
Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

[A Terror Infinity and the Ultimate Evolution inspired Multiverse fanfic] Kai died and resurrected in the Primordial Tower with a Glitch. In the Tower, to ascend each floor, Kai must complete a series of Missions in the Infinite Random Worlds across the Multiverse. Worlds such as Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Pokemon, Naruto, One Piece. Walk along with Kai as he slaughter his way up to the peak of Absolute Power. *************** Discord: https://discord.gg/BMAQaTzPds Support here - Patreon (for extra chapters): patreon.com/droopyauthor Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/droopyauthor Disclaimer: Other than my OCs, I don’t own any character. Thank you.

droopyauthor · Book&Literature
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329 Chs

The Legacy of Immortal Experiment! (I)

Kai wanted to end it quick this time.

He also wanted the Prime Protector, Lead Protectors, and all the Protectors to be a part of this world.

That's why, Kai had assigned a Side Mission unrelated to any in-world Character. As Black could jump into Inventory anytime, crossing dimensions across the Multiverse to back to the Harry Potter Random World, the nature of Side Mission mattered little to him.

Moreover, as the Side Mission had a C+ Grade itself, then the Protectors would most probably be from the 9th-floor.

With almost no Lead Protectors in his Main Mission's Random World, except Tina, Kai had only this way left now to complete his Kill Count.

He had also left Monk Hori alive as a failsafe in case he couldn't complete the Kill Count within the Time Limit. At their level, Main Missions lasted for years. It was especially for Contestants, unlike him, who didn't have the privilege to combine all the floor missions. So he wasn't worried about Monk Hori disappearing behind his back.

However, the moment Black stepped out of the blue-black vortex, his vision suffered a massive shaking, becoming dull-gray.

A series of notifications appeared in his pupils, making him narrow his black eyes.

Traitor was a Title Kai had unlocked in his Initiation Mission. It demanded him killing 10 Chaos' Contestants collectively. However, he never truly got the chance to complete its Status.

Supreme Betrayer was this Title's next step, boldly asking Kai to kill at least 100 Chaos' Contestants.

The same was the case for Serial Killer. It required him to kill 20 Contestants in three different Random Worlds. Only once Kai tried to complete it, by killing a few random groups of Contestants in the Game of Thrones Random World when he switched using a Side Mission to upgrade Cersei's and Petyr's tales.

Genocidal Maniac was Serial Killer's next step, requiring him to kill over 200 Contestants in a single Random World.

Moreover, Kai had stopped killing Wizards in the Harry Potter Random World to not alert the Ministry of Magic. They were already kidnapping the human descendants of Squibs, making them walk on thin ice. Kai couldn't afford any massive pursuit by the official wizards.

That's why, his Sorcerer Slayer Title had never been completed as well, as it demanded him to kill a hundred magic users.

Now it too suddenly reached its completion, with many Contestants appearing in Harry Potter Random World already possessing Elementary Magical Aptitude.

What Kai never expected, though, was a Title Fusion.

Only Verse Fusion had the concept of fusion. But it only dealt with Abilities. Kai wasn't some newbie anymore. He had a hoard of upper-floor Contestants around him. He could make direct contact with the 18th-floor, if he wanted to. Yet, even he had never heard of this Title Fusion.

Moreover, the fused Title wasn't a Title, but a High Title, which made Kai instantly correlate it to a Commendable Milestone.

With a bubbling anticipation, Kai's eyes landed on the notification.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn

You have gained a High Title

High Title: The Archfiend of Chaos

Specification: Not Applicable

Status: Not Applicable

Effect: Grants the Status of Chaos' Representative in the upcoming Tower Exchange Program


 1. A High Title is similar to Title, but you can equip it alongside another Title

 2. Tower Exchange Program is a show of Power, Pride, and Potential between Chaos and Order

 3. Chaos chooses 1 Archfiend among the Contestants below the 5th Set and exchanges him/her with 11 Archangels chosen by Order

 4. Both Systems will assign a series of Random Encounters to each other's Representative/-s. By the end, whichever side has the greater number of cleared Random Encounters, collectively, will stand the winner

 5. Tower Exchange Program has no stages. At its core, it's a test of Endurance

Contestants Kai Stormborn, the Tower Exchange Program will take place the moment you equip the High Title.

Once you equip the High Title, it will be considered equivalent to you accepting your Status as Chaos' Representative.

The Tower Exchange Program is a treasure hoard for a Contestant like you, as every Random Encounter assigned by Order will grant a reward equivalent to its difficulty upon completion.

