
Multiverse Collision

Shonpufi · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

[5]Domain Lock

A few days later, Eric received a letter from UA High containing his letter of acceptance.

[Eric Herrera, The Portal Hero, Quirck: Portals, Congratulations for placing in Class 1-A]


"Portal Hero? they better fucking change it soon or il throw a meteor through one of those 'Portals' at them"

Eric only sighed to himself as he couldn't really blame them as he only used portals and Himeko.


weeks later-

It's finally the first day of school and I have to say that I'm not excited at all. I almost didn't wake up first thing in the morning even though I had set up multiple alarms to wake me up, If it weren't for Himeko yelling inside my mind I would have been late for the first day. I am also not excited about going through high school again.

As I walked through the many halls of the school I had finally made it to the classroom that had the A-1 sign. I opened the door and was greeted by the sight of a robot with engines on his leg Arguing with a walking grenade.

"Take your legs off the desk, it is disrespectful to the class!" he scolded Bakugo even though he was being completely ignored.

"No I can do whatever I want" he snorted codly.

I grimaced at how tiring today will be especially with him here. I sighed and sat on the seat on the very back corner. As I say down Tenya immediately noticed me and went over it my seat.

"Nice to meet you my name is Teny Ida from SOUMEI junior high, welcome to class 1A, will be classmates from now on" he offered his hand for a handshake and I reciprocated his gesture.

Yes, he might be annoying and uptight but I know that he is a good guy.

"It's nice to meet you the name is Eric Herrera, I came from... Dam I don't remember. Anyways it's nice to meet you too" As I exchanged my greetings both his and Bakugo's eyes went wide open.

"Bastard! So you're the one that took my first place" he yelled in anger as he got up from his desk towards me

It wasn't your first place if you never got it to begin with loser.

As I was too tired to deal with him, I just decided to open a portal exactly in front of where he was walking. Before he could react he walked through it and I closed it.

Tenya who saw the whole thing was looking at me dumbfounded at how easily I kicked him out.

"What was that, it looked like some sort of portal!?" Asked Tenya as he looked at me curiously.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm, if I'm being honest some of my favorite characters in MHA were Tenya, Deku, and Nejire so it felt kind of surreal to be talking with him.

I humored him and said, "isn't it rude to ask someone else's power before saying yours?" I countered him, I already knew what he could do but I just wanted to see him pick.

"E-eh?, *cough* *cough* I see my apologies. My ability is called Engine, my calves have natural engines inside them allowing me to have immense speed." He explained with a proud face.

"I see that great quirk, mine is called void. It allows me to control anything related to space." I explained gaining a raised eyebrow from him.

"Truly?, I thought that you could only create portals. If you can control all related to space then your quirk is quite versatile and strong he analyzed quickly.

"Bastard! How dare you throw me outside!. Fight me!" Yelled Bakugo as he reentered the class. I originally sent him outside the school building as I didn't really see the need to send him further than that.

He immediately started running towards me but I made a portal in front of him, he immediately maneuvered around it and got close to me.

As he was inches away from grabbing my collar to pick me up, I activated an ability I had recently made

"[Domain Lock]"

Immediately Bakugo's figure stoped unmoving as if everything had stopped for him. Tenya who originally looked like he was going to help me fend off Bakugo looked confused as he saw his unmoving figure.

Tenya looked at me and said "Is this what you doing Herrera?, it looks like time stopped for him" he asked as he was unsure what happened.

"It's an ability I made called [Domain Lock], what it basically does is create a separate space where nothing except himself exists. time, gravity, and space all stopped for him the moment I put him in there since these concepts don't exist to begin with inside that space, In fact, he isn't even aware that he is in this state, I could leave him here for years and nothing would change for him. Sadly I can't do that since this ability takes up quite the amount of juice" Hearing my explanation, tenyas eyes went wide.

And I fully understand him, the only reason that this works is that I put Bakugo in a separate space where laws don't apply like the real world, so In other words Bakugo might look like he is in front of us but he is in a completely different space of existence that I made. It's like a pocket space that you can see in front of you but can't interact with at the same time unless you're inside of it.

