
Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC)

[ Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC) ] Austin Evans accidentally crossed over into the wasteland universe in the Marvel Multiverse. In this world, everything was so hopeless. After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker did not become Spiderman, but was infected with a disease and died in the streets! Other nascent heroes met similar ends, their destinies perverted into tragedy. In this bleak universe, he found himself in, there were no heroes left to save the day. The familiar origins that once birthed legendary heroes had instead become harbingers of their doom. As Austin explored this wasteland, he unearthed clues about its fallen heroes and villains. A newspaper told of the Avengers, branded extremists, wiped out by missiles. A gifted archer named Hawkeye was gunned down in the streets. Millionaire inventor Tony Stark turned terrorist mastermind, was executed for his rebellion. After barely escaping this universe, Austin was horrified to discover that the multiverse had long since collapsed into ruin. What awaited him would be one apocalyptic universe after another... This world was an inverted mirror, distorting everything Austin knew about the grand mythology he once loved. How had such a corruption come to pass? What led the multiverse itself down this dark path of destruction? Austin was now a wanderer in infinity, his duty to chronicle the downfall of all worlds. If these apocalypses were gravestones, he would be the gravedigger to bury them. Their forgotten stories would live on through him alone. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 御笔画眉 Translator & Editor: RedX43 ---

iRedX43 · Movies
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63 Chs

Chapter 27 Another Universe


Austin's eyes widened. Soon a soreness hit him and he rubbed his eyes, seemingly unable to believe what he saw. Then he looked up at the large screen again.

The text on the screen did not change in any way, it was still the same greeting.

But at this moment, that greeting with good wishes made Austin feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Austin even felt his hands and feet go a little numb.

In Austin's memory, there was no such city as "Metropolis" in the whole world, because this city was completely fictitious. It was completely different from New York where Iron Man was located, Queen's District where Spiderman was located, and Brooklyn where Captain America was born.

Metropolis was a city that was purely fictitiously created.

And the universe that had Metropolis as a city, Austin remembered there was only one - the DC Multiverse.

Metropolis was known as the "City Shrouded In The Light". Here, all darkness ceased to exist for one reason - in the DC universe, the appearance of Metropolis was often accompanied by another character, the existence with tremendous power comparable to the gods, Superman.

Unlike other superheroes, Superman's life on Earth is like that of a human living on top of a planet folded in paper; His every move can destroy this fragile world, so he must control his powers so that the planet can safely support him.

And because of this, there were really few existences that could threaten Superman, so that when other superheroes made the headlines for saving the world, Superman could only make the front page by rescuing a cat from high altitude.

Overall, the DC universe was not much different from the Marvel universe. Both were bathed in the glory of heroes.

However, this is not so good for Austin at this time. Perhaps in the movie and comics, Austin can happily watch a variety of events occurring in this universe, but when Austin personally came to this world, what he felt was chills from head to toe.

No one would like that reboot that happened at any time, nor the terrifying "combat power collapse" in this world.

"How, how is this possible? Why did we end up in the DC universe?" Austin murmured. His heart, which had just calmed down, tightened again. He quickly took out the TamPad.

"Miss Minutes, take us out of here!"

His fingers quickly tapped the screen. Austin's mentality collapsed a bit. But this time, there was no Miss Minutes from his memory. Instead, a red battery appeared on the screen, which seemed to indicate that the device was out of power. The battery icon flashed twice before disappearing.

"Out of power? How could that be?" No matter how Austin tapped, the screen of the TamPad remained pitch black, reflecting Austin's anxious face.

"Austin, what happened? Did we encounter any problems?" Noticing that something was wrong with Austin, Pietro turned back to look at Austin.

Upon hearing this, Austin stopped what he was doing. He looked at Pietro's worried face and paused for two seconds before quickly stuffing the TamPad back into his pocket.

Then the next moment, Austin smiled.

"Nothing, Pietro, everything is under control."

Metropolis was located on the east coast of the United States in Delaware. Its creative prototype came from New York City and Manhattan City. It was a coastal island city not far from another fictitious city, Gotham City.

From the highest building in Metropolis, one could even see across the sea to Gotham Harbor. But compared to Metropolis, the city filled with light at all times, Gotham City was probably its opposite.

Pushing Pietro to a relatively downtrodden inn, Austin painfully took out the money from his pocket, paid for the three-day room, and found the corresponding room under the owner's directions.