If you help Chaos win the Program, you can obtain the following Rewards:

 1. Worth +300

 2. One Reasonable Wish


Black was Calm. The Calm, for the first time, shuddered.


His heart almost bumped out of his chest. Yes, no Contestant below 4th Set could meet him on even grounds. It wasn't overconfidence, but a hard, cold fact.

Even ridiculous Contestants like The Cartoonist also could only survive against him, not defeat him.

But even then he didn't consider himself strong enough to rival 11th and 12th floor Contestants.

The difference between a 10th-floor Contestant and an 11th-floor Contestant was the same as 1st-floor Contestant and a 9th-floor Contestant.

Any comparison between them was a ridiculous affair in itself.

For Chaos to ignore the 11th and 12th-floor Contestants when it could only choose 1 Archfiend, excited Kai as much as it alerted Ad Infinitum.

"After Chaos lost its authority over Glitch," the AI beeped, asking the question, "how many Tower Exchange Programs has it won?"

The System didn't even mention the price.




Black's lips twitched.

"Chaos is desperate…" the Ad Infinitum beeped, picking up on the clues hidden in the System's tone. "Putting the matter of equipping the High Title on hold…"


Chaos will eagerly wait for your answer.


"Keep waiting…" the Ad Infinitum beeped savagely.

Black said nothing, his eyes merely lingering on one word in all these notifications. No. It wasn't the Wish.

It was Potential.

Black shook his head and brought his thoughts to the matter at hands.

The Death's Artifact, the Yellow Cloak, rippled invisibly, resonating him with the Timeline's Rules.

He was standing in the clearing within a dense jungle, hundreds of different calls from animals and birds surrounding him from all sides. In the distance, he could spy a tall, black pillar reaching to the sky, its lean body rippling with wind.

It was smoke.

For Black to see the thin trail of smoke from so far, the fire and destruction beneath it, at its source, must be tremendous.

Suddenly, all sounds got scared away, the birds taking to the air and the animals hiding darting away as if their life depended upon it.

Four silhouettes appeared in the sky, their speed blazing through the air as they jumped off the tree tops.

The Sound Four… Black smiled, recognizing them too easily.

Sure enough, two of the four ninjas were carrying a weakened Orochimaru, his hands blackened as if covered in rot.

The time was of the Leaf Village's Invasion right after the Chunin Exam.

Orochimaru had impersonated the Kazekage, and then tried to kill the Hokage, but failed, getting a part of his soul sealed.

With the mission failed, he was now running to safety, assisted by the Sound Four.

Even if it was a C+ Mission, this Orochimaru was just too weak to show the true capabilities of an in-world Character like him was capable of at this moment. No matter how strong the Sound Four were, they weren't that strong, either.

But Black didn't move. Nor did the ninjas notice him.

Five 9th-floor Contestants had already appeared around Black, blocking all possible escape routes.

The Lead Protectors!

The strongest among them all, a high-class 9th-floor Contestant, and the Lead Protector of Orochimaru, crossed his fingers on both hands, trapping all six figures within an invisible barrier.

Barrier-Barrier Fruit!

The other Lead Protectors also began taking out their weapons, their Mana and Spiritual Energy burning the air around them.

It was then a word echoed, halting everything.

Unfortunately, none could understand its meaning.


A cloud of silvery, white mist exploded out of Black, assuming the form of a giant, two-headed white serpent. One head had a wormy, black eye, and the other had a murky, yellow one. Both had their gazes reflecting all the Lead Protectors.

The Barrier, still coiling around itself, closing from above and below, suddenly began uncoiling.

The Devil Fruit user uncrossed his fingers as if bound by a great force and rule he couldn't say no to. Not only that, but all the Contestants' also found themselves tracing back their steps, putting their Items back into the Inventories.

As if this wasn't enough, an illusory, third head appeared in the middle of the two serpents' heads, its single eye closed.

When it opened, all Contestants couldn't even close their eyes, their pupils reflecting a stony gaze.

Little by little, their bodies began petrifying, a layer of stone restricting their movements.


Kai's figure blurred like a black wraith, tracing a circle around him.

When he returned to the place he was standing, a thin, red line appeared on all Contestants' throats. Before their heads could roll down, they had already become bloody statues.

Far into the jungle, a pained Orochimaru suddenly sensed something, making him look over his shoulder.

Simultaneously, Black too looked over his shoulder and… smiled.

So, yes.

Kai wanted to end it quickly this time because…

… both Kai and Black had a train to catch this morning.



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