
Chapter 4

"Mille can you take me to Gringotts" I called Mille to take me to Gringotts to get the family magic grimoire out of the vault

"yes young master " Mille held my hand and then we popped in an ally in Diagon-ally

"All alright Mille put a glamor on me to make my hair look like black with brown which shine in sun slightly to appear light brown color with green color eyes," I told Mille to do before we entered the main ally of Diagon-ally as we passed the street we came across several shops which are

Apothecary - potion ingredients

cafes - food

Daily Prophet offices - publisher

Dark Arts establishments - dark items

Eeylops Owl Emporium - owls & related merchandise

Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour - ice cream

Flourish and Blotts - books

Gambol and Japes - joke items

junk shop - second-hand items

Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions - robes

Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions - beauty products

Magical Menagerie - pets & related items

Obscurus Books - publisher

Ollivander's - wands

Potage's Cauldron Shop - cauldrons

Quality Quidditch Supplies - brooms & other Quidditch-related items

second-hand robe shop - robes

stationery store - writing supplies

street peddlers

Terrortours - travel agency

Twilfitt and Tatting's - robes

WhizzHard Books - publisher

Gringotts Wizarding Bank

when we finally arrived at the Gringotts we see an imposing snow-white multistoried marble building located partway down Diagon Alley, near its intersection with Knockturn Alley, that towers over the neighboring shops. It is the place where British witches and wizards store their money and other valuables, in heavily-guarded vaults miles below ground.

where it was written

"Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there."

but I already knew that even so when I didn't want to read this line and directly go inside the Gringotts I felt a strong urge to read the words written so I knew it was some type of compulsion so I told myself I already know what's written on the, again and again, to get rid of this compulsion

I told Mille "Mille take me home now." hurridly to try and get away from Gringotts

"yes young master " she quickly took my hand in her hand and pooped away to our home.

"Alright, Mille I'll call you later go prepare some food." I hurriedly told Mille and told her to leave me alone for some time and when I need to eat I'll call her.

"what the f*ck was that it was getting on my nerves that I got that easily compelled to do something. What the fuck was those all Occlumancy for lessons for I need to fix this immediately otherwise that dumbfuck will make me the fucking pawn of his potter power games lets meditate first to find the problem then start problem-solving." I then went to the garden to do some meditation to find the problem.

after 1 hour I knew the problem was that my occlumancy shield couldn't protect me against something that I never faced against as I have never been mind raped so I couldn't fight against it so the quick fix of this problem will be to find some artifact to stop mind arts like Legilimency, memory rewrite, compulsion, etc...

"Mille come here! " I called Mille to me

"Young Master, you called, do young master need to eat? " Mille asked me

"No, I don't need to eat now. I will eat later after we do some work. Now can you take me to the family island" I told Mille after which she held my hand and popped away to the family island which is known as the Wright land

as I look around the Island I see the different magical beast and magical herb all around me with a huge mansion sitting on the middle of the island I see different animals such as


Winged Horse - Abraxan, Aethonan, Granian, Thestral

and hippogriffs and a phoenix with its eggs.

after some time I went to the location where the Phoenix was to ask it if it can become my familiar but just as I was about 10 m distance from it I felt a connection to a unique egg it had green color and red lines and dots at the base where as a normally a phoenix egg have blue color with brown lines and dots at the base

after some time I got in front of the phoenix to ask it to take the egg as I can feel the connection to its egg

"Hello, the phoenix can you tell me what are you doing on this island as I'm pretty sure that my family did not know that there was a phoenix living on the island as I have not read a mention of it in my father's journal," I asked it. Then suddenly I felt an intrusion on my mind which I knew came from phoenix as I know they can communicate through telepathy

"Hello young one I just recently came to this Island for the birth of my children and my name is aura " aura told me

"aura can you allow me to make a connection with one of your children as I felt a strong connection from it, " I asked nervously to the aura

"No, but you can ask them after their birth if they are willing to form the bond with you when they are 1 year old as we phoenix develop faster than human mentally so in human age my child will be 60 years old mentally as 1-year-old" aura told me

"OK your family can stay on my Island and when will your child be born as I felt a connection to that unique egg but can you give me some of your blood and tears so I can do a ritual in which I can gain the strong affinities to fire and mental arts as well as healing and, regeneration," I asked the aura

"yes you can get those things from me but you have to do the ritual in front of me" aura told me

"Alright I will come to you when I need to start the ritual," I told aura

after that, I went to the mansion to find the family vault when I reached the door I called Mille

"Mille takes me to the family vault," I told Mille after some time we went to the basement then to another basement where I see a huge vault door. Just as I about to enter the vault Mille held me back.

"Mille why did you stop me from entering, " I asked Mille in confusion

"young master this the trap that the previous master made for thieves," Mille told me

"alright take me to the real vault," I told Mille

"young master place your hand here, " Mille told me to place my hand on the wall surface after which I felt a stream of information enter my mind it went about the duties and how to open the vault and all the vault items

after I entered the vault I directly put every item in my inventory

after some time I retrieve a ring and a training wand from the inventory

the ring has the function - potion tester which tells me if a potion has entered my body or is in my vicinity, prevent an attack on my mind from any mental arts which work as making the user invincible to the attack

the training wand is used for training the wand movements and some basic spell

after that, I asked Mille to take me to the master bedroom of this mansion and bring food and my clothes from the home as I had decided to stay in this mansion

after eating and bathing I went to bed as today was exhausting.