
Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC)

[ Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC) ] Austin Evans accidentally crossed over into the wasteland universe in the Marvel Multiverse. In this world, everything was so hopeless. After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker did not become Spiderman, but was infected with a disease and died in the streets! Other nascent heroes met similar ends, their destinies perverted into tragedy. In this bleak universe, he found himself in, there were no heroes left to save the day. The familiar origins that once birthed legendary heroes had instead become harbingers of their doom. As Austin explored this wasteland, he unearthed clues about its fallen heroes and villains. A newspaper told of the Avengers, branded extremists, wiped out by missiles. A gifted archer named Hawkeye was gunned down in the streets. Millionaire inventor Tony Stark turned terrorist mastermind, was executed for his rebellion. After barely escaping this universe, Austin was horrified to discover that the multiverse had long since collapsed into ruin. What awaited him would be one apocalyptic universe after another... This world was an inverted mirror, distorting everything Austin knew about the grand mythology he once loved. How had such a corruption come to pass? What led the multiverse itself down this dark path of destruction? Austin was now a wanderer in infinity, his duty to chronicle the downfall of all worlds. If these apocalypses were gravestones, he would be the gravedigger to bury them. Their forgotten stories would live on through him alone. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 御笔画眉 Translator & Editor: RedX43 ---

iRedX43 · Movies
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Chapter 31 An Unstoppable Disaster?

On this point, Austin wasn't lying to Pietro.

As a general of Krypton, General Zod was extremely powerful. Even though he wasn't adapted to the yellow sun when he first arrived on Earth, he quickly got used to it. Empowered by the sunlight, he became a devastatingly destructive existence.

Superman, or rather, Kryptonians - their main source of power came from the yellow sun. The sunlight could alter their cells, transforming them into Man of Steel with incredible power, speed, reflexes, and more - they could even shoot lasers from their eyes.

Their powers were terrifying. At their peak, even Earth's Elder Gods would have to avoid their edges. This showed just how powerful Kryptonians were. Stopping General Zod was by no means easy.

"Can't nuclear weapons take him out? That's how those Kree were defeated." Pietro curiously asked, recalling the alien invasion and the imprisoned Kree back in his own universe.

"It's not that easy, the nukes will indeed cause damage to Kryptonians, but they are not the same as the Kree. Kryptonians have extremely formidable individual combat abilities - it's uncertain whether nukes could even hit them. And on the home turf of the yellow sun, even a direct hit might not kill Zod." Austin shook his head. 

In fact, he was also pondering whether there were any ways that could stop General Zod, but apparently, according to those descriptions in his memory, there weren't really that many ways that could stop General Zod at the moment.

First was Superman. Superman could snap General Zod's neck, mainly because Superman had grown up on Earth since young, absorbing thirty years of sunlight. His body had been enhanced to an extremely terrifying degree, far beyond what the newly arrived General Zod could compare with.

At the start when Zod and his female subcommander had the upper hand against Superman, it was because Zod was a general - born from the genesis chamber to be a fighter. Their combat experience completely overwhelmed Superman then.

But later, Superman kept learning and adapting various fighting methods with his superbrain, slowly gaining the advantage and ultimately suppressing General Zod. Although reluctant, in order to protect humankind, Superman killed General Zod in the end.

But now, there is no Superman on Earth, only a small girl who has been locked up for twenty years without seeing the sunlight. Although she was also a Kryptonian who had just undergone yellow sunlight enhancement like Zod after arriving, but to let her fight one-on-one against a battle-hardened veteran general was undoubtedly suicidal.

And it was indeed suicidal. Although Supergirl, Kara, flew into a rage and unleashed decent suppressive power, she failed to deal effective damage. Even with the Flash's help in their combined fight, she still couldn't escape her fate of death.

This wasn't too surprising, considering the vast disparity between them. Unable to win was normal.

