
Multiverse mage

Williams, a nineteen year old boy tried to fit in the society but unfortunately for him, reality takes it place at last. He was later murdered by a group of spoiled rich brat who wanted to earn a lady's favor. "Is this how I did?" "Won't I leave a legacy behind" Different thought kept flickering in his minds as he breathed his last breath. But only to open his eyes the next seconds in a strange world filled with magic and beasts of different kinds.

Nova07 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


After Will had collected the 50 silver coins, he quickly started walking to his house.

After existing the black market, he was now in the woods when he suddenly heard a ruffle behind him.

Turning back, he saw the beautiful young woman he saw earlier at the registration table.

She was now wearing a tight black cloth which was showing off her incredible curves, but Will wasn't dazed in the slightest. Instead he squinted his eyes behind his mask and said in a clear voice, "Who are you?, What did you want?"

The young woman chuckled as she lifted her shirt slightly, showing off her delicate stomach, but Will wasn't enticed by her attractive features instead something else caught his attention. 

There was a black dragon scar just below her umbilicus.

Actually it wasn't the scar that surprised him, it was that when they were at the arena he didn't see the black dragon scar there. And there was something else, her face!.

When he met her at the arena, she was still beautiful but not as she was now. She had inky black hair which reached her waist, deep black eyes and a sexy red lips.

Also, her body tone was much more lighter 

If she was like a beautiful young woman before, she was now like a seductive demoness.

She hadn't answered Will former question before he asked yet another question, "How did your appearance change all of a sudden?".

She moved closer to which Will retreated, when she saw that he was wary of her she laughed slightly.

"Relax boy, I'm not going to eat you. I just wanna talk."

Will eyes abruptly lit up with understanding, "So you wanna steal my money, you have to try harder"

"Hahaha....." The woman laughed till her stomach was hurting, "It's been a long time since I've laughed like that. What did you think I came here for? 50 silver coins?, Eew, even my shadow won't." She said in disgust.

Will having realized that the woman meant no harm let down his guard slightly but he was still on guard against any sudden movement, "If you're not here for that then what do you want?"

"Chil, to answer your recent question, I'm Misty Nara from the shadow dragon organization."

Will knew from Williams memories that the shadow dragons were one of the protectors of earth. They help earth in time of crises wholeheartedly with their life.

"The higher ups has discovered your talent and they would like to enroll you as a new member. Would you like to join?" She said calmly.

Will was confused because as far as he knew, the shadow dragon and the black market weren't allies in the slightest. He raised his guard and said, "If you are from the shadow dragon then how come you're working for the black market?".

She smiled and replied him, "We are currently on a mission, so as to how I'm working for the black market. It's just a disguise."

Realizing he was still struggling to make a decision, she disappeared with the shadows and only her charming voice was left, "I will give you time to think it through. You know where to find me when the time comes."

Will stayed at the spot for another 5 mins and after confirming that she was veritably gone, he walked home tiredly.

As he was still a medium primary mage, he had used a late primary mage power leading to his lake globe drained of energy.

On getting home he removed his clothes and noticed that his abdomen was red and the fingers in his left hand had been dislocated.

He treated his wounds with hot water and a towel, then he wrapped it with clean white clothes. After changing, he looked at the pendulum clock and he discovered that the time was exactly 1:30 am.

Today was his mother's 

birthday so he planned on giving her wonderful present.

He opened his windows and jumped out through the back.



"Wake up! Hey. Sleepy head, wake up"

Will opened his eyes and he saw the cute and adorable Elena trying to wake him up.

He yawned and stretched his body, "What is it?" He said in a sleepy voice.

Elena furrowed her brows and said disdainfully, "Idiot, it's mom's birthday".

"Who's an idiot..... Wait, did you just say mom's birthday. Fuck, I almost forgot. Where is she?".

Elena folded her hands and replied him, "Dad took her to the market to get her some stuffs. It turned out that dad had been working late night these days just to get some money to surprise mom."

"Humph, how much did he make?"

Elena placed her hand on her waist as she slightly lifted up her head, she struck out her flat chest and said, "35 bronze"

Will's face twitched as he carried Elena off the ground and spanked her butt, "Who thought you to do that?"

"Ahhh, Mom!!!. He's going to kill me"


He gave her another spanking and he laughed, "You just said it now, mom isn't at home. Nobody's gonna save you now hehe. Now talk where did you learn that style".


Elena tried to escape his grasp but she couldn't, "Ahhh! I will talk. I saw a woman showing off in front of some men."

