
Multiverse: The alternate Timeline

The alternate timeline of Yuto Takehashi. A man who died in the rain and reincarnated into a different world of fiction. But this time it's going to be a little different.

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Ch. 4 Orario

( Yuto Pov ) 

Rolling in the ground, I leaped into a bush as I hid from the guards that passed. 

" And so the wife threw a knife at her, and she looked at me for help! And I was like " the fuck you want me to do? That's a crazy woman with a knife!!" 

" That's crazy." 

" Right!" 

The guards passed as I quickly ran through the garden and up to a window. 

Slightly pushing it, the window didn't had any lock. I pulled the window open and carefully entered. 

I moved silently, and the ground felt soft once my foot stepped on the ground. 

I moved my hands to outline a display. 

' Cold...' I tapped the display as it had a metallic sound. 

I put the display in my inventory as continued to steal. 

I looted the mansion as much as I could before leaving. It took a couple for mimtues to complete my mission.

I went back from the way I came and ran through the alleyways.

' Now it's time to head to Orario.' 

I ran to the city's gate to see a familiar face. 

" Oi. I'm here as expected.." I said as I tried to catch my breath. 

The merchant nodded with a silent look. 

He was the merchant who sold me the cloak. 

" Here." 

I tossed a bag of coins to the merchant as he took it and put it away under his jacket. 

I climbed the carriage and sat next to the merchant as he took the reigns. 

I relaxed and checked my system. 

[ Mission Conpleted ] 

[ 25,000/25,000 ] 

[ Rewards: New skill: appraisal ] 

[ Lockpicking lvl 2 -> lvl 3 ] 

[ Pickpocketing lvl 2 -> lvl 3 ] 

I looked at the merchant.

' Appraisal.' 

[ Evan Stewart] 

[ Age: 42 ] [ Lvl 4 ] 

I sighed inwardly. 

' It doesn't say much.' 

[ Appraisal lvl 1 ] 

' Maybe I should level it up first.' I thought. 

For the next few days I continued to travel with the merchant as we both stopped at a village. 

" Well it seems this is where we depart. Laters." I spoke as I got off the carriage and started to make my way through the village. 

It was a normal village as I bought a few supplies and started walking towards Orario. 

I felt tired, my body was too weak. I continued to walk, ignoring the painful ache from my body. 

I carried a bag carrying my clothes and supplies to not look suspicious once I approach Orario. 

" Its said Orario has a huge tower called Babel...too bad I can'tsee it" I spoke as I looked up to see the tower of Babel from the distance.

With great motivation I continued onward heading towards the huge tower. 

In few hours walking down the dirt road I saw the gate. 

" Huff! Finally!" I catcher my breathe as I dropped my bag. 

" Oi kid! Better hurry up. The Gaye is closing in a few minutes!" The gaurd shouted from afar. 

I grabbed my bag and hurriedly ran towards them. 

" You're lucky....kid?" 

The gaurd seemed to notice my Blindfold as I approached them. 

" Is there a fee?" I asked ignoring the stares from the three gaurds. 

" Huh? Oh yes. " He snapped back as he answered. 

I nodded as I took a few coins out and gave it to him. 

He took it and I nodded before entering through the gates. 

As I went in I immediately felt many gazes were set upon me. 

' Must be the gods that the sailor spoke of.' I thought inwardly as I continued on carefully. 

I arrived in front of a hotel and entered inside. 

" Welcome." A woman greeted me as I walked upnto a desk. 

" I would like a room. How much for a single night?" 

"That would be 50 valis." She answered. 

" Valis?" I looked up to her in surprise. 

" You don't have any valis?" She asked. 

I shook my head. 

" Tch get out!!" She shouted. 

With her change of attitude, it seemed I wasn't welcomed, so I walked outside. 

It was cold as I walked through the empty streets with lamplights. 

I sighed as I looked up. The beautiful moon that I once looked at was filled with darkness. 