This move is also very hard for me to do and control, it has a very small range due to my low level honkai energy control and it being in the experiment stage but once I get better I will be able to do this from half-across the school.

It's there but not there at the same time.

"Kachan?" As I heard someone call the prick's name, I turned around and saw Midoria with a difficult expression, as if he didn't know if he should be mad or happy that I was doing this to him.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked as he came closer to him, he tried to touch him but something prevented him from doing so.

I then explained the whole principle of the thing and his eyes went wide "Really you can do something like that! I don't think even pro heros can counter an ability like that" Midoria started to mumble a bunch of incoherent words that I couldn't understand but I already knew that it was him going into analysis mode.

After our little talk, everyone started to walk in like canon, ochako, and Deku even had their little cute moment of thanking him for saving her.

We eventually went back to talking, it seemed like, Deku, and Ida were becoming good friends.

"Ugh be quiet, class is about to start," said a man in a sleeping bag.

Everyone looked at the voice in confusion.

Since when was he here?

"I'm you're homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa, and Eric please put Bakugo back to normal," he said in a tired tone.

I only nodded and moved him back to his seat but not before drawing on his face a little with a permanent marker I had heheheh. 

I snapped my fingers and Bakugo went back to normal "BASTAR-!, Eh?" as he was about to yell again he noticed that he was in a spot different from before, his look of confusion looked absolutely hilarious. 

he started looking around until he met eyes with me "Bastard what did you do!" he yelled once more

Geez does this guy not know any curse words besides bastard?

"Bakugo sit down," Aizawa said as he applied some eye-drops on his tired eyes. Bakugo only gave me a death stare before sitting down

Now that everyone was quiet they all turned their attention to Aizawa, he reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out a U.A uniform "Now that everyone is quiet, I know that it's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field" 

"Eh?" (Everyone)


"A quick assessment test?" Everyone asked at the same time, they hadn't expected that first day off they would be having a test.

"Yes and by the way... the one with the lowest score will be kicked out of class," said Aizawa with his tired eyes. 

hearing this everyone started to panic except a few students including Eric

kicked out?

on the first day?

This ignited a fire in everyone's hearts in hopes of not getting thrown out of Japan's number one hero school.

first, they were going, to begin with a 50-meter dash. "Run the dash, but make sure to use your quirks to add more power. Let's begin with Tenya Ida and Eric Herrera"

hearing the names everyone became curious, why? because Eric is the person with the highest score in the U.A. entrance exam in all of U.A. history.

Nobody knows who the mysterious high scorer was.

Eric and Ida hearing this looked at each other and nodded. both were already aware of each other's abilities, Ida knew that Eric could just teleport over there to the finish line but that wouldn't stop him from trying his best.

They both lined up and got ready for the sprint, ida got in a running positioned and had a serous expression. Right now he was determined to win against Eric Space powers or not.

Aizawa lifted his starting pistol to the air and shot, with a loud *Bam* Ida moved... but

"ZA WAURDO" Before Ida moved, Eric had activated [The World].

staep by stap he started to walk slowly towards the finish line.








Eric's time stop had reached its limit the moment he reached the stop line. Although it was only seven seconds, that was two seconds more than last time. With a grin he said "And so, time flows once again" The once stoped figure started to move again from their frozen spots.

Tenya who just started to run had his eyes wide open as he saw Eric on the finish line

'What! he's already there, I didn't see him open a portal like usually does' thought Tenya as he started running, and in a matter of seconds, he reached the finish line.

He looked over to Eric who had a smug smile "Heh you did well, you would have probably made it to the finish line by the time I made a portal and went through it" complimented Eric.

While Tenya and Eric were talking, the peanut gallery and Aizawa had their eyes wide open in surprise. The speed of Tenya alone was impressive but Eric did something that could only be called teleportation.

Was it even teleportation?

