
Multiverse Shifter

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). This is about the son of Levy Angstrom, not the comics but another one of his sons left behind at the untimely demise against an Evil Invincible. This story is about Liam Angstrom with the same abilities as his father has the power to travel the Multiverse and use these new powers to survive the infinite vastness of the Multiverse after his home dimension is invaded by an evil invincible. A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse with what he has on and what to work with he will go beyond what he thought possible.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 6: Useful Stuff

Chapter 6: Useful Stuff

~Liam POV~

Finding a good location for me to open to was hard enough because of the use of my powers.

Getting the general world or dimension location is no problem.

Transporting at a random location out of control though?

That's a BIG problem.

Like father and like sob powers we both can open gateways into other dimensions.

Our gates range in size from 2.5 to 8 feet in diameter.

Levy can move himself or other organic and inorganic matter, appearing instantaneously on the opposite side in the other parallel universe.

However, we both have initially, the same problem as that is the limitations of moving through dimensions experimentally. Basically, trial and error to find dimensions that were safe enough for him to move through.

Moreover, Levy was unable to teleport from one spot to another, circumventing the distance between two locations. Levy continued to occupy the same spatial position regardless of the dimension that he transported to.

There he would have to travel to the location he was attempting to reach either prior to or after his teleportation from one alternate universe to another.

So yeah, I have to get through that issue but for now, it seems to relate to brainpower or mental power if you want to be technical about it.

From Levy's own result of his experiment conducted with the aid of the Mauler twins, he has increased his brain mass by over 80%, granting him vast intellectual prowess.

With this, he has gained the memories of his dimensional duplicates from over 1,000 dimensions.

This union of parallel selves has given him intimate knowledge of those dimensions. Furthermore, he now has the ability to open gates at will to different locations in each one thanks to the boost.


Opening up the portal I began to enter inside already having a good general idea of where the MC base is and ready for the items to steal.

I'll worry about boosting my ability later when I'm strong first.

Sadly though I can't go to Halo or Mass Effect dimensions because they are out of my reach currently unless I visit Mars to get the technology on Mass Effect or go off-world to another planet and try my luck going to Halo.

Unfortunately, those means are out of my reach for the time being because of the habitant's issues and I'm in no shape or form to fight them off so those are backed off for the time being at least.

Packing some pistols and clips on me began to enter inside and prepare for the worst…




Briefly surprised by the sudden place I was transported into I managed to get myself together only to find myself completely wet on the ocean surface.

God damn it!


Guess I'm going to need to learn to properly handle my power or get amazing Luck powers since the place I head towards could be again completely random.


Glancing around the ocean and the weird water life here I sigh out a breath of relief as I managed to enter the right dimension I needed to go to first.

Although I wish I didn't have to get wet for this whatever I got to the dimension I needed to be first so that's what matters.

The dimension I jumped or shifted to be the one I needed for technology that is useful.

I came to the Subnautica dimension.

Looking around the place I see that I was at the surface of the water as I began to search around by swimming viewing the weird creatures there.

While looking at them is pretty cool and all but I happen to need to dry off my clothes here because I got them all wet… Fuck.

Shaking my head at the unfortunate loss I had for my electronics like my laptop or phone I managed to see a metal base of sorts in the distance beneath the ocean surface.


Just the place I was looking for!

Here goes!

Taking in a deep breath of air I managed to swim in the direction of the metal base as I remembered from the games I enter inside using the hatch turning it around till I saw bubbles leaving it.


Opening it I entered inside the metal base I immediately close the latch as I breathe in the glorious precious air, "Ahh… God damn if I held my breath any longer then I would need to go up for air! But finally, I reached where I'm going. Now then…"

Now looking around the place I see it was stacked with some materials nearby.

I remember some of these items in the game I played but stopped after its popularity for it died down.

Entering this dimension first is what I wanted to get to first to establish getting items when I'm in need that is versatile since I'm not smart enough to get or create the stuff I need except to gather supplies from other worlds.

But for that to work I need to collect materials I need for some specific worlds so this game Subnautica was the first thing that came to my mind when I need a place where I can get some good materials.

Entering the place I examine the contents inside of the place as I began to look at the items at hand as I see my hands on the item I need, "Ah. Good to see this place is here, especially the Fabricator."


A Fabricator is an appliance that can be used to craft Food & Water, Equipment, Tools, and Deployables from Raw Materials, Basic Materials, Advanced Materials, and Electronics.

One Fabricator can be found in Lifepod 5; as is the player's starting location, the use of this Fabricator is vital toward the player's progress and survival.

