
Multiverse God plays

I only own the MC. A guy blessed with an overpowered system travels to different worlds in the multiverse to have fun and create a big family. He also beats those in the multiverse that annoy him and he hates or humiliates them.

SkyZeusKing · TV
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20 Chs

Chapter 7 - All according to plan

Mark POV

Two Days Later.

The people are angry and betrayed, most are rioting to get rid of the seven including Homelander, Voughts got no statement cause I leaked everything they've covered up, I brought down a lot of Supes except Starlight, Noir, and Maeve. But Homelander, Deep, Translucent, and A-Train have lost there image.

Vought is losing money cause the sponsors and endorsements are pulling out nationwide, they can't have Vought tarnish there image.

It's the perfect time to grab the Rebecca and Ryan.

I flew to there location but stopped short as I knocked the guard at the gate out, I began knocking out the cameras to which I started knocking out every guard in the perimeter.

I made it to the house where I knocked on the door to which someone was answering.

"Yes, can I help you?" (Rebecca)

"Rebecca Butcher?" (Mark)

"Yes" (Rebecca)

"Hi, I'm Mark Bastion, I work for the same person you husband does" (Mark)

"Billy?" (Rebecca)

"Yeah, we better get moving, I knocked out security but they won't stay knocked out for long" (Mark)

"R-Right, Ryan! Come on we gotta go!" (Rebecca)

"Coming!" (Ryan)

I saw Ryan coming to the front door with his eyes glowing. I glowed my eyes to which we smiled cause he's not alone.

"Alright did bring a car?" (Rebecca)

"Nope, I brought super speed" (Mark)

She and Ryan held on to me as I ran all the way to Mallory's Cabin.

"And we're here" (Mark)

"Already?" (Mallory)

"He's so fast as A-Train!" (Ryan)

"Nope, I'm faster" (Mark)

I see Mallory walking outside looking panicked.

"What's wrong?" (Mark)

"Homelander is about to kill people at a rally" (Mallory)

"What?!" (Mark)

I ran inside her cabin to see the news that Homelander is there.

"Yeah I gotta go" (Mark)

"Mark, be careful" (Mallory)

I flew up and took off to the city when Homelander had that crazy look than shot heat vision which I blocked with my hand.

"Who the fuck are you?" (Homelander)

"Your better you piece of shit" (Mark)

"Are you serious? Move the fuck out the way" (Homelander)

"Your gonna make me but I don't think you can" (Mark)

He super sped and punched me in the face but I felt nothing.

"That was cute" (Mark)

"Oh fuck" (Homelander)

I smacked him away sending him flying to the sky as the crowd cheered.

I flew after him to catch up to him as grab him by his neck, I saw the heat vision coming as he fired at me but I countered with mine but low frequency but stronger than his which blasted him in the face.

"Arghhhh!" (Homelander)

I brought my leg up to bring it down on him sending him to the lake.

I sped to the surface water to see him charging at me but I caught the punch.


"I don't care" (Mark)

I punched him hard but not to hard as he flew then I caught him by his throat as he tried to pry free.

"Your done Homelander" (Mark)

I use my X-Ray vision to find the abnormality of the brain and used heat vision to cut it out.

I put him down on the ground which he ran at me but I moved out of the way.

"What did you do to me?" (Homelander)

"Took away your powers, so I would start running cause everyone knows what you look like" (Mark)

There was cheering behind me as Homelander ran off but I don't care, Mallory will lock him up soon.