
Multiverse: Fateless (Under Rewriting)

A soul abandoned by fate, Vanze. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds? Order? Chaos? Or something else entirely? Faced with the absence of predetermined paths, Vanze must forge his own fate amidst the challenges and the mystery shrouding the multiverse. Read as he interacts with many characters in the multiverse, trying to understand himself throughout the journey and find his purpose in this crazy and chaotic multiverse. ( I'm bad at writing synopsis, so the summary is about a dude who is a failure in life dies, get reincarnated, encounters a system blablabla while tries to learn more about life and so on. Maybe also fulfill his fantasy lol. ) ----- First World: One Piece Schedule: 3 - 4 chapters per week Words: 2 - 3K per chapter (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, and game, even the cover that used in this book. All of it belongs to the OG author.)

HoshinoAIsimp · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


(3rd POV)

At dawn, the sun rose from the eastern horizon, casting its light upon the small archipelago. A ship could be seen docked at one of the archipelago islands' ports, showing signs of wear and tear with a few visible holes, as if it had just emerged from a tough situation. The crew of that ship had already begun unloading their goods into one of the warehouses. A boy was seen talking to a middle-aged man after finishing helping the crew.

"Mr. Tim, thank you for everything until now. I really appreciate your help," the boy with purple eyes said.

"Haha, it's my pleasure, Vanze. If not for you, we would never have reached this island today."

"Well then, I'll be going now. Goodbye, Mr. Tim." Vanze slowly departed from the dock, heading towards the town.

"What a miraculous boy, sigh..." Mr. Tim whispered while watching him go. 


(Vanze POV)

Now that I've arrived at Qurpady island, I notice it's not that big of an island; I was expecting more. But it is surrounded by smaller islands, so it is more like an archipelago, huh...

[Where are you heading, Vanze?]

'Hmm... I don't know. I just want to check this archipelago first and find a quiet place where there is no one around.' It looks like there are a lot of people coming in and out of this town. Hmm... Maybe they are also changing their course to avoid Ohara.

'Too many people around, and the atmosphere around here seems tense. We need to avoid the town for now.' Yeah, this town gives me an uneasy vibe. I go to an alley and disappear in an instant.


'I finally found this forest, damn it. It's hard to find a quiet place on this island where there is no one around.' I need to go to the edge of this island just to find this place.

[You could always go to the bathroom in some hotel if you want a quiet place, you know... hahaha.]

'That is not what I mean, Seele.' Yeah... yeah... keep teasing me.

'Anyway, I can't use my Kenbunshoku Haki to survey this island because the range that I can use is only 30 meters. If I want to use KG, I don't want people to see, so either I find a quiet place like this or wear my black sunglasses.'

[So, why not just put your sunglasses on then?]

'Uhm... I forgot... hehehe.' Yes, I forgot, damn it! But it is also better going to this place first. I don't want to take a risk.

[You never fail to amuse me, brother.]

'Meh... anyway, let's survey this island with KG first.' I closed my eyes to focus, and I open them again, activating KG power.

'Hmm, I can see much more with this, even an aura from people. Let's see... most people have a pale white aura which means they are normal people, so they are not a threat to me.' I can even see the people in town from here, wait...? What's that?

'What is that orange aura around the people in a hotel room?' I don't feel so good about it.

[Orange means that it is a possible threat to you; treat it with caution. There is also red which means danger, Vanze.]

'Damn, from what they dressed like, it is very likely they are CP agents. What the heck are they doing here!?' Why are these damn bastards here!? There is no way they are hunting Robin already; her whereabouts are still unknown. Heck, they don't even know about her existence beforehand.

[Relax, Vanze, maybe they are here just for gathering intelligence. If your memory is right, Robin's wanted poster only came out after someone recognized her and snitched it to the world government later.]

'You have a point, Seele. But it's still too dangerous if these bastards stay here.' I need to find Robin like ASAP now. Let's go survey the other island. I vanish from my previous spot to go to the other island not far from here, only a couple of miles, and it's connected with a bridge.