Aizawa on the other hand had his eye narrowed down on Eric.

Earlier Nezu had asked him to keep an eye on Eric, he dditn explain why but Aizawa complied with the mouse's request. 

When the race had started he had activated his quirk erasure ability on Eric but it didn't seem to work at all on him.

After that little demonstration, Aizawa had everyone go through a series of tests. the 50-meter run, grip test, long jump, and more. but in the end, eric got the top score on every single one.

Finally, it was time for the softball pitch, bakugo had demonstrated the power of his explosion and gained a high score, ochako demonstrated her floating powers and got the top score that equaled infinity, and Eric got second place by throwing a ball through a pair of portal causing it to pick up speed and then sent it flying halfway across the country.

And then finally it was Izuku's turn just like canon, he managed to clutch up last second by concentrating all for one on the tip of his finger, although he had to sacrifice that finger.

Bakugo screamed 'Deku!' and ran towards him. Deku just stood there as if waiting for the hit to happen but Bakugo suddenly stoped moving completely.

Izuku looked confused until he realized what happened and looked over to Eric.

Eric started to walk slowly towards Izuku until he was right on front of him

'Thanks, Eri- GUHG!!' Betraying Izukus's expectations, Eric gave a devastating punch to Izukus's Stomach. 

Izuku kneeled on the floor gasping for air.

"Deku!" screamed Ochako as she looked worried about him.

"Young Midoria!" whispered All Might who was watching everything from a corner in secret, he was about to go in and save him but Eric spoke.

"Izuku stop being a coward, the only reason Bakugo keeps picking on you is because you let him and because your weak" *Bam* Eric punched him in his face and sent Izuku backwards.

Hearing Erics words Izuku Widened his eyes and realized that Eric was right... but some thing are easier said than done.

He has been so used to the bullying that it has left a psychological effect on him.

But he knew he was right.

With all his strength Izuku stood up and wiped the blood from his nose and got in a fighting stance.

"Now that's better, try to keep up" Although Eric was holding back by a lot, he kicked off the ground and punched exactly where Izuku was in a fraction of a second. 

Izukus's instincts kicked in and jumped to the side and dodged.

"Why don't you use your quirk Izuku, I'm sure that you could fight evenly with me with it" commented eric as he retracted his first from were he had punched earlier.

deku moved back to gain some distance and said "... its because my body can't take the strain, its to much power for my body. I'm sure you saw it already" said Izuku.

"Dumbass of course your hurting yourself with it. you're trying to focus it all in one place instead of spreading it throughout your whole body evenly. All that power in one single part of your body will obviously backfire on you." commented eric, he already knew that Deku would find this out later on but he thought that it would be better for Deku to get stronger earlier on.

He wasn't mad at Izuku for being a pushover but he did use it as an excuse to give a little class to him about his powers.

'... wait he's right!!!' hearing erics words, Deku realized that what Eric said was true, all this time he has been focusing power only on the limbs he needed to attack but he has never attempted to even it all out throughout his body.

Green surges of energy flicker around him and pink like veins started to glow around his limbs.

'It works!, I can do 15% right now instead of my previous one percent' tought Izuku in a happy cry.

Looking back at Eric, he saw a happy expression on his face. As if a father had just seen his own son walk his first steps. Izuku felt weird that such an expression was on his face but decided to ignore it.

Readying his stance, Izuku shouted "get ready Eric!, I won't let you throw me around like a moment ago"

"More doing less talking"

Izuku quickly disappeared and reapeared infront of Eric, every who saw this had their eyes wide open at his speed.

Was Izuku always this strong?

Almigh who was seeing the situation in a Biden corner couldn't help but feel as a failure. His own student and inherito was taught better by the guy that he suspects to be a spy.

Eric who saw the punch coming straight to his face, didn't change expression even at the face of a punch whose power felt devastating.

He raised his hand and gently pushed Izuku hand to the side, completely redirecting the punch to the side.

