
Multiverse's Ghost Rider

[A Multiverse Ghost Rider Fanfiction] ---------------------------------------- Jon Vinson, a towering figure with a pallor that contrasted starkly against his raven-black hair, was a mere 22 years old when he found himself on the verge of death on a train. In an unexpected twist of fate, he became the latest incarnation of the Ghost Rider, awakening the Penalty System within his mind. From that moment on, he will be committed to a path of retribution, meting out justice to the wicked across the multiverse of Hollywood's cinematic creations. His primary domain is the Marvel Universe, but his journey would extend to other cinematic universes, including: 1. Harry Potter. 2. Marvel: The Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. 3. Men in Black. 4. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 5. American Horror Stories 6. The Boys. 7. ....... --------------------------------------------------------------- Expect 2 chapters a day, 14 chapters a week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own pretty much anything in this Fanfic, nor the cover photo I put here. ------------------------------------------------- PATREON LINK: patreon.com/TheMightyZeus ------------------------------------------------- Feel free to share your thoughts, theories, and fan art here. Let's come together and delve deeper into the captivating world of our Multiverse's Ghost Rider. Enjoy your time on the Discord page! https://discord.gg/BK8zdjeT

TheMightyZeus · Movies
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182 Chs

Chapter 107: The Butterfly Mansion

Jon, a newcomer to this world, found himself at odds with the ethos that Kanae embodied. Where she was a gentle breeze, he was a raging storm. Gyomei Himejima, the Stone Hashira, had once described Kanae as "excessively gentle," a trait that Jon found both admirable and unfathomable.

"Jon-san, we need to understand the situation on the mountain. Could you explain it to us?" she asked, her voice a gentle whisper yet carrying an undercurrent of steel. Then, Kanae hesitated, "But it might take some time," she began, his voice a low rumble, "but if you don't mind, you could visit the Butterfly Mansion. We have plenty of delicious food to offer you~"

"By the way, Kanroji has been talking about you. She said I should learn from you, to slay demons cleanly and efficiently. If you don't mind, we would like to learn some of your demon-slaying techniques."


Jon felt a twinge of discomfort. Clean and efficient were not words he would use to describe his methods. His way of dealing with demons was brutal, a reflection of the inner turmoil that raged within him. He relished in their fear, believing that the souls of the wicked were somehow more satisfying after being marinated in terror.

"My demon-slaying techniques... I'm afraid they're not something others can learn," Jon replied, his voice tinged with the disapproval that he showed.

After all, aside from the magic he learned in the Harry Potter world, there was nothing else he could teach. And there was no need to, because once he killed Muzan Kibutsuji, the Demon Slayer Corps would be disbanded anyway.

"But I don't mind visiting your place," Jon said, scratching his head and smiling. It was a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, a testament to the restless nights that had become his norm.

"Really~? That's great!" Kanae's voice was like a melody.

Jon then briefly explained the situation on the mountain to Kanae.


"So, the demons on the mountain have been dealt with," Kanae began, her voice steady despite the fatigue that clung to her like a second skin. "But there are many ordinary people who have been poisoned by the demons and need proper treatment."

Her comrades nodded in agreement, their faces etched with the resolve that had carried them through countless battles. They were warriors, yes, but also, healers.

"When it comes to demon poison, we will try to do our best." Kanae declared, her determination infectious. The group murmured their assent, ready to face this new challenge with the same courage they had shown in combat.

It was then that Kanae's sharp eyes caught a glimpse of Jon's pallor, the unnatural sheen of sweat on his brow. His stance was unsteady, a stark contrast to the formidable presence he had been on the battlefield.

"Jon-san, are you okay?!" Kanae asked, her concern cutting through the air like a blade.

Jon attempted to nod, but the motion sent a wave of dizziness crashing over him. He looked up at Kanae, his vision blurring at the edges. 'Wait, why am I looking up?!'

"What's happening to me?!" Jon managed to say, his voice strained.

"Hold on!" she replied, her tone gentle, a soothing balm to his growing disorientation.

"Egh... Kanae-san, have you been crouching this whole time?" Jon's voice was tinged with confusion, his mind struggling to make sense of his altered perspective.

Kanae's brow furrowed in bewilderment. "I'm sorry, what did mean?!"

"I feel like you... are very tall! And why... are my clothes oversized?!" Jon's words were slurred, his consciousness ebbing like the tide.