Therefore, even if the Justice League truly assembled, Austin didn't feel they could beat General Zod without Superman there, judging by the entire Justice League being pressed hard in a fight against the newly revived Superman.

What's more, without the arrival of adult Flash from the future, the child Flash of this world wouldn't have been born to begin with.

This universe, from beginning to end, is a closed-loop universe.

Because the Flash went back in time to save his mother, while his reason for coming here was due to the future Flash sending him halfway - so that the child Flash could obtain the Speed Force with the adult Flash's help. 

According to this universe's trajectory, the child Flash who didn't experience the pain of losing his mother wouldn't have gone through that 'fated' lightning accident. Thus he naturally wouldn't become the Flash, and there wouldn't have been any Reverse Flash either.

But the timeline is just so 'fragile'. The residual time fragment of the future Flash acted out, causing the adult Flash to arrive in this universe and enable the child Flash to gain the Speed Force, thereby logically giving birth to the future Flash down the line. Thus, the entire timeline of this Universe became a closed loop.

And because of this closed loop that shouldn't have existed, it led to the collapse of this universe under the Flash's recklessness. Several surrounding parallel universes were also in precarious states - the slightest carelessness could see them affected and destroyed as well.

Of course, it's not the Future Flash's fault, after all, his intentions were good. He simply wanted to save his own world from being destroyed by General Zod, which is why he traveled through the timeline again and again.

But it's not that simple. Trying to defeat a Kryptonian without absolute combat superiority, one can only rely on the help of Kryptonite.

Kryptonite, as the name suggests, is the planetary remains of Krypton carrying radiation after the destruction of Krypton. Although the remnants of an entire planet sounds like a lot, it's just a drop in the ocean on a cosmic scale.

If he remembered correctly, Lex Luthor had found a large chunk of Kryptonite inside the Pacific Ocean in the Batman v Superman movie, but Austin didn't think that he would be able to find it in such a short period of time.

And most crucially, since this universe was doomed to destruction, it was impossible for the timeline to leave such a huge "loophole" for him.

So the greatest possibility is that currently, there simply isn't any Kryptonite on Earth at all. Even if Kryptonite landed on the moon when Krypton exploded, it wouldn't have fallen onto Earth.

"Is he really that powerful that even I can't beat him?" Pietro still couldn't quite get his head around it.

"Let me put it this way - if you did your fastest lap around the Earth for a running start before throwing a fully powered punch at him, the result would be him getting sent flying and then standing back up dusting himself off, while you'd be instantaneously blasted into a bloody mess by the backlash." Austin spread his hands helplessly.

"How could that be?"

"If you could bring President X or Scarlet Witch here, we might be able to contend against him. After all, Kryptonians have no defenses against psychic abilities and magic - they're very vulnerable to those. But that's clearly impossible now."

He was just joking though. If President X came here, he'd probably just reincarnate into General Zod's body instead. By that point, the unstoppable psychic power combined with the invincible physique as well as chaos magic to rewrite reality would become a threat to all universes with that monster around!

"Is there really no way out at all? We can only watch the destruction of this world without doing anything?" Pietro was a little lost. He wouldn't feel sorry for his universe because that hopeless universe didn't deserve to be saved, but this world was different. There were still many wonderful things in this world.

They didn't deserve to be destroyed.

Looking at Pietro's saddened look, Austin also sighed and then smiled. "In fact, it's not completely without a solution. I have a plan. But I don't guarantee that it will be a hundred percent successful."

"Really!?" Pietro's eyes immediately lit up when he heard this. "I knew it, I knew these things couldn't be difficult for you."

"Stop with the flattery. What we have to do next won't be easy - no time for you to play games anymore." Austin laughed and patted Pietro on the shoulder.

"Haha, games can be played anytime." Pietro dropped his headphones and stood up to look at Austin excitedly. "Austin, what should we do next?"


The corner of Austin's mouth quirked up slightly.

"We'll go pay an 'old friend' a visit in Gotham."

(End Of The Chapter)...To be continued.
