
Multiverse Hopping

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Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 6: Meeting Cosmina

~Seiya POV (8 years old) ~

For the past year, I and Esdeath have been living in a nearby village town calling themselves the Tensui Village getting money to operate and sustain myself now at an age of 8 years old.

The way we both earned money was by the usual hunting Danger Beasts and selling them to the people in the area they seem to be nice enough.

Although I do know that they are really scum I still have to earn a living you know I sleep inside an inn of this town for a year at this point learning all I can about the world of Akame ga Kill luckily I learned about smithing from my home village to finally get myself a weapon.

Nothing too fancy just an iron club with spikes is enough for me to use as a conduit for my lighting abilities and good enough to handle my crazy strength as I tested it on the Danger Beast in the area.

And for Esdeath her rapier in which we bought from the weapons shop for her much to her joy getting it for her birthday since she was 10 years old but happy, nonetheless.

When I think back to the time me killing her out of fear, I was being an idiot about the whole idea so far, she has been a great motivator and inspiration for me.

At first, we both had some trouble in this village mainly the issue with race here is apparent and stupid superstition that run rampant in this town in this town.

They tried to deal with us with threats and throw a stone at me to get me to leave but one quick deflection of stone severely destroying a guy's arm that threw the stone at me made them fear me instantly since they tried to threaten me, I quickly made short work of their stupidly.


As if I was going to deal with that racist crap they spill about if they show hostility, I was going to show them I mean business if they mess with me there will be consequences for their actions!

Esdeath was defiantly proud of me on that one although I won't be flashy showing my powers, I don't mind showing off my brute strength to get the message across.

Currently, we were both eating in the inn as they served my meal and tried to get on my good side since I first appeared in Tensui Village clearly destroyed their hopes of getting rid of us.

There were at least 5 attempts on my life just staying in the village that I managed to hear them all through my Rumble Fruit abilities that I killed them to prove a point I'm not someone they would mess with unless they have a death wish.

Whenever I or Esdeath catches one of them we took our time to kill them true I may have wanted to kill them easily but they were valuable test subjects for me to test out some new skills to try on and the same for Esdeath wanting to see how effective severing a nerve was in her swordsmanship.

As we were eating our food in peace, I left my money to pay for the food as we started to head out again to hunt.

Esdeath soon speaks to me on a headcount of how many we killed, "Say Seyia on a headcount you killed about 231 Danger Beasts yes while I killed 245 of them?"

Looking at her with a raised eyebrow clearly confused so I ask her, "Really and here I thought I was killing a lot of them more than you there Esdeath?"

Esdeath only smirks at me while we were heading outside the inn.

As we reached the outside of the inn, I get to see the place of the village is not advanced as my home but was decent living here if you ignore the racist assholes here.

However, it wasn't that bad living here I also made a friend during the year who was supposed to be another member of the characters in the future, "Hey Seiya good morning how are you today!"

Looking over to my left I see a girl about the same age as me with short hair and ordinary dress coming close to me to talk, "Hey Seiya and Esdeath how are you today are you going on your hunts again?"

Smiling towards her I simply nodded my head and Esdeath says to her with a confused tone, "Yeah Cosmina we're both going on our hunts again to get some money and get stronger why are you here this early?"

During my year here I managed to befriend Cosmina as she was the only person to speak to me since we were both labeled as outcasts in this village for my insane brute strength and with her alluring voice able to manipulate people we managed to hit it off pretty well.

Esdeath was also able to befriend her as well but it was more of a challenge for her since she really needed some female friends on how to be a girl at times and not a yandere.

I had to make sure she doesn't kill the poor girl out of jealousy here I didn't even think she had a jealous side at all I have my work cut out for me.

Apparently, her family is part of being show entertainers as a part-time and being merchants as their main focus of income for them they even live in a nice enough big house for them.

Soon enough Cosmina begins to speak to us in her usual playful manner, "My papa wanted me to ask you if he could get the fresh Danger Beasts parts for him in the forest even though he's scared he was never a person run from a potential business right?"

Yeah, I was certainly glad that her father managed to employ me to be his hunter for a while her father certainly knows his way of handling business and trade he was the one giving me some cash as they were at first scared like the others.

When I and Esdeath managed to bring in a large enough amount of Danger Beasts from a hunting game they soon changed a different tune that made them want to be partners as long as I get some cash and in return, they get Danger Beast parts for their trouble.

Nodding to her I immediately went on my way to hurry up getting the Danger Beasts to hunt but that was when I noticed that everyone was glaring at us, so I read their thoughts to know what was going on.

'Stupid witch always tempting my boy…'

'Damn that family and their riches…'

'Someone should teach that witch a lesson…'

'That monster brat and his strength why does he have to live here…'

'Monster he took my husband's life when he was defending us…'

'Maybe burning their home would teach them a lesson…'


Esdeath noticing my sigh she soon asks me with a curious look, "Hearing the thoughts of those weaklings again Seiya?"

Looking in my direction towards her I simply nodded as I respond to her, "Yeah those dumbasses are thinking how we kill their loves or how they fear us at this point they are more like white noise at this point but they are considering harming Cosmina."

Shaking my head to their stupidity and ignorance I continue my way to the forest as Esdeath follows we both began our hunt for some Danger Beasts in the area.

Although I did pay attention to everything going around me, I was no fool to believe that they would burn down my friend's home because of her voice but to me, I find it amusing.

At the very least if Cosmina was a voice actor in my world she would've been an excellent worker with her voice is a good talent but frankly, the people here don't see it that way because of their prejudice and hate.

Still, though I did say before I didn't care about the plot of the story anymore so that means I can finally do as I please, and even though her character was bad in the future that only happen because of this event happening to her at the moment.

