroundings and a devil, Sona was stood, not moving an inch, thinking about him and how to form an alliance between them.

Sona: 'Who exactly are you? I must get my sister!'