The room was not big, there were only two small beds in it, other than that, there was nothing, not even a TV, but judging from the decoration style of this hotel, Austin wasn't much surprised by the very poor facilities inside.

Austin helped Pietro onto the bed and covered him with a blanket. Then instead of sitting down, he said,

"You sleep well here first. It will help speed up recovery of your leg. I'll go out to gather some information and buy you something to eat on my way back."

"Really? You won't be in danger, right?" Pietro sat up from the bed.

"Don't worry, it's safe here." Austin smiled, then turned and walked towards the door.


Just as Austin walked to the door and opened it, Pietro suddenly called out to stop him.

Hearing the voice, Austin turned back, looking at Pietro somewhat puzzledly, while Pietro also smiled at him.

"Thank you, you kept your promise."

Upon hearing this, Austin did not reply, but only nodded flatly before walking out and closing the door to his room.

Along the way out of the hotel, Austin pondered over some things about the DC Universe, but the battles that destroyed the sky and the earth at every turn still made him tremble a little. God knows how Batman got mixed up among those monsters.

The money in his pocket is not much. Although the eras were different in the two universes, the currencies were the same. And since the timeline Austin was from was earlier than the age of this world, the money he brought could still be used here.

At this moment, Austin really regretted why he did not take some valuable things from President X's castle. Now he only has 700 dollars, and the most valuable thing other than the TamPad which has no power, is only a gun.

This was also Austin's biggest concern. As an illegal immigrant, although he could stay in small hotels that didn't check IDs, if he was stopped by the police for inspection, his illegal status would be directly exposed.

In addition to this, there was an even more important point - Austin was eager to know exactly what universe this world was. If it was just the main universe or a common one then it would be fine, but if it was a universe that he was completely unfamiliar with, then his and Pietro's situation would become extremely dangerous.

To investigate some information about this universe, newspapers, and the Internet were often the most important part, just like what Austin had done before - it was just a matter of scavenging for a period of time.

With this thought, Austin walked onto the street and headed towards a newsstand.


A wave of electronic fluctuations swept over. Austini only felt some brief tinnitus in his ears. Then in the next moment, all the screens around him were plunged into darkness.

Not only the large screens on those tall buildings, but even the phone screens in the hands of pedestrians next to Austin turned black, and the TVs in the shop windows on the street were the same. Very quickly, in a situation where everyone did not know what was happening, they lit up rapidly and turned into snowflakes.

Looking at this change that happened in just a moment, almost everyone stopped. They looked at the snowflake screen in uncertainty, not knowing what had happened at all.

Austin also frowned, staring at the screen on the top of the building, and took two steps forward, as if to see more clearly.

Immediately afterward, it wasn't long before the snowflake-like screen emitted a piercing, piercing electromagnetic sound, and immediately, a man's face slowly emerged from the screen, except that the screen was still snowflake-ridden, making the man's face hidden from view.

"I...come from...a distant planet..."

The voice was rough and harsh, but it allowed one to understand the meaning of what he was saying.

"I crossed...the stars...and came to this planet..."

"For a long time...your planet...sheltered one of my people..."

Seeing this scene, Austin's pupils suddenly shrank.

General Zod!*

(End Of The Chapter)...To be continued.


( T/N: Extra

General Dru-Zod: 

- General Dru-Zod is a Kryptonian military leader imprisoned in the Phantom Zone for crimes against Krypton. After Krypton's destruction, he escapes and comes to Earth.

- On Prime Earth, Zod was the commanding officer of Krypton's military forces. He attempted a coup when the Science Council moved to end Krypton's expansionist ways. He killed members of the Council but was soon captured.

- Zod and his followers were banished to the Phantom Zone as punishment. Years later when Krypton was destroyed, the blast freed Zod and his army.

- Arriving on Earth, Zod wages war against humans to turn our planet into a New Krypton. He fights fiercely against Superman. At times, Lex Luthor has freed Zod from the Zone to battle Superman.

- Zod views Superman as a traitor to Krypton since Kal-El was raised on Earth. He believes Kryptonians are superior beings who should rule over humanity.

- Physically, Zod has the same powers under a yellow sun as Superman, including flight, heat vision, super strength, speed, and invulnerability. He is a skilled military tactician and hand-to-hand fighter.

- Over the years, different versions of General Zod have appeared in DC comics and other media as one of Superman's most enduring foes. He remains focused on defeating Superman and conquering Earth at any cost. )
