
Multiverse Collision

Shonpufi · Anime & Comics
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[4] U.A Here I Come!!!

A/N:I will take a week off to watch MHA again, I want to get the characters personality and dialogues right so I'll take a week of for research purposes.


Standing in front of the fortress-like gates, hundreds of students walked by each other in hopes of becoming heroes.

But one of them had a single goal.

To come first in the U.A sports festival!

Yes, this is Eric, and he has been busy for the last week.

When he arrived he had appeared in a small apartment. Originally he thought that he was teleported by accident into another person's home but after some searching, he found out that I lt was the place that the system had provided for him.

He had also found his papers and admission to the U.A entrance test.

He had taken advantage of the whole week to get aquatinted with his powers and Eric has to say that he was proud of the progress he had made in that single week.

"I hate this, I have to do highschool allover again" complained Eric, by paper, he was 15 so that he could be in the same class with the main cast but in really he was 18 and has already done high school.

Others might think that he looks too old to be 15 but with all the crazy powers and appearances of the people in this world, most won't judge someone's age by their appearance.

'stop complaining and get moving it should be time for the test' said Himeko, like always she is staying in her ten ring form. Eric liked the rings since he thought that they looked cool. He even gave them a name besides Judgement of Shamash.

He calls them Solomon's rings.

Might sound cringe but it is a fitting name for the ten rings.

Eric only grumbled and kept walking until he made it to the auditorium where everyone was sitting.

Eric on the other hand started to panic because he forgot that there was a written test.

With a defeated sigh Eric sat down for the test.

'let me take over, this is easy as hell' commented Himeko, the other her besides being a great soldier she was also very smart. Hence Himeko also inherited her intelligence.

With a happy face, Eric let Himeko take over.


30 Min later-

After finishing the test every one was moved to their specific sector. Eric had already changed into a pair of comfortable clothes that he could move around easily. 

After all Eric's combat style required it.

"STAAAAAART!!" Screamed present mic.

Eric immediately created a portal and went through it. Erics new location was in the sky, although most would have fallen to oblivion. Eric learned to control his honkai energy to the point that he could materialize it into solid forms.

Eric stood there in the sky on a pink and transparent panel of honkai energy.

As he scanned the place he managed to find multiple-point robots. He quickly created portals under the robots before the nearby contestants could get to them.

Portals portals were connected to the ones above causing the portaled robots to fall from high up in the sky earning him some easy points.

"There he is" spoke Eric with amusement.

As he kept scanning the contestants, his sight finally managed to get across to a wimpy-looking green-haired kid.

Izuku looked like he was attempting to find robots to destroy with his uncontrollable quirk but others got them before he did.

Eric pitied him and wanted to portal come his way but he decided not to as he would probably still pass after he saves Ochako from the giant no-point robot, of course, that is if everything goes to canon.

'you should go down there to get some close combat experience, and stop attacking from afar' commented Himeko

Eric only grunted in annoyance but complied, Himeko already taught him a bit of swordsmanship that she got from her memories so this obviously was a perfect chance for him to practice.


In a dark room, multiple heroes and the dean of the school looked through many monitors and observed all the contestants.

"My, there are so many talented individuals this year" said the brar-mouse who was drinking a cup of tea.

"Hm yeah, everyone is scrambling to get points, except that kid" pointed out Vlad King

Hearing his words both the Bear-Mouse and the buff blonde directed their gaze to a certain screen

It showed an average black-haired kid who was standing on a pink glass of sorts up high in the sky. He just stood there lazily looking down on all the contestants as he created portals that dumped robots from the sky.

Nezu widened his eyes in surprise seeing a contestant having such an easy time in the test, usually most would be running around hoping to find robots to score points but he is just sitting there casually and doing no work while he uses his power to get points.

Nezu became interested if in his power and looked at his profile.

"Name is Eric Herrera, age 15, is an orphan, and his power is... None" said the Mouse out loud

All might widened his eyes.


Then what is he doing right in front of our eyes?

"Is that true Nezu" asked all might.

He was worried that he might be a spy planted by his old enemy, All For One. The only way this boy could have received such power is from him or if he had inhereted his One For All. but the latter wasn't it since he had already given his power to young Midoria.

"Indeed All Might, it looks like some sort of space manipulation but that alone doesn't explain the pink panel under him. He could be standing on space itself but why the color?" Nezu asked himself, even if the boy was controlling the space to stand on it, what he was doing really didn't look like it at all making him really suspicious.

Nezu and All might kept their eyes on Eric to see what would happen next.

Eric who was sitting there suddenly got up although he didn't look happy. He was annoyed as if someone told him something that he didn't want to hear but couldn't argue against.

He made a portal in front of him and appeared in front of a group of robots. He stretched out his hand and the ten rings on his finger started to move towards his stretched hand as if it was alive. After a few seconds it had turned into a huge cleaver leaving both Nezu and All Might stunned.

"I don't have any papers mentioning any support items he had brought" Nezu was surprised because even with the technology they had, they had never created something like what he had.

Nezu, with his high intellect, could already tell that it was some sort of nanobot-based weapon. Nanobots have been made before but not on a large scale and not as efficient as the ones Eric has.

'Did he make them? if he did then why did he sign up for the hero course instead of the support course? I'm sure those nanobots will get him far in his career' Nezu asked himself as he saw Eric slash his way through robots, at the rate he was going Eric might very well have first place.

