
Multiverse Hopping

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Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 5: The Truth

~Third POV~

Currently after Seiya's introduction to Esdeath after her father's death and seeing her crush coming towards her with a show of power she doesn't comprehend and felt pressure from him was staring her down like an alpha treat to their prey and she is the prey.

When Seiya made his appearance to her known she soon heard what he said in a serious voice to her, "Esdeath it's time you and I have a little talk, and how you answer will determine how you get to live."

Soon she grew more cautious with Seiya with the show of power she took a gulp and asked the question, "Gulp… Seiya what do you mean we need to have a talk? Also are you the ones who attacked everyone here…"

Seiya shook his head no indicating he wasn't the one to have killed their home village tribe as he continues to explain to her, "No… I wasn't the one who attack our home it was another member of a tribe I happen to meet raiding group and I made sure to make them pay for killing everyone I knew here."

Soon enough with a snap of Seiya fingers soon came over to thunder clouds raining down on him and her leaving a shocked expression on her face.

The rain soon begins to pour onto the fire immediately canceling it out shocking Esdeath even further that the person she loves is this strong that belongs to the realms that she could only believe it's from God.

Seiya looks at Esdeath as he begins to talk to her with a serious expression, "From the look on your face there Esdeath it looks like you are shocked about my power, right?"

Esdeath was curious about Seiya words and powers but she will determine her answer once she knows Seiya, "Well then let's begin my tale but be warn once you know it you will be either following me or I kill you if you disagree just be prepared to answer once I'm done."

And with that Seiya began to discuss his existence and powers from his previous world collecting his thoughts and everything from the past as well as explain this world as a show to know what happens in the future and her fate.

Of course, when she heard that from Seiya being reborn in another world, devil fruits, this world, and her future and the real love she seeks from her original counterpart she would have scoffed at all of this as crazy talk.

However, she can't exactly argue against Seiya as well since she saw the power firsthand, he has become his own, and that in turn became his own strength to use how he sees fit.

But in the thoughts of her mind knowing her own fate she dies if she follows her original purpose would leave her to die in regret not getting the person, she would love life while she dies in regret to never experience love.

But in this chance, she could follow a different path even from her original if what Seiya has said was true, to begin with, any ordinary person would deny it but the fact remains the abilities that Seiya has shown were clearly something out of this world.

Seiya could've had said a different thing to achieve his power using a Teigu but that wasn't the case as he proved different examples of how he couldn't have done it, to begin with, but that left her more confused on how.

But soon she asks her question to Seiya of her own, "Seiya… if that is your real name why bother you tell me this to begin with if you could just kill me, to begin with, you are strong so why bother asking me this?"

Seiya closing his eyes as he replies to Esdeath in a clear voice, "To be honest with you even I'm not sure maybe I could change you for the better I thought I could change you at least since you are my friend and a true one I consider instead of everyone else."

Esdeath raised her eyes at him as she asks the next question, "That means you knew this would happen… why didn't you bother to stop the raiders clearly with your powers you could easily dominate this Kingdom easily so what is stopping you."

Seiya opens his eyes and looks towards Esdeath with a complicated expression clearly shown on his face, "Easy because it brings unwanted attention, say someone like me has these powers were to suddenly show up I won't get any peace knowing that people will use me for what they want instead of looking at me as a person and will do anything to have or own me…"

Soon Seiya begins to emit sparks of electricity covering all over around himself clearly showing anger to the people who will abuse them, "I hate the thought people owning me… I hate being used as some kind of weapon for them to use and what is stopping them from all rallying against me?'

Clearly, Esdeath doesn't buy that for a second as she soon says foolishly to Seiya, "What! You are strong while everyone and I are weak what way do we have to defeat you! You are already strong enough why not use your power as you see fit!"

Seiya seeing that Esdeath won't change her mind as she is completely staying true to her words as Seiya tries to reason with her again hoping he doesn't have to finish what the raiders have started, "Let me put this into perspective for you Esdeath… I am one person that can cause massive destruction but there is a world full of you people that will one day kill me if I don't stop attacking defending myself that is why I don't attack them because they will kill me out there in the world someone will succeed where others have failed."

This seems to shock Esdeath but clearly shows her expression change into a shocked one but Seiya continues to talk, "Even if someone is strong or weak there will be ways to kill someone regardless of their power that has always been true. While there a few strong people around there is a whole lot of more weak people willing to fight for what is right. I can't beat a massive force like that without holding back to kill because I don't want to become someone who kills as they please."

When Seiya gave his honest answer to Esdeath as her expression clearly showed that she will not change her ways even at a young age she will not relent to his weakness.

