
Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC)

[ Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC) ] Austin Evans accidentally crossed over into the wasteland universe in the Marvel Multiverse. In this world, everything was so hopeless. After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker did not become Spiderman, but was infected with a disease and died in the streets! Other nascent heroes met similar ends, their destinies perverted into tragedy. In this bleak universe, he found himself in, there were no heroes left to save the day. The familiar origins that once birthed legendary heroes had instead become harbingers of their doom. As Austin explored this wasteland, he unearthed clues about its fallen heroes and villains. A newspaper told of the Avengers, branded extremists, wiped out by missiles. A gifted archer named Hawkeye was gunned down in the streets. Millionaire inventor Tony Stark turned terrorist mastermind, was executed for his rebellion. After barely escaping this universe, Austin was horrified to discover that the multiverse had long since collapsed into ruin. What awaited him would be one apocalyptic universe after another... This world was an inverted mirror, distorting everything Austin knew about the grand mythology he once loved. How had such a corruption come to pass? What led the multiverse itself down this dark path of destruction? Austin was now a wanderer in infinity, his duty to chronicle the downfall of all worlds. If these apocalypses were gravestones, he would be the gravedigger to bury them. Their forgotten stories would live on through him alone. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 御笔画眉 Translator & Editor: RedX43 ---

iRedX43 · Movies
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63 Chs

Chapter 22 Awakening

Pietro felt like he was having a dream.

In the dream, he was born in an ordinary small town. Although the town was relatively remote, it was quiet. Few outsiders would come to disturb their lives. The residents lived ordinary days of working from sunrise to sunset.

His parents were the farm owner's helpers, and their daily work was to feed the horses, chop wood, and herd the sheep. The farm owner was a bearded grandfather, who was rumored to have traveled around the world in the early years, and Pietro liked him very much because he could always tell him all kinds of interesting stories.

The farm owner didn't treat Pietro's family as outsiders at all. Whenever it was time to eat dinner, he would gather everyone around a big table. The adults would pour fragrant wheat liquor, the children would drink all kinds of fruit juices.

Once Pietro wanted to taste it, but the grandfather told him children couldn't drink alcohol, only adults could. Later Pietro pestered the farm owner for a long time before he finally smiled and promised that when Pietro grew up, he would let him try the vintage liquor he had preserved for many years.

It was another evening, Pietro had early on herded the sheep back into their pen. He was no longer a child now. He could also help his aging parents share some work, together with an adult Border Collie.

"Grandpa, I've herded the sheep back!" Pietro jogged the whole way back to the farm. As soon as he entered, he couldn't help loudly shouting.

"You're back. Have some water. Don't run so fast. Don't be so rash," the farm owner was cleaning a gun, an old rifle. Pietro had seen the farm owner often take it out hunting. Another time a wild bear came down from the mountain, and the farm owner also used it to chase the bear away.

"Nevermind that. Grandpa, you promised me that after I finished herding sheep today you'd tell me a story. I still remember the story you told me last time, about a scary orphanage! What happened next at the end?" Little Pietro pulled over a stool and sat in front of the farm owner, asking somewhat excitedly.

Seeing his appearance, the farm owner couldn't help smiling slightly. He slowly put down the gun in his hand and carefully wrapped it in sackcloth, then placed it back in the gun case. Then he stood up and walked towards the shed.

Pietro didn't disturb the farm owner's actions. He knew that the farm owner was going to pour himself a drink, and then continue relating that interesting story to him.

The farm owner's footsteps were somewhat heavy. He slowly entered the small building next to the house, this was his storeroom, with some farming tools and miscellaneous items placed inside, as well as his most treasured beer of course.

The farm owner's footsteps slowed as his burly figure stopped in front of the beer barrels that stored the beer. The edge of the barrels had a line of words written in white paint. Although it was old and damaged, a few letters could still be made out to guess the original meaning of the text - Made by Stark Industries.

His gaze slowly fell upon the oak cups next to the barrel. Hesitating for a moment, the farm owner reached out his hand and took two cups.

