
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

New Kaoru?

One week since Kaoru became Scathach's disciple, and he truly regretted it.

Kaoru used to think that he was a tough and harsh trainer, but compared to Scathach, the comparison was like a house cat and the Nemean lion.

On the first day of training, what Scathach wanted to see was the strength of Kaoru's body. Without hesitation, she threw Kaoru into a volcano filled with lava.

Scathach also prohibited Kaoru from using Honkai energy or chakra, meaning Kaoru had to immerse himself in the lava pool relying only on his body.

After trying to recall, Kaoru could only remember Kaido and Saitama as individuals who might casually bathe in a lava pool.

Seeing that Kaoru was unharmed after falling into the volcano, Scathach became even more interested. Unnoticed by Kaoru, he suddenly shivered when he saw Scathach with an extremely friendly smile.

Since Kaoru was already quite strong from the beginning, Scathach focused more on teaching combat techniques and experiences. In simple terms, they engaged in life and death battles.

If Scathach used regular weapons, Kaoru wouldn't care much, but using Gae Bolg Alternative mercilessly and stopping only when Kaoru was on the brink of death was a different story.

Coupled with her title as the 'godslayer,' Scathach's attacks became extremely fatal for Kaoru, a Herrscher that could be categorized as a god.

Every day, Kaoru ended up losing several body parts. Fortunately, Scathach was kind enough to heal them, and Kaoru's Herrscher regeneration ability was strong enough to make Scathach more enthusiastic about torturing him.

Not only did Scathach use Gae Bolg, but sometimes she also employed runes, and her favorite was Anzus, a rune that could create enormous fire capable of incinerating a castle effortlessly.

What was even more distressing was that, since Kaoru did not summon Scathach through the Throne of Heroes feature, the power Scathach displayed now was her full strength without any restraint from anyone.

If someone thought that Kaoru's current training was ordinary, that person must be insane.

Bathing in lava or Hydra poison, then fighting until near death, with his Herrscher body, in other words, at least until Kaoru lost more than half of his body.

Kaoru even wanted to torture those who dared to say that Scathach was just ordinary strong warrior if he found them. Her magical strength exceeded the caster class, her combat ability surpassed the saber class, her offensive power surpassed the berserker class, and so on.

If Kaoru had to comment, Scathach was an incredibly perfect fighter.

Therefore, Kaoru finally understood that Scathach didn't actually want to die; what she desired was someone who could kill her.

When someone becomes so strong that they can stand alone at the pinnacle without anyone accompanying them, it becomes very sad, and that's what happened to Scathach.

In just a week of training, Kaoru had become extremely skilled in combat. Scathach informed him that this time's battle needed to be intensified.

"Now, my disciple, in this training, you must use all your abilities if you don't want to die!"

Unlike servants who usually announce the names of their Noble Phantasms, Scathach unleashed her NP attacks without warning. In an instant, despite being prepared, Kaoru still lost one of his arms.

"Hey, Shishou! Isn't the tempo this time much faster than usual?"

"I told you, if you're not serious, this time you will really die!"

Although Kaoru complained, only that answer and the second attack he received.

Realizing that Scathach was genuinely serious this time, Kaoru didn't play around anymore.

Despite losing an arm, Kaoru effortlessly created a small black hole and threw it towards Scathach. Unfortunately, Scathach avoided all of it without breaking a sweat.

"You've become too dependent on that power; truly disappointing, my disciple!"

It was then that Kaoru finally realized why Scathach's training only involved combat with him.

Kaoru immediately canceled his attack and promptly copied Scathach's red spear using the tracing ability he learned from Shirou. Then, utilizing 'the end,' Kaoru mimicked all of Scathach's movements and slightly modified them to suit himself. After all, Scathach was a woman, so some moves wouldn't be suitable for a man and vice versa.

Seeing his disciple understand the meaning of her words, Scathach showed a smile rarely seen.

"Exactly, my disciple. Your greatest strength is the ability to mimic others with 120% effectiveness. Because your ability is very similar to mine, show your potential to your teacher!"

Scathach, who never showed a happy expression from the beginning, managed to find someone suitable—someone with potential who could give her the thrill of battle, just like before she became so strong.