Esdeath has been taught that the strong will do what they must and do as they please however unlike her Seiya has had experience from the modern world to know that anyone can be manipulated into blind greed or power but he's not heartless enough to consider that.

He was still a person who has power that is it while Esdeath is someone who will kill and torture people for fun once she gets her Teigu and even before she was a cruel and evil person to her core.

He thought that he could convince Esdeath to change her ways at the very least try to.

Seiya managed to read her thoughts that only confirmed his answer and impressed by Esdeath's will to stay her course, but this will be the final time that he will let her grow he thought he can convince her at a young age.

Clearly, he just woke up that there are clearly some people in this world that can't be changed no matter what happens to them they will become that way.

However, he wasn't going to give up just yet maybe if he can influence her how the world works maybe there is a chance to change her mind left, "Seeing your expression Esdeath I see you won't change from my words alone right?"

Esdeath not relenting to my response she soon gives me her answer, "You obviously have this power so let me ask you this are you afraid to let your power be known to everyone in the world?"

Seiya looks at her but soon gives him his honest opinion to her, "Yes because I'm scared that I will mess up the chance of everything to being hunted down with no rest and fear for my life I – "


However, to his shock, he was slapped across his clearly showing a red mark on his face as Esdeath was giving him a much needed reality check, "So what if you were scared you have these great powers beyond anyone one's knowledge and yet you stay here and let things go on as if you don't care don't give me that crap I know what it's like to be weak you taught me that?!!"

Seiya was shocked from all the knowledge he has received from Esdeath but she wasn't done just yet as she has a few words to say to him, "Seiya I don't know who you were in your past life but that was the past you are you and don't be afraid to show your power to the world where was the Seiya I knew that always smiles at a challenge unwavering and unafraid."

Seiya just stood there shocked listening in more to Esdeath words as he was getting more shocked the second to see this much emotion from her as she continues to say her piece, "Where was the boy who faces danger with a brave smile, where is the boy that works hard to get what he wants, where was the boy that was training to become strong, and where was the boy that always spars with me happily…"

At this point, Saiya was getting more sad at each word as she finally says her peace to him to put a final nail in his coffin, "Tell me Seiya are you going to be fearful all your life afraid of people that will harm you just going to let things happen as they please like a coward or would you become the confident Seiya that I know who isn't afraid of consequences damning those who would get in your way."

Standing there shocked Seiya had no idea he had that much of an effect on Esdeath or how much of an effect this caused him to realize what was he afraid of, to begin with?

His fear of his loved ones why does that matter since they are already gone…

Letting people, he knew close to heart die because he was afraid to show off his powers that were going to happen regardless…

Seiya soon realizes that everything he did up to this point was out of fear of being discovered but did that matter even now as he confessed to Esdeath the reason why and yet she doesn't care about his origin…

Seiya just stands there looking at Esdeath no longer holding his serious expression or a shocked one but rather one of something he forgot.

Looking at Esdeath with tears in his eyes he apologizes to her fully for everything as he says to her with a sad smile on his face, "Yeah… I fucked up didn't I because of my fears I let everyone die because I thought I was afraid to lose something important, but I already discarded it haven't I?"

Esdeath just keeps on staring on to Seiya as he continues to wallow in his realization that he did nothing to help his members when instead he could've done something, "I'm a failure to our tribe and to everyone I knew haven't I and here I am treating my only living family by blood and friend to a threat if I didn't change you, what I was protecting was my humanity or what was left but the second I came here I already lost it…"

Before he could continue onward Seiya was surprised to feel Esdeath hugging him as he looks on confused about her actions as she explains to him, "Look Seiya I don't know what happens in the original to know what happened to me but that is not me she hasn't tasted defeat constantly and I'm not her since I have you to keep me in check."

Seiya just began to cry with a sad expression shocked at Esdeath's actions as he couldn't understand as he begins to say to her, "Why… why are you this nice to me when I threaten to kill you…"

Esdeath just responds as if it was a simple answer to him, "Simple you fool because I still care for you because regardless of what the original me wanted, I fell for you and not this other man you spoke of earlier regardless of where you came from."

With that Seiya just had his eyes widen in shock as he listens to what Esdeath has said as he finally thought to himself, 'This… very well then Esdeath from this point forward I won't back down anymore or let my fear hold me anymore this time I'm not going to be scared anymore of what I do consequences be damned.'

And like that from this moment forward Seiya and Esdeath would become partners traveling the Empire each having each other's back, and both teach other what the world offers to the both of them.

The first step they took was go to the Western Region of the Empire after they have both recovered mentally.