I sighed as I walked down an alleyway and sat behind an empty crate. 

' What should I do? Join a Familia? But will they accept a blind kid?' I thought for a while as day there in silence. 

I put my hands into my arms as I fell asleep. 

" Whatever...I'll just wait until tomorrow." 

In my eternal darkness, I found warmth in myself for my slumber shall be a new a day...

The next day...

I arrived in front of the guild building. 

As I moved, it seemed I caught the eyes of adventurers as I passed them. 

I won't be surprised if I get bullied in the future for being blind. 

I walked into the building as I waited behind an adventurer in line. 

A few minutes later I approached the desk. 

" I want to be an adventure." I spoke. 

The receptionist gave me a blank face. 

" Yeah.... we'll need you're parents approval." 

" I don't have any parents." 

The receptionist sighed. 

" I'm sorry but I don't think any families will accept a young one especially with..." She didn't finished as she looked hesitant for a second. 

" Disabilities." I finished her sentence. 

" I got nothing to lose. And I don't want to sleep in the alleyways anymore. Can't you see if there is any Familias recruiting." 

The receptionist sighed once more as she grabbed a folder from behind the counter. 

" There is the Loki Familia, Goddess Loki decended not too long ago ans is now recruiting again this year." 

I nodded. 

" I'll take it just point to me where they are." 

" Sigh, at best I could sign you as a supporter once you received her blessing." 

I nodded as the receptionist began to explain more about Familias and Loki. 

A few mintues later I walked towards where the Loki Familia was recruiting. 

Many people were there as a man sat in front of a table with a sign in table. 

The man looked lazy, but from Transparent View, I could see he was vigilant as he scanned everyone in front of him. 

" Hm? A kid?" He focused his eyes on me as I approached his table. 

" Is this the recruiting process?" I asked. 

The man nodded as he observed me. 

I signed my name. 

" Yuto Takahashi... an Eastern name. Aren't you an elf?" He leaned forward as I nodded. 

" Yup, outcasted from my home and lived in the east before coming here." 

The man looked at me for a few seconds before nodding. 

" Alright, kid. Just head into the training yard." 

I nodded as I passed the table and entered the training grounds. 

I saw many people wait as they looked impatient or nervous. 

I stood afar from the crown to not draw any attention at me. 

As I stood there in the shade of the wall, I heard a sound from my system. 

[ Ding! New Mission! ] 

[ Join a Familia! ] 

[ Rewards: New skill ] 

' That reminds me I should use this chance to train appraisal.' 

I looked up and started appraising everyone in the training ground. 

" You a newbie?" An adventurer spoke as he approached me. 

He was a pallum. 

He approached with a smile and a small wave. 

I nodded. 

" Yes. I'm here to become an adventurer." I responded. 

The pallum nodded. 

" I'm Finn Deimne." 

" Yuto Takahashi." I replied. 

Finn nodded before speaking. 

" Are you really going to become an adventurer with a blimdfold?" 

I nodded. 

" Are trying to change my mind?" I looked at him. 

" Yup!!" Someone else answered as they approached. 

' A goddess. Must be Loki.' I thought as I felt the strange feeling. 

I had the urge to use appraisal, but my instincts warned me as I felt something bad would happen instead. 

" I see..." I responded. 

" Huh? You see? But aren't you blind?" Loki pointed out as I could feel the smirk she had. 

With gamers mind, I was calm as I looked around her. 

She was surrounded by adventurers from her Familia as some of them laughed and chuckled. 

" I..I'm really sorry." Finn apologized. 

" It's fine. It seems I'm unwanted here, so I'll take my leave." I turned around and left, and they continued to laugh at me. 

But I could feel the gaze of Loki burning into me as I left. 

As I made distance from the training ground, I felt the stares of pity from the rest as they heard the laughs. 

" Good luck, kid." The man who was sitting at the sign in table spoke as I nodded in return. 