After I finished surveying the whole archipelago, I counted that there are at least 5 CP agents in total. I still didn't find Robin even with the help of Jack's compass, so maybe she hasn't arrived yet. The compass is still pointing towards the sea after all.

[Maybe you will find her tomorrow, Vanze.]

'I hope so... Let's go back to the town and rent a room in an inn that's far away from those CP.' I have allergies to the world government dogs after all. It makes me sick.


(??? POV)

Ugh... I've been drifting in this boat for 4 days; there is no food left. I'm hungry.

It's cold out here... Dr. Clover, Saul, Mom... Even my home is gone... Everyone is leaving... Why...? Why is he letting me go...?

Why is it only me...?

Swush Ugh... The wave is hitting my boat hard; maybe I'll drown if this continues.

Hmm... What is that...? Is it an island?

Swush The waves keep pushing my boat toward the island; maybe it's not my time to die yet...

Swush Uh, the boat has finally reached the shore. I step out of my boat, the boat that saved me and left me with so many memories... I need to focus.

I look around and only see a beach and a forest in front of me now, but where am I? I don't know this island. Let's go to the forest; maybe there is food in the forest. I'm hungry...

I'm walking through the forest, searching for fruits or anything that can be eaten. This place is dark, and I don't like it here. I don't know how long I've been walking here from the shore; I only know I need to keep moving. Mom and Saul said that to me.

Ugh... I'm tired; maybe I should take some sleep first. I don't have any more strength to walk. Yes, just take a nap first...

I hope I don't see that nightmare anymore, and when I wake up, it will be a better day for me, Derishisisi.


(3rd POV)

In the early morning of a bustling town, a figure with a hood can be seen walking through the forest with a weird compass in his hand. He looks so focused while staring at it. His purple eyes glowed for a moment underneath his hood, and he increases his pace of walking toward the direction that the compass gives.

He enters the lush forest and strolls around the place for a while until he stops. He looks up from his compass and sees a girl sleeping while hugging her knee below a certain tree. The girl's face looks haggard, her body is shivering from the cold wind. The figure stares at the girl with a look of pity, but it only lasts for a moment before it disappears. He approaches her, attempting to wake her up.

"Hey... Wake up..." He says while shaking the girl slowly.

"Uh...." She slowly starts to wake up and looks at the hooded figure with wary eyes.

"Uhm... Who are you?" She asks. The figure slowly pulls down his hood, showing a face of a boy to her.

"Greetings. My name is Vanze."


(Vanze POV)

"Greetings, my name is Vanze."

Lo and behold, the real Nico Robin in the flesh. I've been anxious all night, thinking what if I won't meet her on this island or those CP bastards find her first. That's why I'm heading out to search for her early in the morning.

"I saw you sleeping out here, and it's not a good place for it. That's why I'm waking you up. What is your name?" Uhm... My social skill is really bad, in both of my lifetimes.

"Uhm... I am Robin. Why are you here?" She stares at me warily.

'How should I tell her? I'm waiting for you!? She will just run, thinking I am weird or just here to capture her. Damn it, I don't have Luffy's charm or Naruto's mouth skill.

[ Now that you've found her, it's better to be honest with her, Vanze. She has just lost everything not long ago. If you lie and she finds out about it later, she will definitely run away from you. ]

'Fine! I'll say it.'

"I'm here searching for my future partner." Oh... I'm so messed up, I cursed my social skill.

"Looking for your partner? So, did you find it?" She asked me with a puzzled look.

"Yes and no. Yes, I found one of them, but I don't know if she will accept my invitation." Yes, I'm very nervous now.

"Uh, why do you think so?" You're asking me why!?

"Because, we just met today and we only know each other's names so far." And it's just getting awkward really fast.


Stop staring at me like I'm a weirdo, please.

"... So it's me...?" She's trying to confirm it with an unsure tone.

"... Yes... So, how about it? Just think about it slowly, no need to rush." At this time, I really hope I had a protagonist aura.

