
Multiverse Shifter

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). This is about the son of Levy Angstrom, not the comics but another one of his sons left behind at the untimely demise against an Evil Invincible. This story is about Liam Angstrom with the same abilities as his father has the power to travel the Multiverse and use these new powers to survive the infinite vastness of the Multiverse after his home dimension is invaded by an evil invincible. A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse with what he has on and what to work with he will go beyond what he thought possible.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 7: Unknown Passenger…

Chapter 7: Unknown Passenger…

~Liam POV~




Thank god I have my PDA to carry all my money since I have won this game time and time again making me secure my funding of cash.


Opening up another portal to the High School of the Dead dimension I made sure to connect it to an abandoned apartment after having my drones sent there as I have been busy collecting numerous amounts of PDA with a different number of useful items I need.

Guns, grenades, knives, medicine, food, and more useful hard-to-collect items.

I made sure to have them on hand in case things get dicey or I secure the stuff needed for my goals.

And I have to make sure I keep my morals and check so as to not end up like my father.

Angstrom Levy was a brilliant but amoral scientist who only wanted to be able to use his powers to their full potential something I can agree with him.

His desire to exploit his abilities drove and consumed him to break laws and cut corners in order to satiate it.

Well, I won't cut corners I'll have the more awaited idea or guarantee means of traveling.

While Levy wasn't willing to actually kill anyone to achieve this goal, hurting someone or working with criminals were acceptable costs to him at that time.

The accident affected Levy greatly, distorting his memories of the events leading up to the accident, and transforming him from an easy-going yet morally challenged person into a violent psychopath.

Levy's sole reason for being now is to gain vengeance on Invincible for causing the explosion that disfigured him.

It doesn't matter how he does so, or who needs to die in the crossfire.

I should keep a neutral and fair stance but if they have something that I truly want wheater they are an MC or not…


Good thing for them I can steal them from their evil counterparts.

After all the Multiverse is a very big place.

Going inside the portal I made sure to mark it where my drone saw it inside an apartment and left the camera on for a while and took the chance to see if it was abandoned which it was.

So, this is worth the risk of going in.

Time to get over my fears of killing.

Time to go beyond.


Stepping out of the portal I began to look around expecting the undead till I realized I was inside an apartment as I talked, "Huh? Guess this place is really abandoned… Wait a second did I appear in Rika's apartment?"

Taking a look inside I can see it was just how I imagined it from the anime.


Lucky me I guess since I managed to go into a world that is relatively somewhat safe I guess.

Go me.

Searching around I began to see the outside filled with the Undead.

Guess the zombie apocalypse already began so I'm not sure if the plot has already gone off or not yet if the MC group is here or not.

Like it matters or not but if I get to save them I can offer them a trip to a parallel world of theirs with no zombies or viruses happening but is it wrong to bang the hot busty nurse?

Fuck I need to stop being horny… not the time and shaking off my lower head I began to look out opening a window at the zombie being ugly bastards as they are…



They are fucking smell like shit as well!


Closing the windows immediately I began to check around the inside and didn't bother outside till I have some gear.

Glancing around the place I brought out the PDA as I digitized the Fabricator out of the inventory and the Habitat Builder as I began to scroll through what I needed.


Placing it to the side I opened up another portal as I place my hand inside grabbing some slices of pizza from the Pizza Dimension and taking a bite from it.

Hmm… cheesy with some pepperoni…

Just how I like it.

And no threats in that dimension since I won't have to worry about food fighting back… unless it's maybe from the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs dimension if I tried it?

Although the scientist Flint I think did make a machine to create food out of the water so maybe worth a check to that place when I have the time.

Taking some out and placing it inside the fridge seeing as it was empty I can assume that it was already empty or thanks to the MC group came here already but I could be wrong but hey free space.

Like that, I stuff some pizza inside with some containers of course as they left it inside the apartment.


That takes care of one issue as I went to the Fabricator and glanced through the PDA I found the guy I took this from had some stuff needed to build some things.


