
Multiverse Casanova

Come and get your daily dose of Guilty Pleasure. No story here only smut. Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Warning: Only for cultured men! Boys can suck a lollipop! Thats all!

Guilty_I_Am · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Kicked Out

While travelling through the space, I was trying to understand the space element. I have been using teleport for quite some time, so I believed this understanding the laws of this element might be the easiest for me.

And after fusing with two Origin Wisps, my brain has evolved till the peak, the comprehension level has already surpassing every being.

Maybe I should ask Yun'er about elements since she has monstrous control over a lot of them, even overpowered ones.

I could buy an element from system and I did buy time element but I was having trouble understanding it since I didn't know the basics.

When I was in Ancient Godly Monarch world, I tried to operate time element at a large scale as an experiment but nothing happened. Let's just hope I didn't fuck anything up.


While I was thinking, my hands subconsciously entered Yue'er robes and grabbed her bountiful bosom.

This calms me down.

So we covered the distance to Primal Chaos while I heard occasional moans on the way.



He Ling as usual was plucking some exotic flowers in the Forbidden Land of Samsara on the orders of Shen Xi when she felt a presence behind her.

She looked back to find an expanding black hole and two people exiting out of it. It was a man with white hair and a veiled woman with raven black hair.

The moment her eyes laid on the man, her heart shook. A feeling of extreme pleasure coursed through her body before she instantly shifted her eyes away from him. 'He is dangerous. Who's he?'

She didn't look at him any longer and looked towards the woman. It was then she remembered her lady words, 'if a man with white hair and perverted aura come here, inform me.'

'I want to follow lady's order, but what if he does something lady? She is not someone who should be profaned by this bastard... even though he is very handsome and manly looking.'


Hmm? Now that I remember l didn't see He Ling last time. By the way, I am saying she is He Ling because of her green hair and pure aura she is emitting. Wood Race was also said to be the purest race in Primal Chaos.

It might me little fun to tease her. The moment she looked at me, I released a little bit of my Lineage Power.

Ooh! Look at her shivering. This is kinda fun.

"Ouch!" I looked at my side to see Yun'er with a kind smile which didn't match her actions as she was ruthlessly twisting my sides right now.

What is this? Why am I suddenly getting 'ufufufu' onee-san type vibe from her?

"That should be enough."

"Humph!" I snorted.

Suddenly I heard He Ling say, "umm... who are you guys?"

Before I replied, Wife Yun stepped forward. "Is a girl name Shen Xi here?" I could feel the amount of love her voice contained when she spoke.

I already told her about Shen Xi being my wife and she didn't had any problems. Even if she did, I made it impossible for her to voice it out because at that time she was too busy recovering from multiple orgasms.

Well played past me, if I say so myself.

"Yes lady is here, but..." He Ling peeked towards me with caution. Hey, hey I am not a dangerous person.

"He Ling. It's alright." A soft voice filled with nobility entered our ears. Who could it be other than Shen Xi.

"You are finally here, I thought you will throw your husband out." I said jokingly, expecting a warm and lovely embrace.

But I saw her stopping ahead of He Ling. Her face neutral as she coldly looked at me and Feng Yun one by one.

Wait! Why does it feel like something is wrong. I mean I expected her to be little angry but she is obviously really angry.

Wasn't she completely indifferent to Yun Che having multiple wives so why this sudden change?

Since I only stayed with her for one day, did I made a mistake judging her personality?

Whatever it is, as the man of the family, I have to sort it out.


"Get out." Shen Xi said coldly.

"Leave us alone for some time." Feng Yun joined in.

I looked at Feng Yun and Shen Xi back and forth.

Am I being kicked out?

(A/N: Did someone said drama??)