
Multiversal Selection 2 My Hero Academia Inazuma

this is the second book of the series i am writing. Its production was started a bit earlier the divine being has decided to add another universe to fast forward the building of his core universe. this time he has chosen My Hero Academia universe and a new person to be reborn in the universe. find out what happens to him when the god decides to gift him with a power similar to his name

Nayan_Karthik_K_V · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 Another beginning

 The almighty being tasked with the creation of a new reality gazed upon his creation. The central universe that will play a part as his core in his future power growing at a pace that can be said to be slow in the eyes of a newborn being who can manipulate reality but for the universe itself is moving at a pace that can be said to be very fast when considering the natural speed of the universe.

 The being who had decided to identify himself with the moniker Jason a name adopted by him in his past life in a universe that vanished with the willful passing of the entity that created it and selected Jason as the sole successor of that multiversal reality tasked to carry on in his place as the new divine being.


 Jason looked at his universe with a dull expression, seeing the progress in its creation being improved had brought him solace but he still found the speed of creation tedious.


"hey Minerva how much has my universe been progressing"


[according to my calculations sir adding the fairy tail universe as a sub universe has strengthened the element of magic in your universe . the strength has increased enough for it to be a building block for the living beings of your universe thereby resulting your universe to have fantasical elements]


" hmm alright, by the way Minerva was the universe I lived in before the main universe of the divine being before me"


[no, the main universe can be considered as the soul of the divine being itself. The being will be able to manipulate it after its creation but won't be able to retain anything in it after seizing to exist]

` "hmm so I must have been born on the universe created after creating the main universe"


Jason took a deep breath, because of having a lifespan that did not have numerical terms to be defined it won't be long before he loses his will to live especially if he had the omniscient ability every divine being is born with


Jason looked next to him and saw the glowing sentience he had named Minerva. Minerva was the subconscious creation made by him just as he was born.

If Minerva was not made as the embodiment of his omniscient abilities, he was sure he would have gone mad and because of the factor of mystery of the future is what saves his original ego from being destroyed after all these years.


"hey Minerva, Karna is doing a good job in his universe right"


[yes, Karna's development although had a lot of support from you in the beginning, the rate of his current development has surpassed your earlier calculations]


"so should we add another"



"hey stop giving me that look"


[sir, I do not have any expressions]


"we have been together for millions of years, don't you think I would be able to know what you are thinking and just now you just paused"


[no sir]


"did you pause because you thought I was an idiot right"


[not at all sir]




[yes sir not at all, I was not at all worried that same as last time just because you felt like it you wanted to isekai a sixteen year old orphaned kid by making him die because of a truck falling from the sky]


Jason was not able to think about any retorts to that because he knew what kind of being was talking with him right now. No matter whatever he says the conversation will end with him having more and more emotional damage

"alright fine I give up"




Jason felt non existent veins pop up in his head. But he still controlled it because he knew there is no use of being angry because again he would lose in the end.


"alright can we get the next world please"


[yes sir , what are your parameters]


"lets try MHA this time, seems a bit easier than the one Karna was in so we would not have to involve ourselves too much"


[that is for the best, sir would you like a child with similar parameters and death like last time as well, so that the child will have no respect for you as a divine being and treat you like treating a toddler]


"wait does Karna really treat me like a toddler"



[process started searching for MHA world]


"hey wait Minerva , don't you ignore me-"


[world found, trying to get permission from the divine being in charge of it]


[contact successful .... Permission acquired]


[channelling the universe towards the main universe, connecting to the main universe as a sub universe….connection complete]


"alright so lets find the kid and send him to that world before she comes here"


After saying that Jason looked around rapidly

"she's not here now right"


[don't worry sir she is right now busy with her own responsibilities]


"alright then , find a kid with the same parameters as Karna but this time find someone who has a natural death instead of death forced by us, how about that"


[most appropriate sir ,its nice to know that you are not repeating the earlier mistakes you made with Karna]


[finding the planet...…]


[individual found... processing time and nature of death]

[death at 15, way of death truck accident because of faulty signals]


[no family, no next of kin, introverted, had few friends]


[target soul acquired]


[asking permission from corresponding divine being]


[permission acquired ]


[all the best sir for your next warrior in another universe]


"I wonder how Karna will feel when he finds out that he is not alone, ah well lets meet the new kid"


A soul suddenly floated in front of Jason and formed into a teenager wearing a school uniform. The teenager was disoriented by the accident and the death that happened to him few moments ago. He didn't know where he was but he suddenly heard a voice


"welcome to the starting of your next life"


A/N- hope you like it and for new readers reading my book , you will understand the first chapter if you read my other book