Better take care of those zombies first since I need to move out in the open again.

Going to the windows as I open them and take out my Laser Cutter and point at the horde of undead as I take aim as I talk to myself, "This has been a very weird experience. One second my dimension Earth is overtaken by aliens, winning billions of dollars, stranded on an alien water planet to get supplies, and right here in a fanservice world. Meh."

Shrugging it off for now I began to get my attention back towards the zombies as I get back eliminating the numbers.

"Argh –"

"Die you zombie fucks!"


Do you think spending a few days here in the High School of the Dead Dimension would make me chill.


Not in the least.

Although spending the next few days clearing the Zombie undead with a laser cutter and blunt objects makes it hard enough but then again the laser cutter does it work.

Even the guns work really well and I have plenty of ammo left.


Just aim at the head to shoot the laser within range and they cut through cleanly like the baby in The Boys show or comics.


Clearing up the dead has been it made maneuvering the area a lot easier for me to work with once I got the map of the place.

When I cleaned up the zombies near my apartment I began getting the supplies here and used the Fabricator and rebuilt new guns and ammo in this world.

One can never be too resourceful or waste any items.

Since then I have gathered any useful resources I could get and traveled back to Subnautica to gather any useful tools for me to use.

Good thing there was the spare inventories I could use from the last guy that used them as well to get inside his former base.

The plant life can attest to that much.

Still, though I used the Fabricator to get as many useful resources I could get from that world and this Dimension and the worried about food wasn't the issue.

Plus I gathered enough fuel energy for me to charge up my laser cutter for a good few rounds around the dimensions.

Since I kind of established a good base of command for the time being the next stop is find a mobile place for me to use as a ride at least. Now the real hard part is finding a mobile home that's good.

I already thought up another place to take over but could take a while for me to understand the patterns of how it would work.

But my powers are a problem since I can't exactly know where exactly do I end up in so I only travel if possible and if I'm in a safe area.


I think I should probably find a method to somehow increase my odds of increasing my survivability is what I lack now.



Taking care of a few undead zombies in the area I managed to collect some more materials like ammo around these parts of Japan.

High School of the Dead Dimension has plenty of resources for me to collect and fuel my Fabricator to get better and cleaner items.

But hey free stuff.

After clearing up some stuff I managed to get myself prepared to be reused using the PDA as my hammerspace or inventory for me to use.

Walking around the place I managed to return back to the apartment for the night entering inside the confide of my home I began to stretch out a bit thinking about what my next objective should be.

And stating the obvious I need to be physically enhanced before collecting all the power goodies.

The multiverse is harsh for those who aren't prepared.

And I won't be at the bad end of that spectrum being the victim.


What I need to do is gather some powers or great tools for me to use but also some searching of worlds for me to gather material.


For now, I should settle with finding a way to somehow get myself a major boost to well… my everything.

Like a super-soldier serum but frankly, those are guarded in the most dangerous worlds that I wouldn't want to step in until I get the appropriate gear.

Marvel, Worm, and DC dimensions.

So… yeah not stepping into that world because of their Gods and other higher beings.

There is one world that does tickle my fancy and having gathered the Japanese currency from all the empty homes the money in Highschool of the Dead world is basically worthless here… but food and essentials are good as gold here.

I even traded with some of the people managing to survive in this place made a big profit from them as I traded them reusable food for cash, which they have on hand to those that need it anyway.

No need to translate if I can do expressions but it was still hard for them to get unless I act it out for them.

Still, it did leave me with plenty of cash for me to work with here.

Now the only question is how the hell does I learn everything humanly and cheatingly as possible…


What I need is to get my first superpower and something that is useful to survive outside first….



Coughing suddenly I noticed that I wasn't exactly in the best of health lately after two days of leaving the Subnatica dimension?



That was when I got my answer from PDA as it told me what was happening.

"Host is now experiencing the Kharaa Bacteria Virus estimating the time of death in 12 days."

What… Kharaa Bacteria Virus?

When and how!

Oh, I fucked up now didn't I?