Izuku who saw this had his eyes wide open 'he redirected my punch at such a close distance!?' tought Izuku.

Although Eric looked calm and composed outside, the inside of his mind was a whole other matter 'holy shit what was that speed! I barley saw it coming, if it weren't for my instinct I would have been lying flat on the floor!' tought Eric as nervous sweat started to drop down his forehead.

"As expected of Eric, I cant hit you even at this speed. But that doesn't mean I'l give up" said Izuku in determination. Soon he started throwing quick punches at Eric.

'Damit don't give me that type of bullshit sentimental speech when your trying to blow my head off' complained Eric in his heart.

In response to Izuku punches, Eric quickly dodged a d countered his attack and each time one would come close to him, Eric would create a portal to redirect the punches devastating showave somewhere else or using the world to help block a punch. Eric tried not to use portals as means to not become reliant on them and because they take out to much energy out of him. He is also constantly keeping Bakugo in the [Domain Lock] making things even harder for himself.

Eric could have also ended this fight quickly but that would mean using more deadly methods.

Eric quickly activated [the world] ability and stoped time. He lowered himself and swoop Izuku of his feet with a leg sweep and punched him quickly into the ground.

As time started again, everyone became surprised at the sudden change of events.

Weren't they just fighting?

How did it turn out to this?

They didn't even see Eric move!

Aizaw who was watching on the side also had his eyes wide open. Originally he was going to stop this fight, but he could see through Erics intentions of helping Izuku becoming stronger so stoping wasn't really in his priorities right now.

Izuku who was on the ground also became confused at how Eric defeated him without him seeing his movements, but he just shrugged it off as Eric just doing extraordinary things. Izuku mind, Eric has already earned respect from him as he helped him control his power better and could also keep up with 15% one for all.

And he himself knew that it wasn't an easy task as that was akeen to fighting Allmight at 15 percent.

Deku sighed in disappointment but he also felt even more determination in becoming stronger so that he can ne someone worthy of inheriting one from all.

Eric walked over to Izuku and helped him get up.

"It's all you now" said Eric as he walked back to his original spot.

Eric snapped his fingers and Bakugo whent back to his previous actions.

Except this time, Deku was fully ready to punch him in the face.

How can he be a hero if he's afraid of one guy?

Before things could escalate, Aizawa wrapped his special scarf around both students. Aizawa could tell the devastating strength behind those punches, he doesn't think that Bakugo can't take them on but... It wouldn't be without consequences.

Bakugo only snorted coldly, completely unaware of Izuku's recent character development.

Though sooner or later he will find out the hard way that Izuku is no longer a pushover, but someone worthy of being a rival.

As the test ended, the scores showed that Eric had gotten the highest score out of them all and obviously none was really surprised.

And after reading the list, ochako came last. All the quirck test required impressive physical abilities Wich ochakos quirk did not supply.

She started to panick in worry of getting kicked out but Aizawa came out saying that it was a lie making every one sigh in relief.

Especially Izuki.


[Achievement completed]

[Name: Testing Ace

Description: Get first place in Aizawas quirk apprehensive test.

Reward: 4 tickets, 220 store points.]


'hey system, why don't you just assign these quest instead of making them secret achievement'

[Because the host would be collecting tickets left and right, who knows what you could get with a hundred tickets. The only missions I assigned are main quest and important side quest]

I see, so it's so that I don't abuse the system mission. I have to achieve all these things on my own and if there's a secret mission for it then I'll get something.

"System please draw five"

[Affirmative, 5 new items obtained]

<[Hersher core exchange ticket(EX){Honkai Impact 3}< p>

Description: allows you to randomly change your hersher core with ANY hersher core]

<[All things technology: by Otto Apocalypse(B){Honkai Impact 3}< p>

Description: a book containing all of Otto apocalypse technologycal research and development]

<[Fried beef dumplings(E)]< p>

<[Fullbring(A+){Bleach}< p>

Description: allows you to controll the soul withing physical matter]

<[Light Saber(C+){Star Wars}]< p>

Otto's book huh, I do t think this will be very useful for me right now along with the hersher core exchange ticket.