Victor dropped her and he pinched her cheek, "If I see you do that next time I will break your le.... Hey don't cry on me, your mother isn't at home to comfort you."



She cried out her eyes.

"Damnit! Will you stop crying. Do you want chocolate."

"Yaaaay. I love you big brother"

The corners of Will's mouth twitched as he thought, "Damn kid, she suddenly changed into a sweet little girl had the mention of chocolate".

Although this world was behind the world he came from in terms of technology, it still has snacks like chocolate and popcorns.

These had always been Elena's favorites.

"Okay, go change. I'm taking you to the supermarket when mom comes back" Will said as he chased her away.

Elena refused to go, instead she mounted Will wooden bed and walked behind him as he was sitting down. She then used her small hand to disarranged Will's hair as if in search of something.

"Will you stop scattering my hair and tell me what's wrong?"

"Hm, there are no sign of been hit on your head. Then how are you saying nonsense, supermarket! Everybody knows that it's for rich people. Wait.... Does that mean that....."

"What's wrong?" Will asked when he saw her pulling a long face but he heard something that made his brain exploded into tiny pieces.

"Big brother is definitely insane".



2 hrs later.

Will was sitting in front of their house made of scraps, Elena was sitting on his laps, swinging her legs up and down.

"If only your behavior was as cute as you are?" Will said.

Elena pouted, then she hit Will with her legs, "Blah, blah, blah stupid brother".

"Fuck, this I'm going to punish you someday!" Will said furiously.

Elena pouted right at Will's face, "Mind your language please. There's a young scholar here".

Will face twitched a little, "Who's the scholar?"

Elena suddenly stood up, will thought she wanted to demonstrate something funny but instead she distanced herself a little from him.

"How can big brother be so dumb. I'm obviously the young scholar" with this being said, she ran away.

Looking at Will, his handsome face was now distorted from fraustration, "How can this brat be a 4 years old when she behaving like a 10 year old".

He chased after her.


"Ahhhh! Big brother is the wisest person I know of! Please put me down!"

Looking at it now, Will was holding one of Elena's legs, hanging her upside down. At the same time he was delivering multiple spanks on her butt.


Now promise you'll never call your big brother stupid!

"Ahh! I promise."

Suddenly a voice came from the distance, "What is the problem between you two again?"

"Yay! Mum is back!" After Will dropped her she ran and hugged her mom excitedly. 

Her mother was dressed in a green gown, looking beautiful and charming.

Although the gown was of poor quality, that was the only thing there father could avoid and she was grateful for it.

His father's head was down but Will knew that he was not down because of his mother's gown. There was something else!.

Although his mother tried to hide it, it couldn't escape Will's gaze. As someone who had gone through tough time he knew how to read people's expression.

He knew from their looks that something was wrong, there was helplessness and despair in thier eyes.

"When do you plan to tell us about the house." Will said calmly.

As if they were electrocuted, his parents looked at him with wide eyes they couldn't believe that what they had wanted to hide from him had been discovered.

"Let's go in" Arthur said heavily.

His father's name was Arthur while his mother was Athena. They had been married for 15 years now.

They four were now sitting on the bare floor. Since they were living in piles of scraps they had no chairs.

The only thing serving as chairs was the bench their father had made from the tress behind their scrap house. Even the bed were made of woods.

"So what happened?" Will asked.

Arthur sighed before he replied him, "Let me start from the scratch. 15 years ago before I married your mother I had a competitor."

Will was slightly surprised but not shocked, he asked calmly, "Who was it?"

"The king of Aris settlement" it was Athena who replied.

"What!" He was amazed slightly.

"The first time I met your mother was 17 years ago. I could still remember being shocked when I saw a beautiful young lady fetching water from th..."

"Will you cut to the chase dad" Will cut him off coldly, he always hates it when romance comes in.

"Okay okay. I started dating your mother 16 years ago, I could still remembered how I danced around joyfully when she....."

"Dad!" Will said shortly but coldly.

"But it all started when the king also started eyeing my princess, the only star in my gala....."


"He lusted over your mom beauty that he began threatening me. But for some unknown reason he stopped." Arthur said.

Athena continued, "We suddenly saw him when we were checking out some affordable dress. He humiliated us infront of the mob."

Will expression turned colder as the time passed by, "How did he humiliated you?"

"He said, 'what he had failed to do 16 years ago has been accomplished by his son"

"Which is?" Will asked

"By taking Elizabeth as his wife"