
Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

[A Terror Infinity and the Ultimate Evolution inspired Multiverse fanfic] Kai died and resurrected in the Primordial Tower with a Glitch. In the Tower, to ascend each floor, Kai must complete a series of Missions in the Infinite Random Worlds across the Multiverse. Worlds such as Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Pokemon, Naruto, One Piece. Walk along with Kai as he slaughter his way up to the peak of Absolute Power. *************** Discord: https://discord.gg/BMAQaTzPds Support here - Patreon (for extra chapters): patreon.com/droopyauthor Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/droopyauthor Disclaimer: Other than my OCs, I don’t own any character. Thank you.

droopyauthor · Book&Literature
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Tina - The Genius Loved by Mana!

Saturday, 31 August 1991Scotland


Tina regretted nothing more than coming to this accursed Harry Potter Random World.

She regretted it so much, in fact, that she considered falling back an entire Set, if such a thing was even possible.

At 24, Tina was a 5 ft tall young woman. She had short, blue hair, and her dark blue eyes almost burned black behind her glasses. Tonight, she had donned herself in a violet shirt over white jeans.

The deep frown on her face, coupled with the troubled look in her eyes, ruined her cute appearance, though.

After gaining her first Life Halt, she had faced almost no major obstruction. Ranked 2nd in her Tournament of Worth, the number of Organizations from the 6th to 12th floor that had contacted her wasn't small, either.

Yet, Tina had refused all… because she was a loner.

Now she regretted that, too.

At first, when Tina had arrived at this Random World, the height of her joy and ecstasy was beyond the sky. Since her Initiation Mission, she had always desired to visit the Harry Potter Random World because it shared the greatest characteristic with her Inheritance - Mana!

Tina possessed the Inheritance of Touko Aozaki, a puppet maker and an extremely powerful sorceress from The Garden of Sinners.

Relying on her capabilities alone, Tina had ascended floor after floor, becoming a Top-Level 8th-Floor Contestant.

One could even say that Magic was in Tina's blood.

Now, one could also say that she was destined to become the next Top-Level 9th-Floor Contestant because…

Tina remembered Rogan of the Quasi Cypher Pol Organization, who was unanimously thought to be the next Prime Protector level figure, and her steps faltered.

One month ago... Tina had arrived here with the Main Mission of Protecting Hermione Granger for her entire Hogwarts term.


Tina, code-named - Sigel, was a Lead Protector.

Generally, the Protectors belonged to the same floor. For example, if the Overall Grade of a Random World was C+, then almost in all cases, the Protectors would belong to the 9th Floor, with the Prime Protector being a Top-Level figure.

For Tina to get selected as the Lead Protector of Hermione was a matter of great pride. It was almost like Chaos acknowledging her strength and prospects.

But things had been taking the strangest turns since her arrival.

First, it was the ridiculous existence of Darcie Malfoy.

Tina had heard of Random World where Harry Potter was Hillary Potter. But the Malfoys having twins was something she had seen only here.

Second, it was the ridiculous existence of Darcie Malfoy.

How monstrous could a mere child be? When she had read about Darcie's achievements, Tina had thought she had arrived at some futuristic setting of the Harry Potter Random World Timeline.

Third, it was the ridiculous existence of Darcie Malfoy.

Tina was innately a curious lady. After hearing so much about Darcie, she couldn't control herself and had gone to take a look.

The young girl had barely passed by her, but Tina's knees had buckled because of the sheer magical might, even though she had used a puppet. Tina had promised herself to stay away from her, lest something unexpected happened.

Being a loner was already hard. Being a curious loner was harder. And Tina dared not step into the hardest.

Still, even after facing such a blow to her esteem, Tina had been doing fine.

Chaos itself had indirectly acknowledged her by making her a Lead Protector. So, of course, she had nothing to care about.

So what if Tina failed to get the most common Milestone here? It was okay…

So what if Tina failed to get the second most common Milestone here? It was okay…

And then the Supreme Protector appeared and killed Rogan like butchering a chicken.


Tina gasped at the sound. No! She didn't!

