The Targaeryans thought they were the only remaining dragons in Planetos. Dragons from different worlds started to transmigrate or reincarnate in the planet after the Valyrians Dragon Gods asked for aid to ensure the survival of the mightiest species in the planet Note: most of these dragons either died or alive from their original worlds they are also sentient and can speak Dragons Visiting, Reincarnated or Transmigrated Warcraft - Malygos and Sindragosa Fairy Tail - Belserion Pokemon- Arceus
Shrykos finds herself in a world where magical monsters coexist with humans. These magical monsters are called Pokemon. They vary from the smallest and fluffiest to the largest and domineering. These magical monsters further amazed the Dragon Goddess of beginnings and doorways, for she found a variety of their magical skills, from controlling the elements, ability to move objects, appear in far off places without physically moving, and a lot more. The humans in this world were not far off from her own, as some of them used Pokemon for their own greed and desires. But most often than not, there were humans that treated Pokemon as an equal like a friend or family.
Shrykos met some powerful dragon Pokemon, yet they did not have the ability to speak like humans. They were powerful indeed with the likes of Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem, which thankfully could talk through telepathy. Shrykos shared her woes to the three and they felt empathy towards her world.
Shrykos: Thus I need your aid my fellow brethren. The death of Dragons would end my world. Humans have forced not just my children but every magical creature to hide from plain sight.
Kyurem: Humans have once again shown that they are not to be trusted.
Reshiram: Kyurem you are biased and have never given humans a chance, not all of them are that bad, though in this case a kingdom exclusively for dragons seems the better choice
Zekrom: But these would be a kingdom of sentient dragons. Even our own can show the same malice like humans. Sentience gives us that freedom.
Kyurem: Oh divine one, as much as we would like to aid you and your kind, we also have a duty in our own world. Just as the humans cannot be controlled in yours, it is unfortunately same as ours. That is why our creator, Arceus the Dragon God of Creation, has tasked us guardians to make sure that no human will posses to much power to endanger our world and all Pokemon that lives in it.
Shrykos: That is regretful Kyurem, and as dire as I am, I cannot force you to give up on your task for my own.
Reshiram: Fear not divine one, we may not be able to aid you but I am sure that our father, Arceus can...
Shrykos wanted to object as it was agreed by her and her siblings that they cannot ask another Dragon God for help. Yet she cannot leave empty handed in this world as even her powers have their limits. Zekrom also told her, that the only sentient and powerful dragon left in their world besides them is Arceus.
Shrykos was about to leave and return to planetos without achieving anything when suddenly a bright light appeared. This light slowly took shape of a white equine creature resembling a Qulin with a vertically-striated underside. The striated pattern has similar recurrences on the underside of its mane, tail, and face. Its four pointed feet are tipped with gold hooves. It also had a golden cross-like wheel attached to its body by its round abdomen.
Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem bowed in respect.
Arceus: Greetings fellow Dragon God. I have sensed your presence from the time your arrived. You seem to have no malice, thus decided to observe how you would act.
Shrykos: Greetings as well my brethren. Forgive the intrusion as I mean no disrespect. My visit to your world comes with a huge distressful mission to call for aid in my world.
Arceus: Yes, I have heard of your tale...
Shrykos sensing hesitation from the god of this world, sighed in defeat. She had no leverage. But to her surprise, Arceus responded with an answer she wanted to hear
Arceus: My dear your thoughts are wrong for I plan to travel together back in your world
Shrykos: This is a gift you have bestowed me Arceus, I have no words...
The Goddess was elated with the news. Her mission was accomplished though it would had some complications once her siblings find out a Dragon God from another world would arrive. This was not in accordance to their agreement but she could not return empty handed.
She was about to to open a Portal when Arceus spoke again and set some conditions.
Arceus: Shrykos my aid to your world is without some conditions
Shrykos: Being a fellow Dragon God I already felt this. May I know what are those?
Arceus: The reason your children would end up dying is not only because they are few remaining but they also lack knowledge. Yes they do not have sentience, but dragons are creatures of intelligence. They must use this new knowledge for the betterment of your world. They must become its guardians. They need to actively participate in both present and future. Shielding them from your world's dangers will mean nothing. As you said the greed and desires of humans in that world are endless, and with nothing to stop that, would spell doom for all.
After listening to Arceus, the Valyrian Dragon Goddess could not help but agree. With rise of sentient dragonkind, humans will face an enemy they cannot easily defeat. She would also have to inform her siblings the necessary adjustment to their plans. Dragons will need to take an active part of the world, especially when human kind was unpredictable.
Shrykos: I fully agree with your sentiments Arceus, but it is not just me you need to convince but my fellow Dragon Gods
Arceus: Then it is settled, for now let us travel to your world and see where this goes
Shrykos: Shall we then!
So two powerful Dragon Gods leave the Pokemon world and embark on a journey to Planetos
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
I was thinking of bringing Arceus along with Shrykos as he has control on all elements and he could reshape and rejuvenate the devasted Valyrian Freehold. Plus he is the only Dragon God I know that could physically manifest in the mortal realm without breaking some sort of balance or reality
I know Malygos and Sindragosa could also restore Old Valyria, but I want to them focus on magical barriers or illussions(since blue dragons from warcraft are experts at this), that would further improve or enhance the existing seals/barriers like the wall or stygai