I felt a little lost as I walked around Orario going to Familia to Familia only to face rejection.

I continued my mission.

As I was sightseeing the city, I came across a church with a bell. 

The bell rang as I entered. 

Walking through the open doo, s I felt two presences inside. 

' They must be praying.' I thought as sat down on the pew. 

I lowered my head as I brought my hands together for a prayer. 

' God if you're hearing this... I want you to know it's been tough. It seemed like the only reason I'm still alive is because of my luck. And I'm afraid some day it'll end. I feel lost. ' 

I sat there in silence. 

' The only thing I could do is my current missi, but it seems I can't find one that could accept me.' 

' I feel regret in making myself blind but I must admit it was a humbling experience. I wanted to use my wish but I must stay true to my word. I feel like this is a test. A test of my own consequences of my actions and choices.' 

' I want to see the light once more. Please if it was for a single second.' 

' Thank you for listening. Amen.' 

I dropped my hands as I sat there in silence still gazing in darkness.

But thay darkness faded for a single.moment from her voice. 

"Uhm, hello?" A kind voice entered my ears. 

I looked to see a small light from her. 

Her presence brought light and warmth to me as sat there hoping to feel it once more. 

" Hello." I calmly replied. 

The woman chuckled. 

" Are you perhaps lost? You look lost." Even without my eyes I could see her bright smile.

" I prayed for light..." 

The woman tilted her head. 

" But it seemed I found it." I smiled as I held her hand. 

She jolted a little before relaxing. 

Her cold hands became warmer as I enjoyed this sensation. 

But a few seconds later, she coughed. 

" Cough! Cough! " 

" Meteria." Her companion spoke as she held her by the shoulder. 

' Meteria, a beautiful name. But she looks sick.' I thought as I saw the insides of her with Transparent View. 

She was weak.

" My apologies. It must've been sudden actions." I apologized. 

" You think?" Her companion replied. 

" As compensation, I would like to give this to her." My one and only potion. 

[ B Grade healing Potion ] 

[ Heals 50% health and cures a few numbers of diseases. ]

It was a blue potion as I held it out. 

" Cough! No... it's fine. Cough!" Meteria tried to deny, but I gave it to her companion. 

" I insist." I replied. 

" Just give it." Her companion took it and forced it into Meteria's mouth as she drank the potion. 

" it was a pleasure meeting the two of you." I spoke as I exited the church.

" Ah! Wait!!" Before Meteria and her companion could catch me I already left with a smile on my face.

I walked near a bath house from the soapy smell in the air..but just as I turned the corner, I felt two presences peeking into the bath house. 

[ Ding! Side Quest! ] 

[ Stop those Perverts!! ] 

[ Rewards: B grade Potion, and C grade blueprint] 

This was an interesting quest. A side quest with two rewards... 

That must mean this was an important event. 

I looked at the two guys again only to see them look ordinary. A young man with an old man peeking into the bath house. 

I used appraisal on both of them and it seemed like the old man reacted as he turned his head towards me. 

We both faced each other. 

' He must be strong if I can't see his status or... he's a God.' 

" Wanna watch?" The old man pointed with his thumb. 

I deadpanned. 

" I'm blind, you idiot." 

The old man sighed. 

" amd it seemed you won't be able to see the greatest creation." He spoke with experience. 

" Breast?" I answered. 

The old man nodded. 

" Truly the greatest..." 

" It's them again!!!" A woman shouted as she ran towards two peeping perverts. 

" Perverts!!" A group of woman shouted as they followed after.

" Shit! Run!" The old man shouted as the young man followed. 

I shook my head and was about to leave but the old man grabbed me over his shoulder. 

" Hey! Let go!!" I shouted trying to struggle from his grip. 

" No man left behind!!" The old man replied as he ran from the angry crowd of woman chasing us. 

' Just fucking great! I might be labeled as a pervert now.' I thought inwardly as I accepted my fate.