"Jon-san!" Kanae's voice was laced with urgency now, her healer's instincts kicking in as she stepped closer to inspect him.

Jon felt a numbness creeping through his limbs, a heaviness settling in his head like lead. His knees buckled, and the world began to spin.

As darkness encroached upon his vision, Jon's mind raced back to the battle with the Spider Brother. He remembered the spider demon's fangs sinking into his flesh, the venom coursing through his veins. In that moment, he had been vulnerable, human, not the indomitable Spirit of Vengeance he could transform into.

The spirit of vengeance within him was a shield against death, but it was indifferent to the subtler poisons of the demons. It did not see the mutation as a threat, not like a fatal wound. If Jon had been bitten by the same spider that had given Spider-Man his powers, he might have gained similar abilities or become a monstrous version of the hero. But as long as his life wasn't in immediate danger, the Spirit of Vengeance remained dormant.

The spirit of vengeance was a judge, not a guardian. It sought a vessel for its mission, uncaring for the vessel's wellbeing unless it affected its purpose. It was not like Venom, which formed emotional bonds with its host. Jon was merely a means to an end.

And now, because of the Spider Demon's poison, Jon had shrunk. His clothes hung off his diminishing frame, a comical sight if the situation weren't so dire.

"Jon-san!" Kanae's voice was a distant echo as she caught him in her arms. She quickly assessed the situation, her fingers finding the swollen bite mark on the back of his neck.

"He's been poisoned by a demon. Quickly, bring a stretcher and take him back to the Butterfly Mansion for treatment!" Kanae barked orders, her voice carrying the weight of command.


Jon's consciousness fluttered back like a candle in the wind, and he found himself enveloped in the sterile white of a room that seemed too spacious to be a mere recovery chamber. The blanket that draped over him was a soft cocoon of warmth, and the sheets beneath whispered comfort against his skin. His attire had been replaced with a robe of the same pristine white, a stark contrast to the grime of battle he last remembered.

The door creaked open, heralding the entrance of a young girl, her steps measured and silent as a shadow. She was a portrait of youth, yet her eyes held a depth that belied her years. Twin ponytails framed her face, each adorned with a blue butterfly hairpin that seemed to flutter with life.

"Awake, are you?" she inquired, her voice a blend of nonchalance and a subtle note of something else—perhaps curiosity. Her gaze didn't waver, as if the sight of a stranger rising from the brink of death was an everyday occurrence.

"Kanae-sama predicted the hour of your recovery," she stated matter-of-factly, setting a bowl of medicine before Jon with a grace that seemed almost rehearsed.

"Your first trial upon this revival: the bitter draught," she commanded, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips.

Jon's face contorted as the medicine's taste assaulted his senses, but with a resolve born from countless battles, he pinched his nose and vanquished the concoction in one determined gulp.

Handing back the empty vessel, he ventured, "Might I inquire as to my current whereabouts?"

"This is the Butterfly Mansion, a sanctuary for those who dance with death and live to tell the tale. Kanae-sama's will brought you to our doorstep," she introduced herself with a bow that held a touch of formality. "I am Aoi Kanzaki, a humble attendant to the wounded."

"And my attire?" Jon's voice held a tinge of embarrassment.

Aoi's expression morphed, a flicker of distaste crossing her features as she recalled the task. "Your garments," she began, her tone laced with a mix of reproach and pride, "were a challenge unto themselves. Tell me, when last did they kiss the embrace of water and soap? Despite my efforts, the stains clung with a warrior's tenacity."

Jon's hand found its way to the nape of his neck, a sheepish scratch accompanying his chagrin. "Forgive my oversight... I've been preoccupied with matters of survival rather than cleanliness. Your efforts are a kindness I can scarcely repay."

A blush, unbidden and rare, crept upon Aoi's cheeks—a bloom of color that seemed out of place in the monochrome room. She collected the bowl, her movements suddenly brisk, as if the air had grown too thick with sentiment.

"Think nothing of it," she dismissed with a flutter of her hand, the butterfly pins catching the light as if in agreement. "To heal, to cleanse, to mend—these are the vows I've taken. Your gratitude, though unnecessary, is accepted."

With that, Aoi Kanzaki, the young healer with eyes as deep as the ocean, exited the room, leaving Jon to ponder the enigma of the Butterfly Mansion and the tasks that awaited beyond its walls.


(A/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my Patreon to see +20 chapters ahead.



(A/N: The new world after Demon Slayer will be American Horror Stories!)