
Multiverse God plays

I only own the MC. A guy blessed with an overpowered system travels to different worlds in the multiverse to have fun and create a big family. He also beats those in the multiverse that annoy him and he hates or humiliates them.

SkyZeusKing · TV
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20 Chs

Chapter 6 - Saving a girl from Dumb Train

Mark POV

I was watching the seen with Hughie and Robin, she didn't deserve to die like that by a dumbass crackhead supe with no control, Hughie didn't deserve to suffer to see that at all.

I hear A-Train coming so I landed where Robin was about to stand.

"Hey, Um excuse me Miss but can you hop up on the sidewalk real quick" (Mark)

"Um sure" (Robin)

"What's going on?" (Hughie)

"There's a supe running to fast not caring about civilian safety so if he ran into your girlfriend he would have hurt her or worst" (Mark)

I stuck my foot out to which A-Train tripped over to start rolling on the ground.

"Ow! What the fuck!" (A-Train)

I look back at Hughie and Robin to which there surprised.

"Alright you two, enjoy your day" (Mark)

"Uh yeah thank you" (Hughie)

"Yeah thank you" (Robin)

"No problem just stopping an idiot" (Mark)

I walked on with them going the other direction which A-Train is still on the ground crying.

Two days later.

I went to the park cause since Hughie didn't lose Robin than someone had to cheer starlight up.

I see her and sat down to Annie January, AKA Starlight who just got off the phone with her mom and crying.

"Hey are you okay?" (Mark)

"Oh Um, I'm fine just going through some things" (Annie)

"Like what, I mean if I'm prying?" (Mark)

"No, Um well dream job is not what I thought it would be and this asshole at work made it worse than ever so telling my mom it was fine was really hard" (Annie)

"Yeah I get it now, so this asshole messed with you so mess with him back then" (Mark)

"I don't know, might cost me my job" (Annie)

"It's okay, if the job won't do anything about it then you do" (Mark)

Annie nodded but she was so cute.

"Hey if your not busy" (Mark)

"Let me see your phone" (Annie)

I gave her my phone to which she game me her number to which I smiled and left. But not before getting a call.

"Hello?" (Mark)

"We've sent the video in to the Media" (Mallory)

"Oh? And what does the public look like" (Mark)

'Tier, make sure no one can cut the feed' (Mark)

'On it Boss' (Tier)

"The public but most Supe's are hurt and mad cause not only we're they injected as infants but the compound was created by a Nazi" (Mallory)

"Yeah now with that done, I know where Billy Butchers wife is" (Mark)

"How do you know that?" (Mallory)

"Super Speed comes in handy when sneaking when getting information or having Genius level IQ when hacking" (Mark)

"Can you get her out?" (Mallory)

"Yes except there's one thing that even Homelander doesn't know" (Mark)

"When he raped Rebecca Butcher she got pregnant so she has his kid so she's not gonna abandon him" (Mark)

"Does he have powers?" (Mallory)

"Yes, he's naturally born Supe like me well a lot of kids probably are" (Mark)

"Well I don't know what Billy will think about this?" (Mallory)

"Tell him to step up and raise the kid, I bet he would make a better father to the kid than Homelander with Rebecca there" (Mark)

"You may be right, anything else?" (Mallory)

"It's about Soldier Boy, apparently he betrayed by his own team after what he did to Noir, Noir stood up to him but it didn't end well for Noir after that, what looks like under the mask is terrible, I got his location to which he's killed a lot of innocent people so I got all the information" (Mark)

"Damn, I knew Soldier Boy was a prick but this is not good for him" (Mallory)

"Yep, I'll go get Rebecca and the kid now, are you still at your cabin" (Mark)

"Yes, bring them here" (Mallory)