Although All Might was worried about Eric and the possibility of him being a spy, he decided to return his sights to the green-haired boy who was struggling to gain points.


As I swung my cleaver down I cut two robots in half, another one was behind me and was about to attack but I created a portal that redirected his punch towards itself making it tumble backwards. I quickly spun around and used the momentum to cut it in half.

With a sigh in stabbed the cleaver on the floor and sat next to it.

It's been a few minutes since I started to fight down here and although I'm not that tired thanks to my hersher physique. I am mentally tired due to constantly trying to implement portals and cursed techniques while Fighting horses of robots.

Initially, they should have been evenly spread out for others to find but I teleported them all to my location on purpose.

It was really fucking tiring!

This is the first time I've been in battle or at least fought something that I didn't need to hold back against. If I had then I would've been knocked out already, those horses of robots are really annoying and they even managed to get in a few hits. They really hurt but no pain no gain I guess, but the sad thing was that they didn't give any XP for me to level up so I only fought to gain experience and efficiency in battle.

'Not bad for someone's first time, you even pulled some moves I hadn't taught you' said Himeko as she was impressed at Eric's performance.

Eric only shrugged since there were only moves that he learned from video games or movies.

There was this one move where he used the momentum from a swing to flip sideways and dodged a hit from a robot. He also tried to do a leg takedown just as the black widow did in one of the Marvel movies but the robots are too square to swing on their necks with his legs... Well, he attempted and failed before he could even get his legs around them so he can't blame their symmetry.

Eric who was sitting down from exhaustion stood up as he felt a great tremor looking at the direction he felt it coming from, he saw a 12177 metres tall robot towering above him. The giant robot quickly lifted its fist as it was about to strike down exactly where Eric was.

"shit!" he immediately created a portal in front of him big enough for the giant fist to go through. another portal appeared beside the giant robot's head and was immediately knocked back by its own punch.

Eric who had a huge smile on his face was panting in tiredness, the attack was so sudden that he didn't think of porting away but instead created a huge portal for the giant's fist with his very shity energy control.

Himeko who watched what happened also felt that Eric was stupid for choking last second, she was already thinking about the torturous energy training she could make for him.

Eric who suddenly felt a chill down his spine made a portal to the furthest building he could make a portal to so that he could rest. His mistake made him realize how shity his control was and decided to ask Himeko for a harder training regiment later even though he will regret such a decision.


Even after my little oopsie, things still went to canon. Ochako got caught in the middle of its destruction and Midoria came in last second to save her. I have to say that I'm quite impressed with his strength even though he has absolutely no control over it.

I could have done the same with my Hersher physique's strength but I was too tired after firing hordes of robots that I had warped to my location. Now that I think about it, I'm starting to regret that decision a bit even though Himeko was the one that told me to do it. But i can't deny the fact that it helped a lot for training.

As I was watching everything through portals I had setup throughout the sky, the alarms immediately sounded out signifying that the test was over.


After the intense battles that had happened, the voice hero appeared to announce the scores. Behind him, the screens lighted up showing the scores of all the students. "Wow, that was an exhilarating battle! is safe to say that this is the most powerful roster U.A has ever seen! Here are the U.A exam results"

Name: Eric Herrera/Villain Points: 526/ Rescue Points: 0/Rank: 1st

Name: Katsuki Bakugo/Villain Points:77/ Rescue Points:0/Rank: 2nd

Name: Ejir Kirishima/Villain Points: 39/Rescue Points: 35/Rank: 3rd

Name:Ochako Ururaka/Villain Points:28/ Rescue Points:45/Rank: 4th

Name:Ibara Shiozaki/Villain Points:36/ Rescue Points:32/Rank: 5th

Name:Itsuka Kendo/Villain Points:36/ Rescue Points:32/Rank: 6th

Name:Tenya Ida/Villain Points:52/ Rescue Points:9/Rank: 7th

Name:Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu/Villain Points:49/ Rescue Points:10/Rank: 8th

Name:Fumikage Tokoyami/Villain Points:47/ Rescue Points:10/Rank: 9th

Name:Yosetsu Awase/Villain Points:50/ Rescue Points:6/Rank: 10th


"What the hell! 582 villain points, who destroyed that many robots? Even second place wasn't ten percent close" voiced one of the of the boys in the crowd. 

Everyone started murmuring and wondering how such a thing could be accomplished especially.

Who was Eric Herrera?.

Eric who saw his score from the back felt smug as even Bakugo wasn't close to his score. But he can't really be surprised since the body count of most Hershers was a thousand times bigger than his.

Not like Eric was planning on going to a massacre but he understood why he got such a high score.

"Baastard!!! Eric, whoever you are come out!" screamed a spiky-haired teen who was among the crowds, everyone pitied him considering the fact that he was trying to pick a fight with the guy who gained eighty times his own points.

"Shit better dip" Eric immediately created a portal home and escaped Bakugos wrath, it's not like he couldn't take him but it just wasn't worth the trouble. Eric also feared that he might kill Bakugo by accident if he tried to get violent with with him.

As Eric made his escape, Izuku who was looking at the scoreboard had his eyes wide open at the score. His mind started going overdrive as he started thinking of how a single person could get such a high score. As he kept mumbling he realized that his habit got to him again, with a blank stare he looked at the bottom of the list with his points at zero. Not that he didn't expect it already but it hurt more seeing it yourself.
