
Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC)

[ Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC) ] Austin Evans accidentally crossed over into the wasteland universe in the Marvel Multiverse. In this world, everything was so hopeless. After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker did not become Spiderman, but was infected with a disease and died in the streets! Other nascent heroes met similar ends, their destinies perverted into tragedy. In this bleak universe, he found himself in, there were no heroes left to save the day. The familiar origins that once birthed legendary heroes had instead become harbingers of their doom. As Austin explored this wasteland, he unearthed clues about its fallen heroes and villains. A newspaper told of the Avengers, branded extremists, wiped out by missiles. A gifted archer named Hawkeye was gunned down in the streets. Millionaire inventor Tony Stark turned terrorist mastermind, was executed for his rebellion. After barely escaping this universe, Austin was horrified to discover that the multiverse had long since collapsed into ruin. What awaited him would be one apocalyptic universe after another... This world was an inverted mirror, distorting everything Austin knew about the grand mythology he once loved. How had such a corruption come to pass? What led the multiverse itself down this dark path of destruction? Austin was now a wanderer in infinity, his duty to chronicle the downfall of all worlds. If these apocalypses were gravestones, he would be the gravedigger to bury them. Their forgotten stories would live on through him alone. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 御笔画眉 Translator & Editor: RedX43 ---

iRedX43 · Movies
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Chapter 36 The Legacy of the Villains (Part 2)

It was a very ordinary-looking umbrella, exactly like the umbrellas used by the general public.

But it was also slightly different. Its workmanship was very exquisite, like a collectible work of art.

Picking up the umbrella, the feel of it was very solid, clearly the canopy was not made of ordinary materials, but belonged to the same high-tech synthetic bulletproof material as Batman's cape. At the same time, the ribs were very sturdy and thick. Austin found that the umbrella was heavier than he had imagined when he picked it up.

In the center of the umbrella, there is a precision device that looks like a control center, which is connected to the handle of the umbrella. There are several buttons on it, but Austin didn't dare to touch it at will for the time being. For such a fine and complicated gadget umbrella, if it is used at will without a good understanding of it, it will definitely hurt oneself first.

Austin looked at the umbrella excitedly, unable to stop smiling. Who could resist such an umbrella full of sci-fi technology?

Then next to the umbrella, he discovered a small notebook. Opening it, he found that it densely recorded all the usage methods of this umbrella, as well as the various ingenious mechanisms installed on it.

Clearly, this notebook was left by Batman, and he had already figured out all the gadgets on this umbrella.

It was hard to imagine that this umbrella was something that appeared in the 70's and 80's. Such a mechanical feel was definitely not something ordinary people could create. It was an extremely complex high-tech item.

"The first one, Penguin's Umbrella.*"

Austin's hand grasping the umbrella trembled slightly. From the notes left behind by Batman, this umbrella had been installed with all sorts of powerful technology on it, and it was definitely much more practical than his own previous Iron Man Suit that could only fire palm cannons.

With a simple glance, Austin realized that this umbrella was capable of shooting bullets and firing small missiles, the laser emitter on the top could shoot lasers, and the tip could also release poison gas, although the bullets were not loaded now.

In addition, the handle could pull out an umbrella sword. When opened, the umbrella could also act as a shield, not to mention, when opened this umbrella could spin at high speeds and be used as a small helicopter. It was truly an all-purpose umbrella with all kinds of abilities.

It was a Bulgarian Umbrella, clearly paying tribute to a real historical assassination case. In 1978, the defected Bulgarian writer Markov was cut on the thigh with an umbrella on Waterloo Bridge in London, then died four days later due to poisoning.

In this universe, the umbrella became the Penguin's exclusive weapon, and the various gadgets on it even give Batman some headaches.

After finding this umbrella, Austin quickly found his next target.

It was a bottle placed next to a worn-out mask. It contained some bluish-green liquid inside, with a label on the opening saying "Do Not Open", and a warning written in red paint. Its name was written on the bottle - Fear Gas.

"The Second One, Scarecrow's Fear Gas."

Austin pulled out a smile. Next to the bottle of Fear Gas was Batman's "thoughtfully" left fear toxin formula, showing Batman had long understood all the weapons of these old opponents of his.

Fear gas was the specialty of Gotham City's very famous villain Scarecrow. After the gas was released, it was colorless and odorless. Those poisoned would have terrible hallucinations and see the things they feared the most deep down.

The most amazing thing is that this fear gas is very powerful. The vast majority of creatures had no immunity to this gas, even Superman had fallen to this gas before, showing how terrifying its power was.

Perhaps the only thing that could overwhelm this gas was Joker's Laughing Gas, but unfortunately, Austin did not find the Laughing Gas or its formula here. The only things related to the Joker here were a "haha" Laughing Bag and a Joker utility belt containing many non-lethal weapons.

"Perhaps this Fear Gas can be put in Penguin's Umbrella. Anyway, there's a corresponding poison container in that umbrella." Austin thought for a moment and quickly decided to combine these two weapons into one.

Batman had many enemies, but the vast majority were intellectual opponents. Whether it was Mad Hatter, Penguin, Scarecrow, or Joker, their high-tech weapons were almost just for show. What was truly dangerous was their intelligence.

Therefore, when Austin was looking for suitable equipment for himself, he usually did not look at the name of the opponent, but the practicality of the equipment. After all, no matter how big those villains' names were, if their equipment was useless, it wouldn't suit him either.

Soon, Austin found another useful item, only this item was not for Austin but specially for Petro to use.

