
Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC)

[ Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC) ] Austin Evans accidentally crossed over into the wasteland universe in the Marvel Multiverse. In this world, everything was so hopeless. After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker did not become Spiderman, but was infected with a disease and died in the streets! Other nascent heroes met similar ends, their destinies perverted into tragedy. In this bleak universe, he found himself in, there were no heroes left to save the day. The familiar origins that once birthed legendary heroes had instead become harbingers of their doom. As Austin explored this wasteland, he unearthed clues about its fallen heroes and villains. A newspaper told of the Avengers, branded extremists, wiped out by missiles. A gifted archer named Hawkeye was gunned down in the streets. Millionaire inventor Tony Stark turned terrorist mastermind, was executed for his rebellion. After barely escaping this universe, Austin was horrified to discover that the multiverse had long since collapsed into ruin. What awaited him would be one apocalyptic universe after another... This world was an inverted mirror, distorting everything Austin knew about the grand mythology he once loved. How had such a corruption come to pass? What led the multiverse itself down this dark path of destruction? Austin was now a wanderer in infinity, his duty to chronicle the downfall of all worlds. If these apocalypses were gravestones, he would be the gravedigger to bury them. Their forgotten stories would live on through him alone. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 御笔画眉 Translator & Editor: RedX43 ---

iRedX43 · Movies
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63 Chs

Chapter 40 The Bizarre Descends!

Zombie Invasion!?

How was this possible?!

Professor Yefni's eyes were bulging out. These bizarre creatures that only existed in movies and TV shows, how could they appear alive in the real world?

But when he saw the hellish scene unfolding outside, "Zombie Invasion" was the only way he could describe it. He witnessed with his own eyes a soldier who had just spoken with him get pounced on by another man in military garb. In the next moment, amidst the soldier's screams, his throat was bitten through.

Blood sprayed out, splattering the snow and dyeing it a crimson red. Then the squad of special forces immediately opened fire, turning both the zombie and the young soldier with the mangled throat into sieves.

It was as if the whole world had gone insane. The pungent bloody smell even seeped in through the cracks of the window, permeating the air around Professor Yefni. He covered his mouth, trying not to cry out.

He bit down hard on his finger. The intense pain brought clarity to Professor Yefni's mind. Watching the hellish scene outside, his brain raced at high speed, seemingly to make sense of everything that was unfolding.

"Could it be alien technology? The spaceship carries an alien virus inside, or maybe that alien mutated inside its body after being infected with Earth's virus, causing a new type of virus to appear and spread rapidly!"

The clouded eyes grew increasingly bright. Professor Yefni felt he had grasped the crux of the problem.

"Everything came from that alien. The original virus in its body mutated with the virus on Earth, leading to the emergence of microorganisms similar to the zombie virus.And that thing has extremely high infectivity coupled with latency—that's why this disaster erupted so suddenly!"

"Yes, yes! That's exactly what happened! I, I need to quickly think of a solution."

Professor Yefni mumbled tremulously as he licked his dry lips. Very soon, he thought of a solution. "If it's an alien virus, then pathogen samples must exist within the alien's body. If we can get samples to analyze in the lab, we can formulate a cure to resolve this disaster!"

Suddenly, a violent explosion rang out near the window, the deafening boom even closer than the previous rumbles. The special glass finally couldn't withstand the shockwave and shattered into pieces. The entire experimental base rocked violently.

The gigantic fireball lit up half the sky and startled Professor Yefni. He seemed to sense something and whipped around abruptly. Framed by the flames streaming in through the window, Professor Yefni was shocked to discover his most prized disciple walking towards him one step at a time.

No, that's not his disciple!

The youth's originally fair complexion had turned ghastly pale. Black vascular strands spread across his body like a spider web, making him look extremely hideous. His mouth gaped open with drool dripping to the floor. And his eyes were also covered in a crimson shroud, not a shred of humanity left within them.

"No! Don't come any closer!" Professor Yefni retreated in horror. Nothing could be more despairing than watching his most exceptional disciple turn into a zombie right before his eyes.

"Pro...fes...sor!" The other opened his mouth wide with countless rivulets of blood oozing out, yet he did not halt his advance despite the professor's warning.

Bang! Bang bang!