Outside the door of the room, Pietro crossed his fingers in anticipation, wishing very much that Grandpa Farmer would hurry up, faster, and not make him wait so anxiously. But a long time passed, Grandpa Farmer had told him that sometimes it wasn't the light-tracked stories that got people the most excited, it was the waiting.

No one knew how long had passed, maybe three minutes, maybe ten minutes. The farm owner finally walked out from that small storeroom. Pietro revealed a big smile, but he suddenly noticed the farm owner's footsteps were somewhat stiff, like the joints of an old, rusted machine.

"What's wrong with you, Grandpa?" Pietro's gaze fell upon the farm owner's legs.

"Nothing, it's just that the time is almost up." The farm owner's stiff face pulled out a smile as he calmly gazed at the little Pietro in front of him, and step by step, with great difficulty, he walked back to the table, placing the two wine glasses on the table.

Seeing Pietro's somewhat worried expression, the farmer smiled and pushed one of the cups in front of Pietro.

"Grandpa, didn't you say that children can't drink?" Pietro looked at the cup in front of him and did not reach out to take it.

"You're not a child anymore, Pietro. Although in my eyes, no matter when, you'll always be a child." The farm owner picked up his own cup for himself. The mellow, smooth liquor flowed down his throat all the way to his stomach, making him let out a satisfied groan.

A brief silence fell in the middle of the farm, leaving only the sound of the farmer drinking.

Pietro pondered quietly. He turned his head to look at the doghouse. He didn't know when that Border Collie that had accompanied him since he was small had disappeared without a trace, leaving only the mattress covered with dog fur.

After a long time, Pietro couldn't help but break the silence. "Grandpa, I actually don't belong here, right?"

The farmer put down his cup, the expression on his face still bland, but with a hint of compassion.

"Unfortunately, my child, there is no way I can tell you the answer to that question."

"I... I remember every day of my life here, but..."

Pietro's gaze slowly looked all around, as if wanting to engrave every inch of this place into his mind. "But there's a voice inside me that tells me that this isn't my real life."

"So, child, what is your choice?"

"I don't know," Pietro said in a hushed voice, looking levelly at his grandfather, who was already an old rancher before him. Time had left countless marks on the old man's face, turning his beard and hair white.

"Do you want to stay here?"

"Of course I want to." Pietro stood up, not realizing that he was at that moment tall enough to look down on the farmer sitting on the stool. "But there's been a voice telling me that I have important things to do."

"Then go do them, child." The farm owner's voice was very soft, but also as heavy as a bell's chime.

Pietro's eyes widened. "I can get out of here?"

Seeing Pietro's reaction, the farmer just smiled. "I don't know, it's not like I've tried to get out of here."

Hearing these words, Pietro was dumbstruck.

He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end nothing came out. Looking at this old farmer who had raised him for many years, Pietro lowered his head and fell silent.

Time froze at this moment. Everything in the entire farm came to a standstill, the grass blown by the wind, the butterflies fluttering in the flowers, and the water droplets spraying out from the shower, everything stopped in place.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button to freeze this movie that was playing, and everything in the world was controlled by this great power that could not operate.

No one knew how much time had passed. The farm owner set down the cup in his hand, but Pietro's figure was already long gone in front of him,

Only the glass filled with beer was left behind, still on top of the table.

"Ah... I should put it away, drink it next time..."

The whole world quieted down.

Pietro only felt his thoughts drifting unconsciously. He didn't know where he was or how long time had passed, the feeling was as chaotic and silent as if he was in a dream.

It took him a long time to recover his already fragmented consciousness and gradually merge it together. In an instant, his body emitted an attraction that drew him back.

Countless sensations returned to his body. That was all sorts of information that made it difficult to separate them, his own body seemed to be transmitting a lot of inexplicable information back into his brain. These sensations and noises nearly destroyed his consciousness once again.

Finally, his eyelids trembled and slowly opened, and Pietro's consciousness took over his body.

In front of him, Austin was holding the steering wheel with one hand, while the other hand was stuffing a piece of ham pizza into his mouth.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye and seeing Pietro open his eyes, Austin chewed the food in his mouth and asked vaguely,

"You're finally awake. Want something to eat?"

(End Of The Chapter)...To be continued.