It was a scepter, similar to Riddler's Cane,* but looked more flamboyant. The scepter was made entirely in the shape of lightning. Its effect was the same as its appearance - it could release powerful electric currents to attack.

When used at full power, it was comparable to real lightning, and could instantly electrocute a person into a dried corpse.

"Petro, try this. A speedster plus able to release lightning, you can be considered another kind of 'Flash'." Austin casually handed the lightning scepter to Petro, who was also extremely excited.

"Austin, this thing looks so cool! Is it powerful?"

"Still decent I guess. Can't compare to the real lightning from Real Thor or Zeus, but it's still a very powerful weapon." Austin explained.

The user of this scepter was a billionaire named Maxie Zeus*. He was a zealous worshipper of the ancient Greek gods, and even delusionally wanted to use the rule of ancient Greece to conquer the world. He established one of the largest gangs in Gotham and claimed to be Zeus descending to Earth, believing all the Olympian gods were supporting him.

Simply put, this guy is a complete and utter lunatic, except that this is the same guy who is one of the most feared gangsters in Gotham. When he was active, Penguin was still just a small-time crook not even considered a proper gangster yet.

Aside from these items, the rest of the stuff was nothing worth keeping for Austin. Whether Ventriloquist's puppet*, Kite Man's kite*, or Talon's weapons*, they were all ordinary things that couldn't provide much help.

As for the items belonging to Bane*, KGBeast*, and Deathstroke*, Austin did see them, but none of the mysterious serums that allowed them to surpass human physical limits could be found. Batman had probably destroyed those things.

Given Batman's personality, he would definitely not have kept those things, because unlike Fear Gas, those serums that enhanced human physique were like the Captain America serum - they could instantly turn people into super soldiers, but similarly, they would also amplify the darkness in people's hearts.

And Batman had fought against the darkness in human hearts his whole life, so naturally he would not use or keep these things.

However, what made Austin somewhat surprised was that the heads of Man-Bat and Killer Croc were actually placed inside the display room, and their hideous looks had already been made into taxidermy. It seemed the Wayne family was worthy of its origins as hunters. If not for these villains going too far, Batman would probably be the biggest "villain" in Gotham.

(End Of The Chapter)...To be continued.


( T/N: Extra!!

Penguin's Umbrella: The Penguin is known as the Man of a Thousand Umbrellas as he nearly always carries one with him.

It may look like an ordinary rain protector, but it was also a very powerful device that had built-in weaponry such as guns, missiles, sword blades, laser guns, flame-throwers, and acid-spraying devices. He also had some used for modes of transportation such as ones that had a series of built-in spinning blades to use as a mini helicopter or a jet-powered engine to ride it as a broomstick. Sometimes when he opened up his umbrella, it had a built in flight module that could carry him into the air like a hot air balloon.

Most of Penguin's umbrellas were black in appearance, but some also had multicolored and other unusual designs.

Fear Gas: Fear Toxin, also known as Fear Gas, was the signature weapon used by the Scarecrow. It induced involuntary and sometimes irrational fear in its victims' minds, driving them insane.

Riddler's Cane: The Riddler's cane (sometimes referred to as a staff) is a tool occasionally used by the supervillain. Often depicted as a long pole with a golden question mark ornament at its top, the tool is carried by the villain during his crimes for stylistic purposes, though it often is used as a weapon. In multiple stories, Riddler has adapted the cane to act as multi-functional tool or remote control for his apparatus.

Maxie Zeus: A deranged gang leader, Maximilian "Maxie" Zeus came to believe himself an avatar of the Olympian god Zeus. Creating a cult-like gang of henchmen to do his bidding, Zeus became a power-player in the Gotham City underworld. His criminal activities are perpetrated by his army of followers, and—he believes—overseen by the ancient Greek gods themselves.

The Ventriloquist: Arnold Wesker is a ventriloquist with multiple personalities. His puppet is a gangster named Scarface. Under the puppet's psychological influence, Wesker is a dangerous and ruthless criminal and crime boss. It has been implied that the Ventriloquist suffers from multiple personality disorder. Wesker was originally a timid orphan whose deep repression erupted into a barroom brawl, resulting in him being sent to Blackgate Prison. There, he encountered the ventriloquist dummy Scarface and promptly murdered the man who'd carved the dummy. The two are now inseparable, directing a series of criminal activities. While most believe that Scarface is a tool by Wesker simply acting out a dark side to his personality, the Ventriloquist sees himself as a reluctant lackey who is forced to do Scarface's bidding.

Kite Man: Kite Man' (Charles "Chuck" Brown Sr.) is a super villain in Gotham City that commits crimes by arming himself with kite-based weapons and gadgets.

Talon (William Cobb): William Cobb was the most foremost and formidable of the Talon assassins used by the Court of Owls when Batman uncovered the secret society. He is also the great-grandfather of Dick Grayson, AKA Nightwing.

Bane: Bane was the friend and protector of Talia and the field commander of the League of Shadows. He was potent in both strategy and physical combat. He defeated the Batman in combat and manipulated the citizens of Gotham City with skilled oratory until Batman's recovery and return. He displayed his personality predominantly through expressions in his eyes. Bane's physical appearance was defined by his mask, which inhibited the excruciating pain that agonized his body to bearable levels. He was portrayed by Tom Hardy in The Dark Knight Rises.

KGBeast: KGBeast (or in Rebirth continuity, simply The Beast) is a Russian super-villain, an assassin, and also an enemy of Batman.

Slade Wilson (Prime Earth): Slade Wilson, known by his codename, Deathstroke, was an elite mercenary, commonly considered the world's greatest and deadliest assassin. )