Professor Yefni did not hesitate one bit to whip out his gun and fire off several shots in succession. The crisp gunshots were soon drowned out by the cacophony from outside. No one took notice.

His disciple's body stumbled back several steps before finally collapsing on the stairs.

"I'm sorry, I've wronged you," seeing him lift his hand again, Professor Yefni quickly put another bullet through his head. Although the professor could not ascertain the operating principles behind this zombie virus, surely blowing their brains out must work.

Because no matter the virus, they needed the brain to control the body. Once the brain has exploded, the body would no longer be able to rise up again.

"But I still have something I must do." Shaking his head, Professor Yefni forcibly suppressed the fear within him. Right now, he did not even dare imagine it—he had personally killed his own disciple just now! Just this one incident alone would have driven him insane.

But he knew he absolutely could not get lost in his thoughts now. If he wanted to resolve this catastrophe, then he must swiftly locate that alien and analyze its blood samples to find a vaccine against the zombie virus.

Running back the way he came, terror made the old professor misstep and take a bad fall at one point. Upon reaching the first level of the experimental base, he caught sight of the special forces exclusively guarding the premises.

Those professional soldiers took cover behind barriers, with gun muzzles continuously spewing out bullets, striking down those humanoid monsters concealed amidst the wind and snow.

"Don't let any enemies charge through! Everyone hold the line; take down any target that nears—even if they're one of our own or seem normal, absolutely do not let them get within half a step!"

The commander's bellowing echoed within the trenches. Listening to the rumbling outside, Professor Yefni could vaguely make out the sounds of tank cannons as well—a nightmarish scene beyond anything he could have imagined in his lifetime.

The special forces soldiers kept up a continuous fire, blasting flames toward some things outside. The fierce hail of fire caused anything trying to approach the experimental base to be blown apart.

"They're everywhere!" one soldier shrieked, terror already conquering his eyes. He did not know where these things had popped out from and dared not imagine what would happen if those monsters breached their perimeter.

"Less nonsense! Stand your ground! As long as we hold here, those freaks can't get through!" The commander roared, steadying the turbulent hearts of the soldiers, though the trembling in his voice betrayed his inner turmoil.

Professor Yefni withdrew his gaze and made straight for the underground lab. He knew he was racing against time now—if he didn't manufacture the vaccine before the experimental base was overrun, no one inside would make it out alive!

But upon returning below ground, he was shocked to discover an even direr situation unfolding.


Flames burned everywhere he looked. The waves of heat that buffeted him forced Professor Yefni to halt his steps.

Never before had he undergone something so despair-inducing. Before his very eyes, he witnessed a researcher running wildly amidst a body wreathed in flames before another professor gunned him down. Fiery flames and thick smoke were everywhere. If aboveground was hell on earth, then the underground lab had transformed into a fiery purgatory.

No one knew how the fire had started or how everything had devolved into this. Everyone had lost their minds. They didn't even have time to stop and think, only caring about fleeing this base that was speeding towards destruction.

Professor Yefni forcibly suppressed the terror within him. He grabbed a respirator mask to isolate himself from the thick smoke before charging straight towards the lab's deepest level without looking back.

He knew there was a high probability he wouldn't return from this trip, but he also understood one thing clearly—if he couldn't preserve those pathogen samples alive, the entire world would be ravaged by the zombie virus!

Professor Yefni plunged into the sea of flames without regard for his safety. His entire mind was occupied with swiftly accomplishing his plan. Just when he was about to reach the secret chamber where the alien was kept...

In the next moment, Professor Yefni suddenly halted his steps.

At the end of the corridor that had turned into a raging inferno stood a lone dark figure, abruptly towering within the flames.

It was someone wearing a bizarre helmet, with a plague doctor's mask on his face that Professor Yefni clearly recognized—the specialized masks used by medieval plague doctors, with a silver beak and a pair of emotionless obsidian lenses over the eyes.

This eerie sight instantly made Professor Yefni, who was in the middle of a fiery ocean, feel as if he had fallen into an icy cavern. That dark silhouette was like the Grim Reaper, silently standing amidst the blaze.

In his hand, he also held an extremely strange umbrella!

(End Of The Chapter)...To be continued.
