
Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC)

[ Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC) ] Austin Evans accidentally crossed over into the wasteland universe in the Marvel Multiverse. In this world, everything was so hopeless. After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker did not become Spiderman, but was infected with a disease and died in the streets! Other nascent heroes met similar ends, their destinies perverted into tragedy. In this bleak universe, he found himself in, there were no heroes left to save the day. The familiar origins that once birthed legendary heroes had instead become harbingers of their doom. As Austin explored this wasteland, he unearthed clues about its fallen heroes and villains. A newspaper told of the Avengers, branded extremists, wiped out by missiles. A gifted archer named Hawkeye was gunned down in the streets. Millionaire inventor Tony Stark turned terrorist mastermind, was executed for his rebellion. After barely escaping this universe, Austin was horrified to discover that the multiverse had long since collapsed into ruin. What awaited him would be one apocalyptic universe after another... This world was an inverted mirror, distorting everything Austin knew about the grand mythology he once loved. How had such a corruption come to pass? What led the multiverse itself down this dark path of destruction? Austin was now a wanderer in infinity, his duty to chronicle the downfall of all worlds. If these apocalypses were gravestones, he would be the gravedigger to bury them. Their forgotten stories would live on through him alone. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 御笔画眉 Translator & Editor: RedX43 ---

iRedX43 · Movies
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Chapter 11 Twisted Mind

Austin has already tested the power of the Iron Suit. Although it couldn't compare to the Iron Man in the main world, particle beams were still considered a powerful weapon in his memories.

However, although the combat effectiveness of this weapon is very high, it is still not enough to face Emma Frost who turns her whole body into diamonds.

"Get up, Emma, ​​I know you're okay." Austin suppressed his anger and took a few steps forward. "To be honest, when I first saw you in the newspaper, I was mentally prepared, but guess what, I still can't tolerate what you did."

"Of course, you won't understand how wonderful my actions are. Humans, you are nothing more than a lower race. What qualifications do you have to try to understand my thoughts?" Emma climbed up, and at this time her whole body became Diamonds sparkle in the dim environment.

Without the slightest hesitation, Austin suddenly took out a submachine gun from behind, aimed at the White Queen in front of him, and fired directly. Countless bullets rained down on her, creating a series of sharp 'ding-ding-dang-dang' sounds upon impact.

"What's wrong, noble mutant? Is your telepathic ability not working?" Looking at Emma who was suppressed by his firepower, Austin's tone was full of mockery.

In his memories, Emma Frost, the Marvel Universe's anti-hero, started as an antagonist and participated in the founding of the Hellfire Club. Later, she even joined the X-Men, briefly gaining the 'Phoenix Force' during a major event.

With such an outstanding resume, Austin naturally did not dare to be careless when facing her.

It was important to note that Emma Frost was not just a simple telepath; she possessed a refined skill in telepathic abilities similar to Charles Xavier. In this regard, she had extremely delicate techniques. Moreover, she was considered a "World-class Psychic" and an "Omega-level telepath."

In the field of telepathy, even Professor X spoke highly of her. Furthermore, she was recognized as one of the five telepaths on Earth who could seamlessly change thoughts.

In the comics, Emma had even defeated Professor X using telepathic abilities. In a sense, Emma's abilities were more powerful than Professor X, but Professor X excelled in popularity and screen time.

And not only that, Emma is also a secondary mutant among mutants. In addition to telepathy, she also awakened the ability to diamondize her whole body, just like Colossus, which also gave her formidable close combat abilities and defense, making her even more dangerous.

If there was a weakness, it would be that she could only use one superpower at a time. In the diamond state, she couldn't use telepathic abilities.

Of course, Austin deduced this information based on the White Queen of other worlds. But in this world, Emma might not even be able to unleash one-tenth of her power.

"I have read almost all the news about you, and also asked for a lot of gossip about you. What surprised me the most is that there is actually information about you in Nick Fury's safe house."

Austin fired all the bullets and then put away the submachine gun casually. He stared at Emma, the White Queen, who was unharmed, with a sly grin.

"Who would have thought that the great benevolent Living Bodhisattva in the eyes of the public is actually a crazy woman who conducts human experiments in private? Transforming Pregnant women and babies in an attempt to activate their telepathic abilities. Emma, ​​you can continue to deceive yourself, but you know No matter what you do, you won't be able to use your telepathy again."

"You're talking nonsense!" Emma roared as she struggled to stand, her emotions so intense that she nearly stumbled. "I will get it back! I will, I definitely will!"  

