
Multiverse mage

Williams, a nineteen year old boy tried to fit in the society but unfortunately for him, reality takes it place at last. He was later murdered by a group of spoiled rich brat who wanted to earn a lady's favor. "Is this how I did?" "Won't I leave a legacy behind" Different thought kept flickering in his minds as he breathed his last breath. But only to open his eyes the next seconds in a strange world filled with magic and beasts of different kinds.

Nova07 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Birthday present

Athena rested her head on her palm impotently, she sighed and said, "He has given us only two days to pack up"

Will laughed coldly, "So he wants us to leave his settlement huh. That's good, he will regret it"

Will suddenly stood up surprising everyone, he went towards the wooden door as if he was expecting someone.

"Mom, dad, Elena let's go have some fun."

Elena who was bored from the nonsense talk they were discussing leapt up at the mention of the word fun.

Meanwhile his parents were looking at him with strange gazes, how can he still have an appetency for fun at this moment. Besides which manner of fun was he talking about.

Was it not clear to him the part where the 5th prince had snatched his girlfriend or the part where they had to leave!.

"Come on guys, it's 1:00 pm already" Will said impatiently.

They came out of their daze and followed him. At least they should check what he's up to.



Some hours later.

It was getting dark, the sun settling in the west. People were enjoying the peaceful evening as they laid either on the mat or the benches.

But the peaceful atmosphere wasn't in the Norman's family.

Williams Norman and Elena Norman were currently stuffing their mouth with varieties of foods.

Will was calmly eating a red apple meanwhile Elena was eating the chocolates as if it will disappear anytime.

Will had to turn his face to the other side, he just couldn't stand her manners.

He thought he could finally eat his apple wholeheartedly when his eyes met with the curious gazes of his parents.

Athena looked down at the brown bag beside her, looking at the varieties of make up stuff and elegant dresses she eyed Will again and ultimately couldn't help but ask, "Where did you get the money Williams?"

Will didn't reply, he merely lifted his finger.


The sound of lightning was heard as his finger lit up the room.

He put out his hand after the little demonstration and said calmly, "I prefer it if you can call me Will."

Arthur had stood up from the shock he received when he saw Will's demonstration, "How? H....ho.....how I..is th.. this possible"

Athena was also shocked but not as much as Arthur was. She breathed in and asked Will carefully, "Willia.... Will, from what we know, you are not able to use magic. Even strong mages have testified to it"

"Hm, I don't know how. I just woke up yesterday and I found out I could do it" Will said calmly.

His father was overwhelmed with joy, their wish had finally been answered. The past two years had been formidable, the family of four had always been hoping that one day Williams could be able to utilize his 


Meanwhile Athena's eye flashed a strange light as she thought deeply, "So that explains his change of attitude and the unusual calmness he's displaying." 

And just as Will had expected, her mother was still skeptical of where he had gotten the money from, "Hey willia... Will, that still doesn't explain where you got the money from?"

He really felt like pulling his hair out now, why must she always be overcautious. He thought of what to say before finally, something clicked!.

He smiled slightly, "Chill mom, I joined the shadow dragons so they gave me as a welcoming boon."

"Hmmm, what's chill?" Elena chimed in.

Her mother eyed her to shut up before continuing, "The shadow dragon organization, I've heard of it. They are a good one, they saves life and protect earth and protect against Invasion of monsters."

Although she also find the word "chill" strange she didn't dwell on it as she had other matters to be taken care of.

After all was sorted Will could finally close his eyes and relax but not before looking in Elena's direction and showing a cunning smile.

Meanwhile Elena who was digging into her chocolate lifted her head when she felt Will's stare. She moved her red hair away and placed it behind her hair, "Why is he looking at me like that?" She thought.

But she quickly dismissed her thought as she saw the piles of chocolate waiting for her to unwrap them.

Athena raised her brows and asked, "Seriously? How many of these things do you buy?"

"Don't worry mom, she gonna wish she hadn't eaten it in the first place." Will answered with closed eyes.

After some time, Will and his parents had just finished chatting when Elena also took the last chocolate on the table and unwrapped it.

"Hehe, you're lucky you got to die last." She said before pushing it down her oesophagus.

"Mmmm~, it's so satisfying." She murmured while rubbing her expanded stomach.


A Knock was heard on the door to which Will had already stood and started walking towards the door.

"Are you expecting someone Will?" Athena asked, confused as to why he would go for the door when Elena was supposed to.

Will smiled as he opened it revealing a man in black cloth and a white packed with him.

Will collected the package and he signed on a small board.

'The delivery system is similar to the one we had back on Earth 1.' He thought.

Since the world he came from was also called Earth same with this one. To avoid confusion, he decided to name the former earth 1 while the later Earth 2.

After collecting the package, he passed the delivery guy some token then he moved back to the trio.

The others were looking at him, or to be precise the package in his hands.

Will walked towards them and chuckled, "don't look at me like that it's not like I'm carrying a dead body."

Placing it on the floor he removed the cake which was wrapped in a silver lining.

Glaring at the cake with her teary eyes, Elena raised her hand in imposition, "Hmmm, why did you give me the chocolate when you knew that the cake was coming?".

Will bent down and patted her head gently, "This is just a lesson of what the future holds for you kid, you can't always obtain all."

Clap *clap

"Wise word kid, I'm surprised hearing that from your mouth at such a young age". Arthur who had been watching the siblings interaction let out.

'Damnit' Will gritted his teeth. It was frustrating been called a kid when you are already past your teen.

The evening passed away as laugher and jokes continued until it was nighttime.

Everyone had gone to sleep. The only noise that was being heard was the sound of insects and the bats.

Meanwhile Will was sitting on a bench with his back facing his house.

His eyes were closed with his countenance changing from time to time.

"Sigh, there's no way I can meditate with our financial status bothering me, I really need a way to earn money rapidly".