"But why me? And we just met earlier." She just keeps staring at me with those big eyes of hers.

"Well, it's because I saw you here. I'm following my compass here, hoping to find someone I could rely on in this world." I'm being honest here.


"Yeah, my compass points me to this forest. I found you here, and you also look like the same age as me, so I invited you. How?"

"... I don't know..." She seems confused and hungry as well. Well, it's obvious.

"Don't worry, take it slow. We can just eat first. Let me do something." Yeah, distract her with food first. I started to prepare our breakfast.


"Thank you for the food, Vanze. It's so delicious." Robin says with a shy smile on her face after we finished eating. Impression +1.

"Hahaha, it's fine, Robin. My stomach also needs to eat."

"Uhm... By the way, how could you bring out the meat and the spices from out of nowhere? Did you also eat a devil fruit!?" She asks me more questions now, good. She's opening herself more.

"Haha, it is similar." Yes, rather than a devil fruit, mine is more like a devil stone.

"You say that we are at the same age before, but you look much taller and bigger than me." Even she is saying that to me. It's a fair point.

"Well, I am indeed 8 years old. It's just that I developed earlier than most of the kids my age. Oh, I also eat a lot, that's why I'm as strong as the adults. Most kids even called me a freak and ran away the moment they saw me." And of course, because I'm a high human.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that..." Why is she apologizing for? Owh...

"Hahaha, you don't need to feel sorry about that, Robin. It's just some kids who don't know about the world. Rather I'm feeling great because with my strength, I can at least protect myself." Heh, kids. Why would an adult need to give a shit about kids' bullshit.

"Um..." She just nods at my response.

And there is silence. Again.

"Robin, do you want to hear my story?" Let's just keep the conversation going. It's still noon, I still have much time to convince her.

"Um... If it's alright with you."

"Okay, so I'm from Ozqalct island..."


"Shush... It's fine now, Robin. You are safe." I'm hugging a crying Robin right now... Why did you ask...?

Because it started when I'm done telling my stories to her, well except for the system, reincarnation, and Seele part. But anyway, she becomes much more open after listening to my story. After that, she also started to want to share her story with me, about how most of the time she lived alone, learning with Dr. Clover, kids calling her a freak, meeting with Saul, reunion with her mother, and lastly about her hometown being destroyed.

Man, I know all of her stories even before coming to this world, but hearing it in person and from Robin herself, damn, that's a deep messed-up story. If it was me, I may have turned black already. She doesn't deserve it, those dogs of the World Government are really crazy.

There is a saying in the community back in my old world that if you ever get reincarnated into the One Piece world, always treat Robin better. Now I understand that saying very well.

"Huuu... All of them are gone, Vanze. I'm the only one left, huuu..." I just keep patting her back while hugging her.

"It will be fine, Robin. I'm here; you are not alone anymore."

"Really...?" She looks up at me with eyes full of tears. How can't you refuse that!?

"Yes, of course." I nod toward her.

"Is it really fine, I'm becoming your partner...?"

"Hahaha, it'll be my pleasure. I promised you will never ever again have to experience something like that in your life." I promised while staring into her eyes.

She just hugs me more tightly; maybe she is just afraid. Sigh...


Finally, we are back at the inn. On the way here, I let Robin use my hood to cover her up in case the CP agent is around or someone recognizes her. Now she's sleeping in my room, while I need to rent another room beside her.

'We didn't do much today, but somehow I feel exhausted...'

[ You are emotionally tired, Vanze. ]

'Hmm... Maybe. But now that I find her, what's the next plan...? Most of the West Blue islands have the mafia family stationed in them; there is also Chinjou hippo navy in the Kano country not far from here. I just hope Moria is already heading to the Grand Line; young Moria is definitely a powerful pirate.'

My current strength is not enough... I need to find an island suitable for me to train. Maybe go to the directions near the Calm Belt. Yes, let's just go there. I hope to find an island similar to Luffy's used for training Haki.

'Tomorrow, we're going out of this island first. It's the priority. But for now, let's get some rest.'