Clenching my fist together I say to myself as I have newfound determination, "Right… even though I have been reincarnated into Akame ga Kill that doesn't mean I will have to be the good guy here but that doesn't mean that I should just stand there and do nothing at the very least I should try to help the other characters."

Esdeath just laughs at me for that one as she comments on it, "Hehehe… certainly Seiya with your strength and power you do as you please but how will you use it is the question?"


The easy way to deal with them would be using my Conqueror Haki on them true just killing them would solve my problems but I really don't want to scar my boss plus they are too weak for me to actually take them seriously anyway even using Haki on them is over kill anyway.

With that I continue my way to hunt for some Danger Beasts as they came to me, I released my Conqueror Haki towards them to show them who is the real predator here, "Finally I was getting bored of waiting now here I come!"

Esdeath sees this as she readies her Rapier as she says to me, "Now then Seiya let's see who has the bigger killing count here shall we?"

I nodded my head towards her as I quickly made my first move!

After all the first to succussed is the one who is bold first.

With that, I charged at them with my iron spike club already having the power of electricity filling it to strike towards them now!

When I first hit the beast, it died from the first strike of my club soon the rest came rushing towards me as they intended to kill me with their jaws.

However, I already had my Armament Haki ready blocking them from touching me soon following using my lighting ability to electrocute all of them smelling the burning flesh on their bodies.

However, Esdeath already got some stragglers running away by quickly slicing them as I managed to hear her pout, "Hmph! You should have someone nerf your powers Seiya clearly you are too OP as you say it."

When another group came by, I swung my weapon as it was coated with the power of my wind rotating it like a tornado as I say to them, "Alright you Beasts take this Shredding Club!"

Just like that, a single swing from my club caused the wind rotating inside to be released as numerous amounts of wind blades were all heading towards their direction slicing them up killing them on the spot.

While I was showing an arrogant grin to Esdeath as I reminded her of our previous conversation from the inn, "Say Esdeath what was the headcount of kills again?"

Esdeath just puffs her face looking away as she begins to carve out the Danger Beasts parts as I soon started to do the same.

As I see the remaining corpses of the Danger Beasts, I get my dagger and start carving them out as I begin to talk to myself, "Alright with that out of the way I should start collecting those parts for me to use to sell. Still, though I should warn Cosmina parents of a fire attack burning their home."

Esdeath asks me while she is beginning to collect some parts, "True after all he was the one to offer the both of us a job so it would… be kind is that the right word to use here?"

Shaking my head at Esdeath for that one she still a long way before becoming a normal person… ehh…

Scratch that a more tolerable person is what I should say but I soon ask her, "Hey Esdeath you wouldn't mind if I take my shot at it first while you stay inside their homes and guard them would you?"

After hearing her comply I sighed in relief, well let's hope they listen to my words, or at the very least they should use us to guard them for tonight from the attack…

~Third POV~

Later in the night in Tensui Village, some of the extremist villagers were quietly surrounding the home of Cosmina with fire lit torches as they are delusional to believe that they had enough of her voice manipulating them.

First, the leader who caused this was the first to speak in an angry voice to his group enough to hear, "My friends today we finally deal with the witch that has been plaguing our children for manipulating them and the people who have been plaguing our village!"

The group made small amounts of cheers agreeing with the leader as they soon begin to throw the torches at the building in an attempt to burn it completely however that was quickly stopped as Seiya blows them all away with a simple swing of his club blowing them away from the wind it produced from the swing.

Seiya was glaring at them for daring to harm his friend's home as he says to them in a cold look towards them, "So trash how do you feel to harm someone that is a friend of mine that you tried to ruin? Whatever the result is that is up to the parents to decide your fate right sir?"

When the extremist villager heard from what Seiya said they soon heard another response from the father of Cosmina with an ugly expression shown, "It seems you were right Seiya these people have been trying to kill my family I wouldn't have believed it if it wasn't in front of my eyes…"

When Seiya and Esdeath returned with their haul from Danger Beasts parts to Cosmina's father they also warned them that their home was being endangered of getting burned down by some extremist in the village wanting to harm Cosmina.

Although at first, the father didn't believe Seiya since he and his wife have been living there over a few years Seiya suggests at least offer him his service to be a bodyguard for the night and see that he was telling the truth before dismissing his warning.

The father at least agreed to Seiya to bodyguard them from the outside while Esdeath offers protection in the inside for the night as he will also stay up as well to see this so-called threat to his family and he was now glad he did listen to them because now he saw the culprits caught in the act.

For the culprits that were caught Cosmina father finally says his piece to them as he readies his rifle towards them, "I was a good neighbor to you people and I bear my daughter getting mistreated because I thought we were good friends to everyone but to go as far as kill her! You sicken me so eat some lead, you bastards!"



Soon enough shots were fired killing a few of the extremists as people soon begin to see what was going on but before they could Seiya used his Conqueror Haki to cancel them out knocking them all out surprising Cosmina father.

When Seiya was done he asks him quickly, "Sir they won't be up again for a few hours I suggest you take this time to gather your things and leave this village because the next they wake up it won't be pretty."

The father seeing this agreed with Seiya words as he says to him, "Yes… it won't be pretty I'm sorry to bother you again Seiya but I would like to get your services as well as your girlfriend to help us move to the central region of the capital, I know a friend who owes me a favor in a town near Joyou."

Seiya hearing that nodded his head in understanding agreeing to help but soon blushed a bit when he mentions Esdeath as his girlfriend since he never had one before in his previous life so this was a new experience for him to have soon they all pack their belongings to make sure they leave safely into the central region of the Empire.