There was a crumpled envelope in her hands. It was red on the front side and blue on the backside. It carried a waxen seal on it as well, half blue and half red. The seal portrayed a tower with an extremely blurry appearance.

Tina hurriedly took out the white-colored letter from within, hoping she hadn't ruined the most important night for herself.


As per the tradition carried out since the olden antiquity, you are invited to the Night of Truce at 2100 hrs, 8 km southwest of Dufftown, Scotland, at the top of Mt. Ben Rinnes.

All conflicts and fights are prohibited for 6 hours after the start of the event.

Even if you can't come, acting against other Contestants or jeopardizing their Missions is forbidden.

Please bring the letter with you, if you decide to join your fellow Contestants at the venue.

The Primordial Tower.

Tina sighed in relief, adjusting her glasses.

Tomorrow, the Original Timeline would begin with the most bombastic phase with the main character, Harry Potter, taking the train to Hogwarts. The Night of Truce always took place on the night of such Timeline dictating events.

Somehow, despite spending years in the Primordial Tower, this was Tina's first Night of Truce.

When she had arrived in the Random World, the mere thought of being a part of it had excited her the most. Now, though, she was just afraid to stand out too much.

Just as the clock struck 10, Tina canceled her magic and became visible. She had already arrived at the venue.

At the top of the mountain, she saw dozens of Contestants disappearing into the Mirror Dimension with a step.

But there was something odd about it.

A lot of Contestants seemed afraid to move forward, Tina felt. As more Contestants standing at the back were blocking her view, she hastened to see what was going on.

Tina adjusted her glasses and let her Mana run amok.


The magical vibration seeped into the crowd, making them apart involuntarily.

Gasping for breath, the Contestants eyed Tina as she passed through them, her chin up. But, with her height, it just made her look like a cute menace.

Suddenly, she felt cold.

Tina's heart quivered. Such elements shouldn't affect her. Not at her power level. So where did the cold come from?

Then she saw it.

Hovering above the grounds, was a black-hooded creature, its tattered cloak rippling behind without wind. With Tina standing just at hands-reach, a rotten, scabbed hand came out and unfolded its skinny fingers.

A… A Dementor?!

Tina's mind was a mess. How could a Dementor be here?

The Dementor hissed.

Tina brokenly threw the letter in its palm, hoping it wouldn't touch her. A door opened in front of her and she walked in, still looking at the dark being over her shoulder.

"Ms. Sigel?"

Eh? Tina snapped her head forward and found the most handsome man she had ever laid her eyes on.

First Dementor, and then… this. Tina thought… maybe… maybe… she wouldn't regret coming here.

"Ms. Sigel?" the black-haired and black-eyed man, dressed as a butler, asked again.

"Oh!" Tina straightened her back. "Yes, I am Sigel."

It had always fascinated Tina how they found out all the Contestants in a Random World for the Night of Truce. Because that was some scary Skill if someone got it.

"You are the Lead Protector, right? Please take your seat. Yes. Just go straight."

Tina walked straight, still looking at the butler over her shoulder. God, he's handsome! She thought, licking her lips.

At first, none cared about Tina's arrival.

But as she kept walking straight, approaching the stage, eyes moved toward her with raised brows.

When Tina saw those eyes, she too remembered who she was and what she represented.


She again put her eyes forward, and, suddenly, paused.

At the end of this straight path, she saw a black throne, looking not only grand but ominous.

And, sitting leisurely, but also grandly, on this throne, was a yellow-cloaked figure, its head hidden behind a hood.

Tina's throat went dry. The more she looked at that lonely figure… the more Tina felt it wasn't she who represented Power, but him.

No. She definitely wouldn't regret coming here, Tina reflected. This man's presence alone screamed that refusing the invitation wasn't even a choice. Not only for her but for any Contestants in this Harry Potter Random World.

In this world, this man stood at the Peak of Absolute Power, for he was…

The Supreme Protector!

************************AN: A Break Tomorrow!Now you can access up to 45 Chapters ahead of WN on PAtre0n. If you would like to support the fic and the author, while accessing exclusive content and voting rights, please consider becoming a Patron. Thanks a lot.