Additional Fabricators can be constructed with the Habitat Builder and placed inside a Cyclops or a Seabase module. Broken fabricators can be found in most of the Destroyed life pods.

Glancing around I see that there is the Fabricator good and useable if the blinking lights are off to go by.

Taking a look around I see the MC here isn't around but from the looks of things, I began to investigate the items at hand as I take a look around.

Using my power of dimension portals, I began to open up a portal of a ship holding the next two vital items I need from this place before going to my next destination.

Placing my hand inside the portal I began to take the items I need as I immediately got hold of the items I need -


That was before the items I took also got someone else that looks like an elderly person as he was wearing the swimsuit as he dropped the PDA and Habitat Builder as he spoke in a raspy voice, "A…re… you… an…other… huma…n …in… thi…s –"


Opening up another portal to another world of earth and taking away his items since he won't be needing them.

Hey at least he gets to live in a human world again and who knows I might've done him a favor.

Poor sap must have been hard for him to jerk off to nothing in this world.

A moment of silence for the man that died a virgin in this world.


And the moment is gone now on to more or less serious manners…

The tech the old fossil had on him.

Still, though these two are going to be pretty handy to have.

The Habitat Builder allows the player to build a variety of stationery items. It is a crucial tool for the deployment of Sea bases and the customization of the interiors of both Sea bases and the Cyclops.

The Habitat Builder requires a Battery to operate, and objects cannot be constructed/deconstructed if the battery is depleted. It has a gauge on the back that tells the player how much battery charge it has left.

Next up is my personal literal inventory.

The PDA or Personal Digital Assistant, also sometimes called the Survival PDA, is a multipurpose device that the player keeps with them at all times.

The PDA's AI keeps the player informed of their health status and will alert the player when the player has 30 or 10 O2 points remaining, or if the player is getting close to dehydration or starvation.

It also gives useful information to the player when they enter new areas or find new materials. The most useful feature is when it allows me to carry many items on hand by digitizing them as it's stored inside the PDA.

There are already a few blueprints inside for me to use and some items for me to take at the ready thanks to the MC of this dimension.

Still a bit disturbed by how old he was and that he survived for that long…


Honestly felt a chill run down my spine but no matter I got the tech I need for survival first the next destination is where exactly should I go to next?

It should be a world where I can get the resources easily but at the same time be nearly dead enough for me to experiment as well as collect the items, I need in peace… for at least the time being.

Come on Liam Angstrom what world is nearly dead but is still useable for me to use in this world for me to get some materials I need to collect but still be alive.

That and I need to get over the bloodshed of people as soon as over.

No one became a murderer overnight.



"I got it!"

Yeah, that dimension should still functionally and work for me.

Time to take a quick trip to the High School of the Dead Dimension next.

Dead with zombies and has plenty of resources for me to use since the people in that world are basically screwed it's the perfect ideal place for me to get what I need.

Although I'm going to need some protection from the zombies…

Thinking a bit I could basically just use the MC group former apartment home as a base for the time being while I dimension hop to other worlds and just open portals to the armory or create some fictional ones with the Fabricator.

Yeah, that'll work.

Would be a real shame I died of a Zombie attack on my second attempt into another dimension huh?


The Laser Cutter is certainly an option it seems.

The Laser Cutter is a tool crafted by the Fabricator. Fragments of the Laser Cutter must be scanned in order for its blueprint to be unlocked.

Its only function is opening sealed doors in Wrecks and the Aurora. It has an Energy level that can be replenished with a Battery.

The ultra high-frequency laser cutter is tuned specifically to cut through titanium and plasteel-based materials at a thickness of up to 10cm. This makes it an essential tool for construction, salvage, and rescue operations, but ineffective on natural obstacles.

Cutting open one sealed door will drain 17% of the charge of a normal battery. This means it can cut through five doors and nearly make it through a sixth before needing to replace the battery.

Still, the most useful weapon to have on hand at the moment considering there are literal zombies outside and having some of this stuff will help.

Choosing the option to craft the Laser Cutter I see the Fabricator got to work on making it.



Like the whole process was done in 3 seconds as I see it constructed on my hands as I gave it a good weight to feel its light as I blink in surprise, "Huh? You know I always wondered what a laser cutter felt like?"

Holding the Laser Cutter it seems to me I got a new toy to work with against the zombies now then…

Time to RIP and TEAR.

After all, I do have to get rid of the tenants first.

Begone undead fucks!

But first I need to pack up some supplies in my private mansions in the Ready Player One dimension first before I go collecting the money.

And more ammo with silencer weapons as well.

Maybe some extra food to trade with people for their gear.


Also, some medicine as well…


I need to think this through first before going around.