I'm happy with the one I have so I won't change it randomly right now.

Second is the fullbringer ability, it allows me to control the sould withing living things. And it also allows me to use special abilities with items that I have an intimate or emotional connection with. I also now have access to reiryoku.

I wonder if I can use the fullbringer with Himeko, I have a pretty strong emotional connection with [Judgement of Shamash] since it was my first contact with the multiverse.

And lastly

A lightsaber?!

Taking it out of my system storage, I quickly held it in my hand.

The cold steel handle sinked into my palm, I do t I ow why but it felt just right. The sensation in my hand was something indescribable even though it's a piece of metal.

I quickly flipped the switch


A red beam emerged from its crevice.

"Heheheh" an unimaginable amount of happiness started to fill me, I myself am a very big star wars fan so having something as legendary as a lightsaber is very exiting.

I played around with it a bit more before putting it away and going to sleep since I didn't whant to burn down my apartment or send it down to the earths core by accident like in that rick and Morty episode.


[Hero basic training, class 1-A]

It's the second day of school and right now should be the time we're almighty comes out and makes us fight in 2v2.

I have to say that I'm quite exited for this as I hope I get to be a villain. Yesterday's draws had given a me a great idea in the case I do so fingers crossed.

As me and Izuku kept chatting a out hero stuff, All might barged in like he always does and exclaimed.

"I AM HERE!!!"

Everyone in the class like looked at him with shining eyes, while Izuku looked at him like as if he was in some sort of trance... Bro stop blushing.

I myself was neutral since I respect the guy and his work but I can't stop thinking how stupidly tight his suit is.

"Welcome to hero training or should it be also called hero-ing 101. And for today's lesson we won't be pulling any punches" All might exclamation med while flexing his muscles

... Hm I guess he's kinda cool.

"But of course besides hero work, you need toooo... Look cool!" As he said those words, a few parts of the wal started sticking out, revealing a bunch of suitcases that should have put hero costumes.

'wait, I never ordered mine!' I was already signed up to the school by the system so I never had a chance to make my costume design or order it.

[Don't worry host, I had already created a hero costume for you based on what the Internet said was cool in your world]

Well that's not reassuring.


[U.A. training grounds]

As we all came out of one of the entrances, we were all greeted by the sight of the great artificial city made by U.A. high.

"Woah man, that costume looks tuff" said Kirishiman as he started circling around me, inspecting every part of my costume.

"Yeah, it looks cool" said Izuku as he saw my costume.

Yup I do have to say it looks cool but why did it have to be this of all things!.

The full omega skin with orange lights from fortnight.

I use to love the game but the sweats ruined it for me, if I ever did play them it would have been no build mode.

But like I said, it looks good since it matches up with the kind of aesthetics I like.

"I like yours to Izuku, reminds me a little of somebody" I said as I saw him and Allmight flinch. I chukled inside and kept walking.

As we kept following Allmight, my eyes fell on ochakos costume.

'woah it really is skin tight, the anime doesn't do her figure justice' I thought to myself

"Alright then newbies followed me"said almighty as he lead us to a room full of cameras that showed the whole city.

All might explained that we were going to do 2v2, villains vs heros.

The villains were going to defend a fake nuclear bomb inside the building while the heros went inside in attempt to find it. For the heros, they either had to apprehend all the villains or touch the bomb and for the villains, they just needed to keep them busy for a certain time or take down all the heros.

All might pulled out box Wich we would use to randomly chose partners.

As every one pulled out a ball, I found out that my partner was-


A/N: Just want to clarify that Eric is really weak for a hersher and that is to be expected since he didnt turn into a full one, yes he did get a huge stat boost and powers. But he will need to get stronger by leveling up and increasing his controll over his own powers. I also tough it would be cool to bring the fullbring powers from bleach into this fanfic, I always felt like they were underated by others when the concept was really cool in my opinion.

WC: 4390