
Chapter 146: The Crooked Man

Decades past, in the hushed seclusion of an ancient monastery, a tragedy unfolded when a young nun took her own life. As time marched on, the monastery became the dwelling of a sinister presence. The deceased Sister, her spirit corrupted and intertwined with a demonic entity known as Valak, once imprisoned within the infernal confines of the monastery's gates, now wielded the power to invade the living, bringing forth malevolence of untold magnitude.

The monastery's once sacred grounds were tainted as the weakening seal on the gates of hell permitted the resurgence of Valak into the realm of mortals. The demon, insidious and relentless, began its dark work, twisting the minds and souls of the nuns who resided there. Amidst this growing shadow, a novice nun, Irene, and a priest, Father Burke, took upon themselves the perilous quest to unravel the mystery behind the nun's untimely demise and to thwart the demon Valak's malevolent ambitions.

Their journey was fraught with peril, a testament to their unwavering resolve. They braved the unknown, confronting the very essence of evil, in their relentless pursuit to restore the seal and banish Valak back to the abyss.

Years waned, and the seal's strength faltered once more. Valak, ever cunning and voracious for power, found a new vessel in the home of Peggy Hodgson. It was there that the demon ensnared the innocent Janet, Peggy's young daughter, with the vile intent of claiming her soul for a grander, nefarious scheme.

Jon, a man familiar with the lore and the original cinematic portrayal of these events, found himself entwined in the ongoing saga. He conversed with Bill, an elderly man who had intimate knowledge of the spectral nun's history.


"What is this 'it' you speak of, and how can I capture it?" Jon inquired, his voice steady yet tinged with the gravity of their situation.

Bill, his voice a whisper of dread, responded, "Besides fearing you, it dreads one thing above all else—its name..."

In that instant, a chilling symphony of creaks echoed through the room, a sinister harbinger of the darkness that was to come.



The very air seemed to shudder as the lights succumbed to an unseen force, plunging the room into an abyss of shadows. Jon's instincts flared to life; he rose swiftly, a sentinel in the encroaching gloom.

Then, as abruptly as they had extinguished, the lights flickered back to life, revealing Janet and Margaret, their expressions etched with sheer terror.

"What happened?" Janet's voice quivered, her eyes wide with confusion. She had been adrift in slumber, oblivious to the malevolent dance that had just played out around her.

Margaret, propelled by a sister's instinct, rushed to Janet's side and wrapped her in a protective embrace. The room, however, was not content to remain in the light. Darkness descended once again, but this time it was different. It was not the complete absence of light that had startled them before; a faint, eerie glow lingered, betraying the presence of something unnatural.

Jon's mind raced, piecing together the puzzle. The first blackout was too total, too unnatural, especially given the daylight that should have filtered through the curtains. The spectral nun, it seemed, was weaving her influence over the very light itself.

The silence that followed was broken only by the soft, fearful whispers of the children. Jon's eyes swept the room, vigilant for any sign of movement, any hint of the sinister force at play.

"Wait... wait a minute... you all... listen?!" The urgency in young Billy's voice cut through the tension, and a hush fell upon the room.

Jon's ears tuned to the sound that emerged from the stillness—a voice, distant and distorted, as if carried on a breeze from another realm.

"There once was a crooked man!"

"Who walked a crooked mile…"

"He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile…"

"He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse…"

"And they all lived together in a little crooked house..."

The nursery rhyme, innocent in another context, now seemed to be a macabre serenade, echoing from the second floor and weaving through the air like a chilling mist.

"It's... The Crooked Man!" Billy's voice trembled, his face a mask of dread.

Jon's resolve hardened. "I'm going to take a look upstairs," he announced, his tone leaving no room for debate.

"But just in case…" His voice trailed off as he summoned a vision of fiery protection.

With a flourish of his hand, a magnificent phoenix materialized, its flames casting a warm, reassuring glow. The creature, a sentinel of fire and feather, hovered with a majestic grace.

"If anything goes wrong, I'll have it protect you," Jon assured them, his gaze locked with the phoenix's, a silent pact between guardian and ward.

Jon ascended the staircase, his footsteps a steady rhythm in the tense silence that followed his departure. The family, huddled together in the room below, watched him disappear into the shadows that veiled the upper floor.

Guided by the haunting melody of the nursery rhyme, Jon reached the second floor. The source of the voice was soon revealed—a small tent, a makeshift sanctuary of childhood innocence where the children often engaged in indoor camping, a cherished pastime.

Within the tent's confines, Jon's eyes were drawn to a glowing toy box, its turntable spinning with mechanical precision, the source of the eerie rendition of "The Crooked Man."

"There once was a crooked man, who walked a crooked mile..."

As the final notes of the rhyme faded, the toy box's light extinguished, plunging the tent into darkness. A rustling sound captured Jon's attention, and he lifted his gaze to meet a visage of pure terror.

Before him stood The Crooked Man, a grotesque figure donning a red hat that obscured part of its twisted face, its gaping maw a silent scream of horror.

Jon's recognition was instantaneous; this was no mere ghostly apparition but another malevolent entity, distinct from the spectral nun yet equally malignant.

With a roar that shook the very air, Jon retreated from the tent, his mind racing with strategies for confrontation.

The tent was a void of darkness, and then, with a sinister grace, The Crooked Man rose, the fabric of the tent contorting around his towering form.

In a blink, the tent and the figure melded into the wall, leaving behind a jagged fissure that snaked across the wall, ceiling, and then ominously behind Jon.

A wardrobe stood in the adjacent room, the crack's terminus. As Jon turned, the wardrobe doors burst open, revealing The Crooked Man in his full, nightmarish glory. Clad in a red suit, topped with a round hat, his skeletal frame loomed nearly three meters tall. In one hand, a toy-like cane; in the other, a gleaming knife.

The Crooked Man lunged, cane arcing towards Jon's head. With a swift motion, Jon summoned a chain into his grasp, parrying the blow with a resounding clang.

Undeterred, The Crooked Man thrust the knife forward, but Jon, with agile reflexes, sidestepped and wielded his telekinetic prowess to manipulate the chain.

In a flurry of motion, The Crooked Man was ensnared, the chain's links binding him against the wall with unyielding force.

"Who... who are you?!" The Crooked Man's voice was a mix of fury and disbelief, his supernatural might challenged by this seemingly mortal adversary.


(A/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my Patreon to see +20 chapters ahead.



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