
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

the Urgent Quest

A/N sorry for the late release I will release the next chapter tomorrow

and for those that want an 18+ chapter maybe I will try to make it as a side story since I don't want that kind of chapter to destroy this fanfic


Today is the day for Raku and Shu to come but Kaoru is not alone, there is Ichika beside him with a big smile on her face.

"Ichika let me ask again, why are you here in the morning?"

"I just want to play, I don't have many friends and I only could think of playing here"

'you don't have any friends, to begin with' he only could say it in his head since if he said it out loud then he believed there will be a handprint on his face later.

no matter how many times he asked, the answer he got from Ichika is always the same that's why he chooses to ignore it now he just hopes no trouble will come 'Please give me my peaceful life this time.'

"ah, I will go to the kitchen to make something so Kaoru-Kun you just need to wait for your friend here okay?"

without waiting for his reply Ichika has gone to the kitchen and Kaoru only could smile wryly because it was impossible for him to drive her out of his house.


"Oi Shu is this Kaoru's house, I know he is rich even before he comes to my house but this is too big not to mention for a kid like us even for an adult this place is too big"

"This is the place Raku, and with that kind of teacher even an idiot will become a dragon not to mention a crazy guy like Kaoru, if he can't do this much then I think he doesn't have the courage to call her his teacher"

'you also don't have the right to say that when your family house is also big' Shu know Kaoru since small they are what you call best friends, that's right Kaoru didn't have many friends that's mean he has a friend but not too much and Shu is one of those.

when both of them argue the house gate opened and Kaoru told them just to come but he never expected there to be other people that come along with Raku and Shu.

the first person is a fair-skinned teenage girl with shoulder-length dark-brown hair that has one long strand of hair which she keeps combed neatly to the left side of her face and chocolate brown eyes.

she is a beautiful girl but what she lacks the most is self-confidence, and she is also Raku's love interest, but since both of them is a cowards then their relationship never sailed even at the end of the canon story she got rejected by Raku because he found his love.

if Kaoru is the one who is in Raku's position then he will try to become a prime minister and make a rule that polygamy is allowed since Japan's population is getting lower each year.

the second person is a small girl with waist-length hair that she keeps in a ponytail most of the time, and bangs cut in a hime-style, leaving long fringes to frame her face at both sides. Her ivy-green eyes are usually framed in her square, rimless spectacles.

She tends to look rather poker-faced and gloomy most of the time and always speaks in an emotionless monotone unless prompted by certain situations where she breaks out momentarily from her serious persona.

She along with Shu is very perspective and both of them already know the truth about Raku and Chitoge's relationship also know the feelings both Raku and Kosasi have toward each other, it's just that they choose to be on the sideline and give some help when needed.

and the last person is a very beautiful blonde with a bit of pink at the end of her hair, blue eyes, and a stunning figure that makes many people will think that she is a supermodel, and her most notable feature is a big red ribbon that she uses to tie her hair.

what they didn't know is that she is the happiest person right now since she could meet her brother figure again, that's right Kaoru is like a big brother to her, and she got depressed when she knows that her brother ran away from her family and when she knew that she could meet him again there is no way she will miss this chance.

if you ask whether she loves him, the answer is yes but is that romantic love, then the answer is no, no matter how she only feels sibling's love toward Kaoru and she wants to ask him why he ran away that day with the hope that they could become like a sibling again.


when Kaoru opened the door he found Raku and Shu standing there but there is another companion with them, after looking closely he understand that he is in trouble now

"Ya, it's been a long time Chi-"


Kaoru got punched even before he could say hi to his sister figure, and he knows why Raku calls her a gorilla because her punch is so hurtful even for Kaoru who trained with Chifuyu.

and the reason for Chitoge's strength is no other than himself, he taught her together with Tsugumi to be at least where she could protect herself when he and Tsugumi are not with her.


everyone got surprised by Chitoge, especially Raku and Onodera since they never thought that their friend got punched by Chitoge, the only one that didn't surprise is Shu since he knew this will happen if he bring Chitoge to Kaoru.

"Oya, it seems Kaoru did something illegal to the point that Kirisaki-san punched him that hard"

when he heard Shu is the one that talking and grinned like a cat Kaoru know this bastard is the mastermind and how dare he never told him that Chitoge will come along with them.

"the one who invited me is Raku, and I didn't invite these girls, on the contrary, they are coming along of their own will"

"mah, I don't care just come in"

Kaoru feels he will lose if he gives a reply to Shu, so he chooses to be silent and stop caring about it.


inside the house, everyone tries to act normally but it's impossible for Onodera, she never sees this kind of luxury that's why she turns into a statue afraid that she will break something.

and then suddenly there is a voice coming from the kitchen.

"oh there are so many people, unfortunately, that I make so many things, so please try it"

from the kitchen appear a very beautiful girl with short pink hair, her beauty is enough to make her a model and her demeanor only increases her charm, when Raku and the other look at her there is someone approached Kaoru and kicks him.


"WHY!!!!" Kaoru feels wronged, first, he got punched and he could understand it since he never told anyone except Albert the reason he ran away, but this time he got kicked even when he didn't do anything.

"So the reason you ran away from home is because you want to live full of debauchery, is that right brother Kaoru?"

"Eh?, Kaoru-kun is Chitoge-chan's brother?"

Onodera was surprised since neither Kaoru nor Chitoge ever told her that they have a sibling especially since their family name is different, on the other place Raku got silenced since he didn't know anything about his supposed girlfriend.

"We are not real siblings, it's just that Chitoge's mother took me as her apprentice and our relationship is like a sibling."

"Also if you want to know the reason, you could ask your father since he knows about it, and Ichika please introduce yourself, I need to go upstairs a moment, please don't make a carnage I beg you Ichika"

"ufufufu, don't worry Kaoru-kun"

after that Kaoru immediately disappear and Ichika introduced herself to Kaoru's friends especially Chitoge because she feels that there is so much information that she could dig from her.


"I hope this quest is enough to reduce my stress"


[Quest rating: 1* - 3*

World rating: 2*

objective :

1. Survive until the Akatsuki Invasion

2. Make sure the survival of the sons of heaven

3. defeat/kill the leader of Akatsuki


1. one million guild points

2. random skill

3. body cleansing pill


Based on how much the quest participants changed the fate of the world

Guild Supports:

1. identity for every participant

2. average jonin chakra level

3. the participant's world time will be stopped during the quest]

"Shit! there are xianxia items"

Kaoru turns crazy when he found a xianxia product in the rewards that means maybe they will go to that kind of world where you could find a brain-dead young master every five seconds.

when Kaoru chooses to enter the guild hall his figure disappears from this world and the time is immediately frozen.