
Multiverse Chronicles (OPM)

Roy is your ordinary corporate slave, grindin' with no pay for overtime, then suddenly, as he passes through the walmart door, he's whisked away to a strange yet familiar world, filled with the duality of extreme good and evil. Can Roy survive in a world where disaster strikes every day? Nobody knows. An endless journey in the boundless ocean to discover the awaited and meaningful end of a journey. That's... The Multiverse Chronicles --- 1. One Punch Man - On Going 2. Campione - Waiting

KangTL · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

7 Jigoku no Fubuki


The name sounded familiar.

It felt like he should know this person.

But when he trying hard to remember would only yield very vague, unclear memories.

"I'm no stranger to this state."

Not long ago, when he had just come to this world, the system had imparted this kind of awareness to him when he gained supernatural ability. When he checked himself, he encountered a situation like this.

"So, this person must be someone I have interpersonal relationships with in this world?"

After come to this world, he received four types of support from the system.

Firstly, the supernatural ability he named the Dark Matter.

Secondly, what appeared to be a mental ability named Hyper Intuition by Roy. It allowed him to strongly perceive danger and react. There seemed to be other abilities, but Roy was not clear about them.

Thirdly, the universal language of this world. It was of average proficiency, not as good as a high-achieving student specializing in it, but it covered language and vocabulary used in daily life, production, and other aspects.

Fourthly, what Roy called the Identification Card, different from the other three types of special support.

In short, it granted him legal status in this world.

However, it wasn't something that came out of nowhere. A traceable life would inevitably have at least one observer.

In a way, it was similar to his parallel world self.

But Roy was unique. Therefore, it could also be considered as a special ability called Parallel World Resource Sharing. Entering this world was like directly logging into his account in this world.

"However, travel to parallel worlds isn't an active skill. Even the setting of my identity isn't active."

Otherwise, he could attain the maximum level of influence.

For example, he could be a wealthy tycoon, a super aristocratic family that ruled the world, or even a noble of a country.

The difficulty level of life would directly become very easy.

"But to have related characters only appear a month later? Seems a bit random." Roy complained. "Could it be that I'm a template for a protagonist in those miserable stories where nobody cares, everybody hates, and the whole family rejects and despises?"

Fortunately, the household registration system of this world wasn't strict.

Because there was only one country and one supercontinent in this world, there wasn't much concept of ethnicity or nationality. Although it was divided into 26 major cities, everyone had close interactions with each other, and there wasn't a strong sense of territory.

So, even if Roy didn't have a driver's license or any other documents to prove his identity, nor could he provide a job, address, or seal, he wouldn't be considered a illegal immigrant.

A Demon-level monster.

Originally a Keyboard Warrior Monster, now transformed into a powerful Large CPU Fan Monster.

They were probably all part of the computer, so there was some connection, right?

"Or does it mean this blower can no longer be described with water but with a hurricane?"

It's not very clear.

Actually, Roy didn't pay much attention to this monster. What he was more interested in was Fubuki mentioned by the B-level heroes.

"Oh, oh, oh! Fubuki-sama is here! Now we're safe! That's the noble superpower, the first B-level - Jigoku no Fubuki!"

Amidst the frenzied and excited shouting, Roy looked in the direction and saw a mature-looking beauty of about 20 years old walking confidently with a confident smile.

She had almost black, dark green shoulder-length hair.

She wore a white, quite luxurious coat.

Underneath the coat, a tight-fitting black one-piece dress outlined her alluring, hot, perfect figure.

She also wore jewelry on her neck.

She emitted visible dark green psychic energy as she walked in high-heeled boots. "Alright, you can all step aside now, no need to get in the way here. If it's just for today, you can go back a bit earlier. The rest can be left to me."

Oh? Another esper?

"I remember there's also a esper known as the Tornado of Terror from the Hero Association, right? I recall she's the second S-rank. What's the relationship between these two?"

"Fubuki-sama is about to start the fight!"


"Hey! Stop lying down all the time! Get up and cheer loudly for Fubuki-sama!"

"Fubuki-sama is invincible! Fubuki-sama will win for sure!"

The B-level heroes lying on the ground in all directions showed happy expressions as they enthusiastically cheered for Fubuki.

"Is it indeed the most classic supernatural ability... telekinesis?"

The ability to convert one's thoughts into external kinetic energy, usable for moving objects.

Although the explanation is simple, in practice, it's an all-purpose ability. It can be used for flight, movement, lifting objects, deploying protective shields for defense, perception, and more.

"But... her output probably can't match the wind power of this monster, right?"

"Take this! Hell Storm!!"

Countless small stones were moved by Fubuki's telekinetic power, shooting towards the monster at speeds comparable to bullets.

And the monster's fan also started up.

It was an extremely violent and wide-ranging gust of wind that forcefully blew back Fubuki's big move.

Whoosh... Whoosh... Whoosh....

"Ah!" Fubuki's eyes widened as she was blown away, even her clothes torn to shreds by the stones. However, miraculously, three sensitive areas remained intact. Was this the power of divine protection?

"Let's consider her someone I know... although I'm still not sure what our relationship is, in any case, I can't just stand by and watch."

Roy got up and jumped behind Fubuki, catching her.

Expecting to be slammed into the wall, Fubuki felt herself falling into a warm embrace instead. She hesitantly opened her eyes, and the sight of the rather exquisite handsome face in front of her left her stunned.

"You, you're... Roy?! My sister and I have been looking for you for over a month. Why are you here, Roy! No, no! Now's not the time for that!" Fubuki stood up, pushing Roy away. "The priority now is to get out of here quickly. It's too dangerous here."

Shoo... Shoo... Shoo!

Seeing the two people behaving intimately, the CPU Fan Monster couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed and launched a second attack.

"Not good!" Fubuki hurriedly hugged Roy, trying to shield him from the attack with her body.

Her protective instincts are showing up at a time like this. Family? Older? Sister?

Physically, her sister might be younger than Fubuki. But in terms of actual age, the two were probably similar. Calling someone of the same age a sister could be a play on shame.

"You're holding too tight, let go of me a bit."

Roy pressed down on Fubuki's head, trying to push her away.

But Fubuki yelled, "Now's not the time for rebellion!", and the strength of her arms around Roy's waist didn't weaken at all.

There was nothing he could do.

He unfolded the Nanoswarm to block the wind.

Then, with a snap of his fingers, the edge of his coat swayed like liquid, then split apart like threads, finally forming four semi-circular high-heat laser emitters.

"Roy...?" Fubuki stared blankly at Roy.

Actually, not just Fubuki, but all the members of the Blizzard group present were looking at this somewhat unbelievable scene.

Roy didn't show any special expression or explanation.

He just waved his hand, and the four high-heat laser emitters concentrated and fired high-heat laser beams at the monster, slicing off the fan blades used to generate strong winds. Then, the four arc-shaped devices decomposed and recombined into a suspended cannon. After a few seconds of charging, a charged laser cannon directly obliterated the monster on the spot.