Kaoru and Scathach simultaneously lunged at each other with their two red spears, capable of piercing anything.

"Gae Bolg: Alternative!!!" 2X

Using the first spear to lock onto each other, Kaoru and Scathach simultaneously threw the second spear with all their might, this time with the intention of killing each other.

Two attacks manipulating causality clashed, but because both had the ability, the attacks easily reached their targets, penetrating Kaoru and Scathach's chests.

*Clap Clap Clap

"Congratulations! You pass. Remember, your greatest strength is the ability to mimic any kind of ability. Because your ability is so similar to mine, that's mean you have similar or maybe higher potential than me, so make sure to grow stronger!"

Scathach approached Kaoru and congratulated him, even though there were still bleeding wounds on their chests. She effortlessly healed both of them using runes, something possible because Scathach created those red spears, and she had a way to heal injuries caused by them.


After completing his training with Scathach, Kaoru returned to meet Shirou and the others.

Upon meeting, Rin, who was always straightforward, couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! What's with that? Is white hair suddenly a trend?"

Kaoru, who never cared much about his appearance, quickly grabbed a mirror and realized that his hair now had some white spots.

Unexpectedly, the training Kaoru underwent caused him significant stress, resulting in some of his hair turning white.

"Well, Grandpa Kaoru, do you need a cane? Come on, let me help you cross the street!"

Rin, seeing Kaoru's appearance, didn't hesitate to mock him. On the other hand, Shirou and Sakura could only chuckle at Rin's antics.

Kaoru, who had been teased by Rin all along, darkened his expression even more. Unable to endure it any longer, he retaliated with a sadistic comment.

"What about yourself, Tohsaka-kun? Are you still having trouble walking because you're too full with Shirou-kun?"

Initially confused by Kaoru's question, Rin's face slowly turned red as she understood the implication.

"W-What! What do you mean? Th-that's impossible! I-I'm fine!" Rin spoke with a grumbling and interrupted tone while turning her reddened face away in embarrassment.

On the other side, Sakura, who also understood the meaning of Kaoru's question, could only blush and lower her head in shame.

As for Shirou, he could only scratch his head without making any comments. He knew that Rin was the one baiting Kaoru with her words.


After spending some time sightseeing and eating together, Kaoru decided to return to his world. However, before leaving, he instructed Shirou that if he encountered Lord El-Melloi II or the daughter of Lord Animusphere, he should contact him. Kaoru wanted to formulate a plan with both of them.

Upon Kaoru's return from Shirou's world, he continued his daily activities as usual—going to school with Ichika, tutoring the Nakano quintuplets, and the three genius girls on holidays. He also went on dates with Ichika, who unknowingly was always followed by curious girls. This time, Kaoru added training to maintain their abilities to the menu.

Moreover, Kaoru tried to recreate some weapons he had seen, using his Herrscher power to create a special warehouse to store all kinds of weapons he made. In other words, Kaoru created his version of the Gate of Babylon, which, of course, was stronger than the walking gold's version.

For studying, as motivation, Kaoru also promised the girls that if they passed their upcoming exams with no subjects needing improvement, he would take them on a vacation anywhere they wanted.

Hearing this, the girls became even more motivated, and it must be acknowledged that such stimuli had a significant impact. As a result, they all achieved satisfactory grades on the pre-test Kaoru provided.

Seeing their earnestness, Kaoru had no hesitation in preparing a worthy vacation for them.

With the money he had, Kaoru didn't hesitate to buy a villa, an island, and a private ship for their future vacation. This was possible because Kaoru had lived alongside the mafia and other criminals for a long time, making it easy for him to buy such items.

While Kaoru was busy planning their vacation, he received a notification from Chopper stating that they had arrived at Sabaody Archipelago. This meant that Kaoru had to go to the One Piece world soon to cause a little chaos.

The best place to satisfy the desire to beat up people with a superiority complex was undoubtedly the world of One Piece. Unlike the cultivation world where arrogant beings had a bit of power, in the One Piece world, they were all genuinely a bunch of pigs wearing cloaks and crowns. Just falling from a ladder could kill their entire lineage.


That's why he choose to told Chopper to be carefull and just his best to support his crewmates.