
Multiverse mage

Williams, a nineteen year old boy tried to fit in the society but unfortunately for him, reality takes it place at last. He was later murdered by a group of spoiled rich brat who wanted to earn a lady's favor. "Is this how I did?" "Won't I leave a legacy behind" Different thought kept flickering in his minds as he breathed his last breath. But only to open his eyes the next seconds in a strange world filled with magic and beasts of different kinds.

Nova07 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Black market

Back on earth, Will was surrounded by a red glow with his eyes closed. The air around him started fluctuating, meanwhile he who was stuck at the low primary mage level started undergoing some changes. Strands of lightning started flickering through his body.


He finally broke through the barrier which had been quite unbreakable for him over the years.

He rose on his feet and shoot out his hand.


A white lightning streak escaped from the tip of his finger and disappeared when it was 5 metres away.

He raised his hands up and shouted, "Lightning strike!"


Then came the sound of lightning louder and clearer than the former. 10 metres high a thick white lightning condense and struck the brown concrete floor colouring it black.

From Williams memories, Will had learnt that a primary mage can only circulate his element within his body but couldn't release it externally. Only when one had broken through to the secondary mage could one release the element externally.

Will inspected his hands as he let out a curious sound, "Hmmm, I don't understand, only intermediate mage could release their element. And why did this ring fastened my meditation."

As far as he knew, meditating helped mages in improving their realm. Some people were lucky to be born with a crazy and scary meditating speed while some where too slow to meet up with their mates. The former will continue soaring in the sky while the later will be forgotten in history, swept away by the passing of time.

Primary mages had the luxury of living up to 100 years while an intermediate could live 200years of age. The cycle continued with an addition of 100 years to each realm.

Will rose and returned back home.

Some minutes later he got home and saw his mother and sister sleeping in their room, he was confused that he couldn't see his dad because his father never leaves home at night.

Infact, his father doesn't allow any of them roaming about at night because there had been reports of monsters slipping through the security and attacking the civilians in the night.

He checked all the house and couldn't find him, "No, this isn't right" he said before going out in search for him.

Unexpectedly he met him just as he was about to exist the house, he saw that he was sweating all over so he asked, "Father where are you coming?"

His father hearing was shocked when he heard a sudden voice but he quickly regain his posture and replied in a deep voice, "Oh, it's you. Why are you up so late?"

Will furrowed his brows and said, "What are you saying dad, it's still 8pm."

His dad suddenly realize his mistake and face palmed, "Sorry, I was too tired to check"

Will looked at his dad up and down and furrowed his brows. His father was wearing a black shirt and trouser dripping with sweat. He had an ordinary appearance with a clean shaved beard, he had black and curly hair.

Will didn't disturb him anymore, he stepped out of the house and continued moving towards the market.

"If I'm right the black market should be around this place" he said going through the market and existing it on the other side. He was now standing in the middle of the thick forest, he suddenly squatted down and cleared the the sand on the floor with his hands revealing a steel door.

He opened it and saw steps of stairs leading downward, he descended it and saw two men emitting a strong magic aura.

One of them furrowed his brows when he saw a handsome red haired boy walking towards him, he raised is hands ready to blast Will if he was from the palace, "Who are you kid?"

With a cold face, Will raised a black badge and walked pass him.

Seeing the badge they quickly make way for him. The badge Will showed them was made by one of the masters of the black market in the Aris black market.

Williams family had grown up in a small settlement called the Aris settlement. Ever since the invasion of the otherworldly monsters the system at which the earth operated had changed a lot. Now strong mages had started creating territories and settlement where they protect humans from the never ending monsters.

In Will past world there were technology like cars, office machines, air planes, vacuums etc. These technologies has made life easier for human.

But here, there was no technology of sort or buildings like skyscrapers, everything just seems so ancient!

Currently, the Aris settlement was been ruled by the Aris family. They were the founders of it so they name it after there name.

The Aris family is currently been led by Author Aria, he gave birth to 2 girls and 5 boys. The fifth prince name was Mathias Aria, he was the person responsible for Williams misfortune.

After identifying him as a black member, he was allowed to go in.

Upon entering Will saw different kinds of stalls filled with magic equipments like star amulet, defense amulet and many other things he couldn't afford.

He walked towards a store filled with magical rings of all sorts.

"Just what I've been searching for" he murmured before walking towards it.