
Don't insult Truck-kun

Within a relatively large room, you could see a young man resting in bed. Next to him lay a beautiful naked blonde woman who was only covered by a thin sheet, making her Junoesque body even more appealing.

After a few minutes of lying there, staring at the ceiling, the man had a sudden urge for a cold drink and a smoke.

Lazily getting up from bed, the man put on his pants and left the room, but not before giving the woman a light slap on the ass, causing her to roll over and wrap herself in the now free sheets.

As the man made his way to the kitchen, deciding what to drink, he remembered he still had some apfelschorle and a bottle of Sobieski (vodka).

Quickly making a cocktail of vodka and apfelschorle, a slight twist on one of his favorite drinks, vodka and apple juice, he grabbed a pack of smokes going to his balcony.

While he enjoyed his drink and menthol cigarette, he was scrolling through his phone. After a bit, he noticed the date. A new day had begun, and it just so happened it was the 10th anniversary of the day he survived getting hit by a truck.

Anyone else probably wouldn't remember the exact date they almost got hit by a truck, but he was not just anyone; the man was an in-the-closet weeb.

The man had a quick flashback to when he was on a school trip to Japan. He and his friends were exiting a convenience store; when, from the corner of his eye, he saw a small girl sitting in the middle of the road crying, holding her scraped, bloody knee.

As any self-respecting weeb and typical teenager yearning for recognition would, he ran into the road, completely ignoring traffic. Luckily, he was quite fast and managed to make it to the girl. Once he got to her, he embraced her tight to his chest, protecting her head and body, and using his momentum, he rolled off the road onto the sidewalk, just barely avoiding the speeding truck within centimeters.

Quickly getting up off the floor, he checked the girl for injuries. Much to his relief, the only wound she had was the scraped knee from earlier.

Right as he was about to ask if she was ok and try to calm her down, the sound of a woman shouting drew his attention. Running towards them was a woman who looked like an older version of the girl. Once the woman got there, she hugged the girl tightly, looking her all over. Once she did, she thanked the boy and left along with her daughter.

Back in the present, the man had just made a taunting and sarcastic tweet about surviving Truck-kun and angered a bunch of hardcore weebs.

A few minutes later, he received a comment that made him have a small laugh. It was a single sentence, but it was who it came from that he found funny. It was from a verified Truck-kun account.

The man and Truck-kun soon began to have a back-and-forth conversation that ended with Truck-kun telling him to be careful because, who knows, he might just make a trip to Canada to see him.

Turning off his phone, the man had a small laughing fit: as any sane person would; he thought it was nothing more than a joke account that somehow managed to get verified.

A knock on the door soon brought him out of his fit. Putting out his smoke and downing the rest of the drink, he went to see who was at the door. Opening his door only to see no one, he heard a noise behind him.

Blinded by a bright light, the last thing the man saw before total darkness was the familiar silhouette of a truck.


Floating in an endless white space, the silhouette of a human, made up from wisps of multi-colored light, was ever so slightly moving its limbs.

'I don't know how long I've been here, but I still can't move my arms more than an inch. Hmmm, I'm getting sleepy again. Who knows how long I will sleep this time?'

Shortly after falling asleep, a few meters away from the silhouette, a rift appeared, and from out it came an old man with a long, flowing white beard.

"Hmm, what's this? When my divine sense told me there was someone in limbo, I thought it was those naughty grandchildren of mine, playing around again, who would have thought that a mortal soul could make it into limbo after I sealed eons ago. Let me see how you ended up here... *sigh* Truck-kun, you are lucky it was me who noticed this boy and not anyone else. After this, I don't owe you anything. Now to wait and see how long it takes for you to wake up."

*Yawn* "That was the best sleep I have ever had. Oh? I can actually talk now, nice. I mean, there is no one here to talk to, but hey, at least I can talk now. That is a win in my books."

Distracted by his newly found ability, the soul did not notice that he was no longer alone. And A little frustrated by not being noticed, the old man lightly coughed to bring attention to himself.

"What was that?"

Looking up to where the sound came, the soul was happily surprised to see another person.

With a wave of his hand, the old man caused a bright light that enveloped the entire space, causing the soul to close his eyes.

Opening his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of the old man from earlier, sitting at a coffee table drinking what looked like tea.

With an amiable smile on his face, the old man made a gesture for the man to sit.

"Hello, my boy. Please take a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

The man, now noticing he had a body again and could freely move, saw no reason not to. Calmly making his way to the comfortable-looking couch. Sitting down, he returned a smile of his own.

"Hello, I would love a chai latte if possible."

With a wave of his hand, the old man summoned a big, hot mug filled with a delicious-smelling chai latte in front of the man.

The two sat there for what seemed like hours, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and their drinks.

The young man finally decided to break the silence.

"So I'm guessing that you are God, I'm dead, and this isn't an overly long lucid dream or strange coma-induced fantasy? I guess that's what I get for tempting, or in this case, Truck-kun. Also, how long was I in that white space because it sure felt like a long time?"

"That is correct. You seem rather calm, though you always have been one to put up a calm front in difficult situations. And you were only there for a couple months."


"While what Truck-kun did was a little overboard, it is still acceptable. However, since your life was taken prematurely and under especially abnormally conditions, you get to live out your dream of reincarnation. Before you ask, you will get three wishes, and if you don't wish for a particular world, you will be sent to a random one. You don't have to worry about your memories as a gift; I am letting you keep them."

"Well, that was quick and to the point. Just the way I like it. I am going to need some time."

God nodded in conformation.

The man took a couple hours, but he finally came up with what he thought were three great wishes that would keep him safe no matter what world he went to. If all went according to plan, then one of his wishes could force the world he was sent without the need to use a wish to specify.

"Ok, I have my wishes; First, I would like the powers of a certain Nazi catboy, but want to be able to project said power onto other people/things. For my second wish, I would like a sacred gear called The Scale of Maat. What it does is a kind of self-explanatory. For my third and final wish, I would like an appearance similar to Ashiya Dōman from fate. Oh, and about my first wish, is it possible to go to different worlds with it?"

"Very well, all those are acceptable. Since you were a normal human in this life, your first wish will be limited until you are strong enough mentally and physically to handle it. Your sacred gear will only work on opponents weaker than you. And to answer your question, yes, you will be able to go to other worlds. Also, I must commend you; you found the small loophole I left in."

"Hmm? I don't know what you are talking about." 'Haha, I can't believe that worked.'

"Well, that is all I have for you. I hope you enjoy your next life."

In a flash of light, the man left the room, leaving God alone. Taking a long sip of his drink, he gently put down his cup and thought to himself with an evil smirk.

'Haha! Boy, you are far too young to outsmart me. I hope you enjoy the presents I left for you.'

Hopefully, the grammar is ok. I did double-check it, and it makes sense to me, so that's a win. Then again, sometimes I think it's correct, but it's entirely wrong and only ok in my head.

FluffyHaremPlzcreators' thoughts