
Multiverse sign-in system

A young man named Nick died and got a powerful system This is a story about Nick who got a chance to travel to many worlds and see many different beautiful women , cough*cough*.... I meant different cultures and scenarios - First world - Boku no hero academia - Mc is in the cover pic P.S( 1.This is a harem novel with many girls 2. The mc will be OP bt at the same time his powers will be slowly trained and deveolped to become op This is my first story, and I am writing this to practice for my original story( and I won't leave this story unfinished once I start to write my original one ) , so if there is any mistake, I will be correcting it once the story progress. ** The characters of the anime and movies except the O.C in this story belong to their creators and authors and has nothing to do with me. Only the OC belong to me

kenpatchi_zaraki · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 9: Middle school

Major time skip( 6 years)....

It's been 6 years since nick moved in to Yaoyorazu's mansion. He had become a lot stronger physically and mentally. His control over water has almost reached its peak and he can emit and manipulate water at his will. His observation haki has improved greatly, he can now sense more than 50km around him and he can even see 5 seconds in to the future. His shunpo has also reached its peak that he can almost rival yoruichi who was knows as the fastest shinigami. All these are possible, only because of his evolvable physique and his powerful soul.

In these 6 years nick has only got sign-in task for two times. The first mission was,when he just turned 7, The mission was to sign-in at allmight's house's living room for 10 minutes. and it just took him 2 days to complete this task but for that he had to torture chikasi with his puppy eyes and,Akari also threatened chikasi that she will make him to sleep on the couch if he didn't fulfil her son's wish soon, which scared him and he immediately accepted it. Chikasi arranged nick to meet with Allmight in just one day.

Chikasi was one of the main investors in hero association and All might,as the symbol of peace had met with chikasi many times as a representative of the heroes, so both had a good friendly relationship and it was not that difficult to fulfill his son's wish.

Nick not only successfully completed his task and at the same time he also got the chance to meet his favourite character from my hero academia, so he was double happy. The reward for this mission is "Shuri's knowledge". Shuri also known as the princess of wakanda, T''Challa's younger sister , genius inventor and scientists who has the intellectual that can rival tony stark.

With this reward,his intelligence rose to another level and later he invented many new type of weapons for his dad's company. At age of 9 he was called the "Genius child prodigy" by many magazines. Along with his charming looks he basically became a child idol.

He got his second mission last year when he was 10yrs old. His mission was to sign in at some super market which was very simple but when he went to the super market he knew that the mission was not very simple because the super market was on the verge of collapsing due to a villain's attack so he had no choice but to beat the crap out of the villain, who lost conscious easily and finally nick completed the mission.

His reward for that mission was " Tha stamina of Atlas",one of the 6 powers of SHAZAM. The Stamina of Atlas gives him unlimited stamina, self healing ability and he doesn't feel tired or fatigue and he doesn't even need air to breathe , he can even breathe in outer space.

Not only nick became powerful, momo also became quiet powerful with Sam's training and Nick's teachings. She has mastered many hand to hand combats and has mastered many different kinds of weapons including hot weapons. Nick taught her the molecular structure of vibranium (with the knowledge of shuri). She now mastered it and can make shields and weapons made of vibranium which made her offence and defence much more stronger.

Nick now looks like a 14yr old even though he is just 11yrs old. His body has become more perfect and his looks were more refined. Momo has also grown in to a beautiful girl and she looks lot more matured than the girls of her age. In these 6 years nick and momo has became a lot closer. They developed feelings for each other but haven't expressed it yet. Nick just wanted to wait till they reache a certain age to express his feelings to her.

Nick and sarah also became more closer in these years and she got upgraded once in these 6 years. Now nick can also see her face through his mind. when he first saw her beautiful face, he was mesmerized by her beauty which made her blush. At the same time she looked somewhat familiar but he couldn't remember properly.


Inside the Yaoyorazu's mansion, a family of four were having their dinner suddenly chikasi looked at nick who was eating by his side, "Nick, momo and you have been doing home schooling till now but now it's best that you both attend a Middle school, what do you think" chikasi asked while looking at nick, he didn't ask anything to momo because he knew that if nick decides to attend the school then momo will follow automatically.

"There is no use attending school otosan, you know I already have more knowledge than an University professor and even momo's IQ is better than most of the people, so what's the use of attending the middle school",he said and continued to eat his food.( He started calling them mom and dad after few months he lived with them. At the beginning he was a little hesitant to call them as mom and dad,even though he had some love for them. But as the time passed the love they showered him melted his heart and he stopped seeing them as his adopted parents and started treating them as his real parents.)

He suddenly heard a sweet familiar voice in his head," Master you have a new mission" Sarah said and opened the interface to show him his new mission.

[ Mission : Sign-in at Aldera junior high. You have to sign-in at the classroom for 2hrs everyday for 2 months]

[ Rewards : pleasure giving hands].

After seeing the mission and it's reward, nick started scolding in his mind,'what the fuck, the system even provides these kinds of rewards and why the heck do you want me to sign-in at the school that is going to be attended by that midoroya and that spiky headed idiot bakugo.' he took a deep breath and looked at his dad.

But his dad spoke before nick opened his mouth," I know you both are more intelligent than others, but you both have no friends of your own age, it's not good for your future, so your mother and I wanted you both to attend the school just to make some friends and have fun", he said.

Nick nodded his dad," If okasan and otosan really wanted us to attend the middle school, then we will attend, anyways it will also be a new experience, but we will join the middle school on only one condition",he told

Chikasi looked at him and waited for him to continue" We don't want to join any aristocratic schools, we wanted to join a normal school like Aldera junior high , I heard it's good" he said.

Chikasi thought for sometime and nodded his head. Nick just smiled and continued to eat. momo who was on the side was also happy to attend the school along with nick. Akari didn't say anything but she also smiled and continued to eat.

Next day chikasi arranged everything and the principle of Aldera middle school happily accepted momo and nick because chikasi made a considerable amount of money to their school.

Another time skip ( 2 months)...

Nick and momo spent this 2 months to train harder because when they join the school they won't have much time to train. Nick just trains alone while Sam trains momo. Sam stopped training nick when he turned 8yrs old because he had nothing to teach him anymore, he taught nick everything and nick also mastered all his moves. He couldn't help but consider him as a monster and focused his energy towards momo, which made momo's training more effective and harder.

Now it's time to attend the school. Both momo and nick got ready. Nick looked more dashing in his uniform and momo looked cute. They both said goodbyes to their parents and got on the armoured vehicle that was specially prepared for them for their safety and the vehicle started to move towards the direction of Aldera junior high.