
Shocking the OCR & Silly Gremory

I woke up next to a sleeping angel. Yes she may have been fallen but meh who gives a fuck. I kissed her lightly on the forehead whilst I went downstairs too make breakfast for us.

'Wait I'm technically a god... *Click*' And with a snap of my fingers a massive banquet of food appeared. Raynare instantly caught a whiff of the potent smell as she was already climbing down the stairs, she was struggling with her legs.... for some reason.

"Morning beauty" I said whilst winking.

Raynare: Morning.... dear. She said whilst flustered 'KAWAI'

"I'm heading too school today ok. Got a meeting with some devils ;)" I say whilst smirking at the upcoming conversation and how I would berate them for being power seeking crazies, though I'm not really different...

She giggles lightly which I found adorable, then I left.

<Time Skip 3rd period>

After I had arrived at school nothing interesting happened apart from all the stares I received, but I had already adapted towards it as it wasn't anything new... Rias, however was making me wait that arrogant twat thinking she can leave ME to sit and stir. Then the door opened and I heard screams. I knew what this was. The prince of Kuoh the second most handsome male, I was first of course, the 'King' I guess you'd call me... Or even the 'God' I've already accumulated many nicknames, anyways lets have some fun.

Kiba: Are you Dante?

Me: Well... I don't know am I? I mean you just walked into this room, instantly came up to me and asked that so... You either took an amazing guess or you already knew.... 'I inwardly chuckled at this I mean how dumb can one person be, he clearly knows who I am, I mean I stole his fucking 1st spot in the school for Christ's sake! Wait I mentioned Jesus.... Oh god... Shit now I mentioned God -_-'

Kiba: Aha *Scratches head in embarassment* Yeh sorry about that. My club leader would like to see you.

Me: If someone wants to see me they gotta come do it in person otherwise it's meaningless.... If she truly wanted to see me she would've made an effort. So no thanks :D I said whilst grinning at his shocked expression.

Kiba placed his arm on my shoulder and tried to squeeze with his 'devil' strength, which I found pitiful, and he said "I insist"

WAS THIS MOTHER FUCKER TRYING TO THREATEN A GOD? Oh I'm gonna enjoy this ;). I pretended to be overwhelmed and said "I meant LETS GO!" In a somewhat frightened tone, even though he'd so get it later that bitch!

His expression instantly changed to one of glee... He led me out of the class and towards their clubs room which looked haunted...

Kiba: President I brought him

Rias: Bring him in, I'm just taking a shower.

The room looks exactly like the anime, creepy as fuck and a shower.... Seriously? What does she stink or something, the fucking spoiled bitch... 'Calm Dante, Calm' I kept trying to ease my mind as my brain cells were slowly depleting. 'WAIT SHE'S IN THE FUCKING SHOWER RIGHT NOW GRRRRR'

I was slowly losing my edge and about to destroy this room, but I decided to buy 'Gamer's Mind' and upgrade it to the max.

I looked around and sat on the sofa whilst I saw Koneko shuffle a bit away from me. Probably shat herself from yesterday which actually hurt a little, but I know exactly what to do to win her over!

'System buy the every food skills from Shokugeki no Soma and fuse them and upgrade it to the max!'

<System Purchased Skills>

<Food Skills Fused, Maxed & Installed. If Host wishes too see Food Skills say status'

'Nah it cool, the status is too long -_-'

I put my hand in my pocket to pretend as if I was pulling something out but I created a chocolate bar using my creation skill whilst adding a bit of the Food Skill and influencing it to make it taste beyond amazing! I slowly gave it to Koneko whilst petting her head. She was reluctant at first and a bit afraid but I urged her to take it whilst staring at her with the best technique 'Puppy Dog Eye LVL MAX'. I then petted her whilst she took a nibble of it and she purred FUCK SHE'S SO CUTE!

After taking a bite of the chocolate her eyes widened as it seemed she was lost and slowly shuffling in her space as she devoured the bar and looked up at my using her own version of the 'Cute Eye' which even I couldn't resist... I gave her another one whilst I returned to waiting.

Minutes past whilst I sat in silence until the shower finally fucking stopped... Like you know that saying 'Don't keep a god waiting'? Yeh neither do I..

Akeno: Buchou take this.

Rias: Thank you Akeno

Rias finally stepped out of the shower with her hair still wet. *Cough* Slut *Cough* I don't have anything against her... But I kind of do. If that makes sense? Yeh didn't think so.

Rias: I'm sorry for the wait but I just had to have a shower.

Me: So you send someone to get me without getting me yourself.... You make me wait a while before you actually interact with me... sate sate sate (MELIODAS SAN) *cough* not a very good impression.

She turned red in embarrassment and immediately apologized but she still a bitch... Gonna fuck her still though... maybe? I was still thinking whilst someone interrupted my thought but it was Akeno so it was ok, I guess.

Akeno: Ara ara. My name is Akeno Himejima. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

Me: Very nice too meet you M'Lady. I said whilst bowing and kissing her hand causing her to blush.

Rias: Well now that we're ready... Dante do you believe in the supernatural?


<Time Skip too after explanation of devils cause we ain't got all day.. Well I don't I'm tired.>

Rias: So that sums it up. We would like for you to join my peerage.

"Well from what you've told me you can reincarnate people that die and make them into your peerage correct?" I asked already knowing the answer but I want her to dig the hole.

Rias: Yes.

"Well I refuse nothing benefits me from becoming a devil the only gain is completely on your side.

The whole OCR stood in silence and shock at my instant refusal.

Rias: But you can have what you want! Money, Power, Live for ages and of course a harem. She whispered the last part.

I start laughing and say "First I'm the richest on the world, Second I'm Invincible, Third I'm Immortal and Fourth what are you a psychotic hoe? Not every man wants women I mean granted I kind of do, but I can do that without becoming a devil, I mean have you seen my face? Sheesh.

This completely caught them all off guard as I had expected, but I still had more too say. Whilst Akeno, Koneko and Rias did stare at my face a bit before snapping out of it at my next sentence,

"If I'm correct Gremory, You already know some power I showed and That was like a spec of sand on a planet compared to what I can really do... Also you had someone spy on me... Not a very good shout."

Rias: B-b-but, No she wasn't spying she was their to protect you.

"Rias... You're the dumbest mother fucker I know. FIRSTLY YOU WERE GOING TO LET ME DIE AND THEN REINCARNATE ME AND ACT AS MY HERO SO I SERVE YOU, SELF RIGHTEOUS BITCH! SECOND YOU'RE SPOILED AS FUCK! THIRD YOU'RE WEAK AS FUCK! *cough* Anyway you have to be stronger than the person to reincarnate them anyways and that's never going to happen so yeh It wouldn't work anyways...




Koneko still eating those chocolates I gave her... Cute AF

"Well anyways once you become stronger than god lemme know, bye..."