"Really? But how long has it been since you heard other people's thoughts? Three years? Five years? Or even longer. Right now, you are just using these pathetic methods to control these children, just like Pietro said, you can't even see that their souls have been entangled with their spiritual power, turning into immortal and emotionless monsters."

Although initially just a speculation, the information left in Nick Fury's safe house confirmed Austin's thoughts.

In this world, Emma and Professor X had both awakened telepathic abilities, and their fates varied. Both of them suffered from multiple personality disorders due to excessive absorption of other people's memories, turning them into mental patients.

This pain should be faced by all telepaths, although in comics, it was often mentioned in passing. However, it was not entirely untraceable. In another universe, Professor X had experienced a similar incident.

In a conflict between mutants, Wolverine injured Magneto, which caused the furious Magneto to use all his strength to extract all the Adamantium Metal from Wolverine's body. This action angered Professor X, who forcefully entered Magneto's mind using telepathic abilities.

However, this move was resisted by various negative energies in Magneto's mind. Those negative emotions such as anger, sadness, pain, etc. were transferred back to Professor X's own head through telepathy.

This incident led Professor X to create an entity called 'Onslaught*,' which almost destroyed all superheroes.

In this world, the impact of these side effects was even more powerful. Almost everyone's minds were filled with various emotions, causing Emma's mind to almost explode with multiple personalities.

Immediately afterwards, Emma awakened the mutant ability to turn into diamond. I don't know if it was because the two mutant abilities conflicted with each other. From then on, Emma gradually lost the ability to use telepathy.

At first, her mind gradually quieted down, but later she couldn't even actively explore other people's memories. In the end, Emma completely lost her telepathic abilities, leaving only the ability to transform into diamond.

If it were just that, perhaps it would have been a good thing for Emma. However, losing telepathic abilities didn't mean her mental illness disappeared. Without the suppression of telepathic abilities, those personalities surged forth, tormenting Emma's inner self. Even her control over the diamond-form ability was lost.

In the end.

She was driven insane.

She decided to reclaim her abilities, turning her gaze to newborns and pregnant women. To avoid the scrutiny of President X and the Avengers, she established a church and an orphanage, and appeared on TV for speeches, packaging herself as a loving philanthropist.

In addition to her charming and captivating beauty, soon, politicians and corporations soon bowed at her feet, granting her unrestricted support. No one knew what kind of twisted and eerie soul lurked beneath her beautiful exterior.

(End Of The Chapter)...To be continued.


( T/N: Extra Info - Read if You Like

Onslaught: Onslaught was a sentient psionic entity created from the consciousness of two extremely powerful mutants: Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto. During a battle between the X-Men and Magneto's Acolytes, Wolverine slashed Magneto, and in response, Magneto ripped out the Adamantium from Wolverine's bones, severely injuring him to the point that his healing factor had trouble healing him. For Professor Xavier, this was the last straw. Having tolerated every one of Magneto's evil actions, even his recent actions that had killed hundreds of people across the globe in a single day, he finally snapped. He used his telepathic powers to shut down Magneto's mind, rendering him catatonic. During the psionic contact, Magneto's anger, grief, and lust for vengeance entered Professor Xavier's consciousness; commingling with every long-suppressed negative feeling the professor had endured during the last 30 years. This aggregation resulted in a separate personality forming within Professor Xavier: the being known as Onslaught.

Onslaught possessed all of the mutant abilities of his progenitors Professor X and Magneto. Onslaught later also added the powers of the Omega-Level mutants Franklin Richards and Nate Grey to his, making him incredibly more powerful. In effect, with few appearances while in his prime, Onslaught effectively matched entire formations of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and the X-Men, managed to create a second sun from nothing, and physically matched a Banner-less Hulk.

Powers/ Abilities: Astral Plane Tap, Astral Travel, Material Astral Projection, Psychometry, Dimensional Sense, Telepathy, Telepathic Illusion, Telepathic Camouflage, Mind Blast, Mind Control, Mind Possession, Mind Alteration, Mental Amnesia, Mental Shield, Psionic Blasts, Astral Projection, Mental Detection, Telekinesis, Psionic Spikes, Telekinetic Force-Fields, Concussive Blasts, Flight, Intangibility, Telekinetic Holograms, Magnetokinesis, Magnetic Force-Fields, Organic Iron Manipulation, Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation, Electromagnetic Sight, Electromagnetic Pulses, Superhuman Strength, Impervious Armor, Mutant Absorption, Reality Manipulation, Telepathic Immunity, Super-Genius Intelligence, Formidable Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Strategist. )
